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Photos emerge of US soldiers posing with maimed bodies of dead Afghan insur

What next? perhaps beheading videos! It's part of war...Show me an army that never posed with enemy bodies...part of fighting is to de-humanize the enemy and hate them...suprise!

Ironically enough you end up de-humanizing yourself when you do such things. Though I can see how some backwards people can think that.
Sorry it's off topic but I can't seem to start a new thread in the U.S. defence folder. I'm a U.S. Marine vet from Afghanistan and I have a thread I want to start that is related to the U.S. servicemember's view of the Afghans. When I try it says I don't have the permission. Thanks

I don't understand why the pakistanis are torqued about it----. Why don't you resolve your own issues first----and let the afghan suicide bombers deal with their own problems. It has nothing to do with you per say--- ( chor nalun pandh kahli )---.

It is war and in wars---sh-it happens---and this thing is not bad----those suicide bombers were already dead---so these guys were celebrating their lives---they made it thru anothetr day---.

If any of my friends and family were the vicitms of these suicide bombers---I bet you---these dead bodies would be wrapped up in p-ig skin and roasted on fire and burnt to charcoal and the video distributed amongst the taliban----.

It is very easy to stop suicide bombings---bury them in *****---5--10---50---100 of them and post the pictures in public----.

You pakistanis want caliphate----you want a caliph---you have no clue what a muslim caliph would have done to stop the suicide bombings---.

He would have hung all the members of the suicide bombers family---he would hungall the people of the village from where the suicide bomber came from---children and women would be executed---residences raised to the ground----crops burnt----properties destroyed----.

He would have hung all the civilians in the villages wgere the suicide bombers trained in and destroyed that place as well---.

Anybody justifying suicide bombing would be executed and buried in *****---. There would be no prayer for the dead suicide bomber---anybody offering prayer for the suicide bomber would also recieve the similiar fate as the family---.

The muslim caliphs were ruthless in suppressing these fanatical ideoligies----I guess we need some right now---.
what's wrong in it ? These scums behead people,blow them up to kill innocent people and release videos.
I tried to stay way from this thread but I simply can't

This b@stard inbred race is only capable of such acts

Upholders of justice and peace huh?

The constant attacks on our religion, the constant massacres of our people and this swine faced race still barks.

I don't want to get banned so I'll end this post now and go PISS on the graves of these dead swine "veterans."
Mods: If Sher Ali to be banned than more then him, MK deserves it bcz of his seniority and intellect he is so claimant of every now and than,
I respect his opinion but responsibility lies more on him, he should ignore the tirade which in fact not a direct reply to his post but instead he went more provocative.

I report MK posts on an Insult to Pakistani Nation.
Mods: If Sher Ali to be banned than more then him, MK deserves it bcz of his seniority and intellect he is so claimant of every now and than,
I respect his opinion but responsibility lies more on him, he should ignore the tirade which in fact not a direct reply to his post but instead he went more provocative.

I report MK posts on an Insult to Pakistani Nation.


If you are a 'nation' please accept my apologies---but what I am saying is that you are not a nation as yet---neither in voice nor in action---. If you are a nation, then stop interfering in other nations issues and ideologies----fix yourself and your nation first.

Suicide bombers are the worst kind of human beings---I don't see any problem in celebrating their deaths.

Afghanistan needs the justice of Mir Adbud Rahman----if you don't know what I am saying---look it up and find out---for other---. When he came to power, afg was a lawless land----he started cleaning it up---the afghan way---iron cages were setup for highway robbers, criminals, murderers where they would be caged alive and cage hung in the air tied to a tree limb---starved to death and skeleton left inside---afg became crime free in no time----. Justice of Mir abdur Rahman was just, ruthless and swift.

These suicide bombers need the same kind of justice---them and their trainers---their trainers more so---.

What I mean to say is that you people are running around in circles. You have to draw the line somewhere---are you going to support eh suicide bombers or condemn them----. If you condemn them, then let it be so---. What is the grief of pakistanis on this issue if a couple of dead suicide bombers were joined by some troops ----where does pakistan start having a beef in this issue--.

What is of pakistan that is at stake in these pictures----why are the pakistanis so concerned about suicide bombers dead bodies being taken pictures of by the troops they wanted to kill----. Are the pakistanis here irritated that the the suicide bombers are dead---or are the pakistanis disappointed that the american and afghan troops are alive.

Have you young men looked at the instances of the execution and then the desecration of the dead bodies of christians in pakistan who were killed by a mob for being charged with blasphemy---
Welcome to the board, bro!

Semper Fi !

Sorry it's off topic but I can't seem to start a new thread in the U.S. defence folder. I'm a U.S. Marine vet from Afghanistan and I have a thread I want to start that is related to the U.S. servicemember's view of the Afghans. When I try it says I don't have the permission. Thanks
What is the grief of pakistanis on this issue if a couple of dead suicide bombers were joined by some troops

Please read the OP and the thread. Based on the info given in the OP, there was no reason to suspect that these insurgents were suicide bombers. That detail only came to light in another article cross-linked much later in the thread.
Where was the outrage when Iraqi military were kicking the head of the suicide bomber?

********.com - Suicide bomber's head
Please read the OP and the thread. Based on the info given in the OP, there was no reason to suspect that these insurgents were suicide bombers. That detail only came to light in another article cross-linked much later in the thread.


Okay---so they ewere dead taliban----my question still remains the same--what is pakistan's beef with this issue.

aren't these the same taliban that executed pakistani soldiers and to give them extreme pain---they cut their neck from the back---aren't these the same taliban that skinned the pakistani soldiers alive and hung them----.

So---which issue do you people have a problem with----and what is pakistan's and pakistanis business regarding these dead talibans / suicide bombers.
Where was the outrage when Iraqi military were kicking the head of the suicide bomber?

********.com - Suicide bomber's head

I hope you're not implying that US military be held to the same standards as Iraqi military.
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