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Pictures of Iran before 1979







Iranian Armed Forces have grown to be more professional and patriotic and Iranian people have grown to be more supportive and love their Nation even more, even after stringent sanctions progress and modernization have not stopped.

The Question is why Islamic Block or Islamic Nations ditch Iran after Islamic revolution and supported sanctions against Islamic Republic.
Iranian Armed Forces have grown to be more professional and patriotic and Iranian people have grown to be more supportive and love their Nation even more, even after stringent sanctions progress and modernization have not stopped.

The Question is why Islamic Block or Islamic Nations ditch Iran after Islamic revolution and supported sanctions against Islamic Republic.

Are you living in some delusion? Go into any chatroom where you can get in touch with common Iranis living in Iran and they will do nothing but curse the regime. The revolution was hijacked by some stooges no different that how it has been hijacked in Egypt and Libya by terrorist.
Having gone through these pictures i truly despise and abhor anything remotely Islamic. Thank you screwing up a perfectly good country you bigots !

Its a 180 degree turn around from my current stance.
Iran was nowhere near a democracy, but at least it was a modern country. Iran's armed forces was also pretty modern and well-equipped.

Now everythings f. up, it's socio-cultural structure, it's armed forces, the regime turned into a 3rd world country..

It's an oppressive police country now.
Shut ur biblical arse....retarded hating indian christian dick head.

Even cannibalism is a better option than the wares you peddle.

Can you be so blind as to be completely oblivious to the irreversible damage Islam did to a perfectly good country ?

Can't even take a sh!t without a mandate from "heaven".
Having gone through these pictures i truly despise and abhor anything remotely Islamic. Thank you screwing up a perfectly good country you bigots !

If anything, IR helped reinforce the idea that Iran's future is not with arabs/islam etc... but with the civilized world. My grandmother, a practicing muslim, always claims that Iran was more Islamic under the shah than under the current regime. It's obvious to anyone that comes to Iran that Iranians are living in this extremely obvious duality. Behind closed doors people openly criticize Islam, drink, party, have fun and live their lives (and for those that think this attitude only exists in the cities, they need to visit Iranian villages and see how they live a freer life then the city folk. I saw more alcohol consumption among the rural ppl than the city folks). In the public they put on their frowning faces and carry on their days as the statistical muslims that they are.

IR did more damage to Islam in Iran than any shah, king, sultan, vazir etc... EVER did.

There is a reason why in current Iran, it's a CRIME to leave Islam. There is a reason why hijab is mandatory. There is a reason why there is morality police. There is a reason why they have to control every second of every person's life. The reason is that they're 100 certain beyond any shred of doubt that Iranians wouldn't live the same life if we were allowed to do our own thing. It's like asking a fish to live on land, it's just not natural. By forcing us to do all this they made the young people hate Islam whereas back in Shah's time youngsters sort of lived their lives and made the conscious choice to either observe Islam or not. Many considered themselves muslims, but maybe not practicing. Today people are actually embarassed of their identity. That's gonna be the legacy of the Islamic Republic and I thank them for it.
Iran was nowhere near a democracy, but at least it was a modern country. Iran's armed forces was also pretty modern and well-equipped.

Now everythings f. up, it's socio-cultural structure, it's armed forces, the regime turned into a 3rd world country..

It's an oppressive police country now.

We often read about history of Iran and Iraq as great centers of science, research and learning. After the arrival of Islam these countries were quick to assume their position as leading learning centers for the world but as we progress into modern history, it appears there these countries were at their weakest with fractionalized power struggles and utter lack of modern education. Both, the shah of iran and Saddam hussien are credited with taking charge of zero percent literacy countries and turning them around with 100% literacy rate. Similarly, the Ottomans were great patrons of science and technology but as Islam took strong hold and center politics in former Ottoman empire, science and arts begin to be replaced with hardcore religious studies eventually leading to fragmentation of society and destruction of empire.

Reading European and Middle Eastern history it often seems that uncontrolled propagation of religion is often part of the problem to begin with contanary to what is taught otherwise.
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