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I'm so happy to read your comments, your ignorance about chinese make me so excited actually , so we chinese could make a progress in competely seceracy, learn and study every front of the world, chinese learn zen from bodhidharma, study Mahayana Buddhism from Silabhadra, now we steal the military technology from Russia
I have no problem admitting I am ignorant about the nature of this celebration. Care to enlighten me?

gambit, are you american? ur small mind couldnt compare with the USterritory.
gambit, are you american? ur small mind couldnt compare with the USterritory.

No; Brother, you are dealing with an old time south vietnamese with

a cold war era mind set, put his blame on Chinese for the vanished of

his beloved country instead of his new motherland USA.:cheers:

yeah , It's time to enjoy the 8days' holidays, I'm new in this forum , hi , please assist me . greeting from harbin.
Hu Jingtao "dancing with the people"

the chinese are celebrating for they have finally stand up against the western hegemonic powers(as spoken by mao zedong during opening ceremony of prc) that tried to oppress chinese people interests for their own selfish imperialistic gains!!!! is it clear!!! you american fed up propaganda bug!!!! do you have any inferior complexity due to your skin color in front of western preachings??? now try to stand up and help to rebuild oriental culture and glory!!!! this kind of stupid question from your incurable mindset should be ended...About the purpose of that celebration is to deter any strong western powers get involved in chinese proper development, just that simple answer could not satisfy you????? well , because you are one from the pack of gluttonic jackal desires to devour harvests made by other people,so you will never understand a diligent people vigilant hearted thinking!!!!
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what do US/Vietnam celebrate for on national day?troll
Irrelevant. But if it matter, for the US it is Independence Day and for Viet Nam it is Reunification. The names is explanatory enough. So what exactly is the communists celebrating? It is a fair question.
gambit, are you american? ur small mind couldnt compare with the USterritory.
Then educate me. You claim to be in China. Explain to my small mind what exactly is it that the communists are celebrating about and how does it symbolize the past greatness of China. What have China accomplished in comparison with Japan or Taiwan or South Korea, for example, that warrant a celebration? Calling those countries as 'US puppets' explains nothing about China and her accomplishments under communist rule.
No...I gauge China by what China accomplished, and that include the millions Chinese the communists killed within the last sixty years.

And we gauge the American's by the millions they killed all over the world in the past 60 years. China's people are china's problem, not yours. Dont try to act like the world police; get your frickin house in order first.

Never said it was. But the US is much better than much of the world's many hellholes.

Hellholes that you created; from Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Iran to the current fiasco in the Pakistan. You sow the seeds of destruction in a society and take advantage of that. Name one frickin place in the world where America is not spitted upon...?
And we gauge the American's by the millions they killed all over the world in the past 60 years. China's people are china's problem, not yours. Dont try to act like the world police; get your frickin house in order first.

Hellholes that you created; from Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Iran to the current fiasco in the Pakistan. You sow the seeds of destruction in a society and take advantage of that. Name one frickin place in the world where America is not spitted upon...?
Amazon.com: The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression (9780674076082): Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartosek, Jean-Louis Margolin, Dr. Mark Kramer, Jonathan Murphy, Stephane Courtois, J
Part IV Communism in Asia: Between Reeducation and Massacre

21 China: A Long March into Night

A Revolution Inseparable from Terror (1927-1946)

