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Picture of the Day


Hate this kind of disrespecting acts.
How about this then. ??


A picture is worth a thousand words but that words are not always true. I reverse searched this picture and it came up with following info:

Scene: A flood affected area of Vadodara, Gujrat
Cast: Joint Commissioner of Police, K. Kumaraswamy, riding on the shoulders of a Constable to save his feet and trousers from Flood Water!!!
Source: The Indian Express, July 2, 2005.

Update : Harsh Says … “there is a report of correction to above from Indian Express of 15 July 2005. It says he was on work for last 17 hours at that time and is having a permanent injury in his leg from a bullet 10 years back”. Thanks Harsh for the update.


Svartifoss (Black Fall) is surrounded by the dark lava columns that gave rise to its name. The hexagonal columns were formed inside a lava flow that cooled extremely slowly, giving rise to crystallization. Skaftafell National Park, Iceland.


Carefully chosen light and dark stones mark the isolated grave of a herder who died between 5,000 and 3,000 years ago. As rainfall dwindled, the inhabitants of Libya's remote Fezzan region congregated around scattered oases.
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