Pakistan has 1679 police stations as of 2017*
This figure does not include stations around Gawadar area not does it include Police Chowki's. What is the difference between a Police Chowki and a Police Station?
Police Chowki's are administrative police posts designed where a police station may cover a large area as part of it's jurisdiction, as such the area will have a police station with two to three Chowki's to assist with better policing. A Chowki will usually have a SI (Sub Inspector) as in-charge, a police station will have a SHO (Station House Officer) as in charge who holds the rank of Inspector.
I have attached a full list of police stations and chowki's in Pakistan for your interest. I hope this answers your question.
Why, what merit is there to be modeled on the FBI, please can you expand on why you feel the FIA needs to mirror the FBI? What elements of the FBI should the FIA consider mirroring? Where does it need to improve? Are you talking about structure or 'aesthetics'?