When in January 1928 the inhabitants of a Red Flag village saw a group approaching brandishing a scarlet flag, they rallied enthusiastically to one of the first Chinese "soviets," that of Hai-Lu-Feng, directed by P'eng P'ai. The Communists tailored their speeches to take account of local hatreds and used the coherence of their message to win the locals over to their own ends while allowing the new partisans to give full vent to their cruelest impulses. These few months in 1927-28 adumbrated the worst excesses of the Cultural Revolution and the Khmer Rouge forty and fifty years later. The movement had been prepared since 1922 by intense activity in Communist Party-led peasant unions, which had produced a strong polarization between "poor peasants" and "landowners," with the latter being constantly denounced. Although neither traditional conflicts nor social realities had accorded much importance to this division, the canceling of debts and the abolition of tenant farming ensured wide support for the new soviets. P'eng P'ai took advantage of it to establish a regime of "democratic terror": the whole people were invited to public trials of "counterrevolutionaries," who almost invariably were condemned to death. Everyone participated in the executions, shouting out "kill, kill" to the Red Guards whose task it was to cut victims into pieces. Sometimes the pieces were cooked and eaten, or forced-fed to members of the victim's family who were still alive and looking on. Everyone was then invited to a banquet, where the liver and heart of the former landowner were shared out, and to meetings where a speaker would address rows of severedd heads freshly skewered on stakes. This fascination for vengeful cannibalism, which later became common under the Pol Pot regime, echoes a very ancient East Asian archetype that appears often at cataclysmic moments of Chinese history. At a time of foreign invasions in 613, Emperor Yang of the Souei dynasty avenged himself on one rebel by pursuing even his most distant relation: "Those who were punished most severely were broken apart, and their heads were displayed on stakes, or they were dismembered and shot full of arrows. The emperor then ordered all the state dignitaries to eat the flesh of the victims piece by piece." The great writer Lu Xun, who was an admirer of Communism before it became imbued with nationalism and antiwestern sentiments, wrote that "Chinese people are cannibals." Less popular than these bloody orgies were the actions of the Red Guards in 1927 in the temples and against the Taoist monks. The faithful painted the idols red in an attempt to save them, and P'eng P'ai himself began to benefit from the first signs of deification. Fifty thousand people, including many peasants, fled the region during the four months of the soviet's reign.
There are no shortage of biographies from the time of the Cultural Revolution or the so-called Great Leap Forward that does not recall horrific instances and behavior that came to exemplify communism.
Some brothers with PRC flag please refrain from using abusive language. That doesn’t help. Instead, use your knowledge pool and reasoning ability. The Chinese should be no lacking of that, as some of you are proud of being, and presumably are hinting that they are, high IQ Chinese.

Mr. Gambit could be brainwashed. But who isn’t brainwashed in this world at a given time? If you are met in a bettle field now, I'm confident that you will each fight to death for what you believe.

Nonetheless, what differentiates the wise and the foolish, the mature and the childish, the open and the closed, is that the former never limit themselves to old and stagnant, and always embrace the new and the changing; while the latter get stuck in the past and obsolete, only.

It might well be that his family was lost to Vietnam Communists. If it is true, then it is natural that he’ll be envy and jealous of “communist” PRC today, and will of course be semi-blinded in viewing the parade.

For instance, there was a longer civil parade after the military one. Yet, he deems the celebration only a military parade.

For instance, he ignores the fact that, right before CPC took over China, Chinese life expectancy was about 35 years. Now, they enjoy about 73.

For instance, he doesn’t see Chinese literacy has improved from around 10% in old China to now about 91%, so that the Chinese are able to understand CPC and USA better, past and now, and are able to criticize CPC and US imperialism, and are able to study and reflect on the famines that he mentioned, and to question some publications sponsored by similar set of lying losers lost to the Communists. (BTW, I read excerpts of that famine book as well as its critiques from various sources.)

For instance, he never cares to spend time to study what is infant mortality at birth between the old and new China. He never cares to study the yields of food plants between then and now…


What to celebrate? These are parts of what the Chinese are celebrating for the day, and not just CPC is celebrating! Surely enough, it is most unlikely to get these from western media. If any, it mostly will abashedly be “by the way”.

Obviously, he's not interested in these achievements, but focuses only on famines and killings.

Brothers, there is no hatred for no reason and there is no love for no reason.

In history, PRC has its fair share of atrocity and injustice; USA also has its fair share of atrocity and injustice. On the other side, both countries also contribute to the advance of world humanity considerably. No sane people will/should be blind to one and not the other. We should look for the trend.
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In history, PRC has its fair share of atrocity and injustice; USA also has its fair share of atrocity and injustice. On the other side, both countries also contribute to the advance of world humanity considerably. No sane people will/should be blind to one and not the other. We should look for the trend.
Wrong...China? Perhaps. But the PRC...Debatable at best. China for sixty years under the PRC produced nothing that contributed to the advancement of humanity.
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