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Pictures of Inside INS Vikramaditya

55. Another view of the bridge (slightly different angle). The chair that appears nearest is the Captains chair.

56. View from inside the Air traffic control tower

57. Passagway. You can see how roomy and spacious it is. Same with the crew cabin.

58. Another view of Mig 29K parked in hanger

Whats with the pink sofas?

Its probably Red. The camera flash might make appear different.
Great Pics. Thanks for uploading.

How many aircrafts/ helis can operate from her?
Its probably Red. The camera flash might make appear different.

There is a color shift because of the exposure settings which may be off the correct settings. Not flash.
The uplolstery looks different in other pictures, closer to a tomato red. Which may be correct tint.
Anyway, this kind of thing led to the creation of PhotoShop ! :-)
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