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Putrajaya Mosque




One of the world’s most modern mosques, the Putrajaya Mosque faces the beautiful Putrajaya Lake
and is considered as the most famous landmark in Putrajaya. A good example of how far the evolution
of Malaysian mosque design has gone, the Islamic architecture of the Putrajaya Mosque blends artistically indigenous craftsmanship and designs of traditional origin using material indigenous to the region.

Modeled from the Islamic architecture of Persia during the Safavid era, the mosque has also incorporated Muslim cultural elements into the design. The Putrajaya Mosque incorporates the architectural styles of Persia, Malaysia, and Arab-Islam resulting in the mosque’s main entrance resembling the Muslim Persian public structure gates.

The 116 meter minaret of the mosque was influenced by the Sheikh Omar Mosque’s design in Baghdad. Meanwhile, the mosque’s basement wall looks very much like the one in Casablanca, Morocco, the King Hassan Mosque. The mosque’s pinkish color is due to the rose tinted granite that was used to build it. The desert pink color complements the cengal woodwork on the windows, doors, and panels

The Prayer Hall is elegant and simple with twelve columns supporting the main dome which is thirty six meters in diameter. Khat (or Islamic calligraphy) decorates the niche that shows where to face Mecca or “mehrab”and the pulpit or “mimbar”. The landscape of the courtyard is so-designed with features to accommodate five thousand more people.
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