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Philippines seeks ASEAN help to blunt China


Jan 22, 2011
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Philippines seeks ASEAN help to blunt China

MANILA — The Philippines on Thursday sought backing from its Southeast Asian neighbours for its plan to blunt China's claims over disputed areas of the South China Sea and ease tensions.
Vice President Jejomar Binay made the appeal at a meeting of maritime law experts from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), where he alleged foreign intrusions continued in Philippine seawaters.
"The Philippines is not alone in experiencing these continuous 'misunderstandings' and unabated attempts to undermine the legitimate rights of states bordering the South China Sea," Binay told the delegates.
The Philippines has repeatedly complained this year of aggressive acts by the Chinese military in the South China Sea, which is believed to hold vast oil and gas deposits, while also hosting vital global shipping lanes.
The Philippines has accused its powerful neighbour of firing on Filipino fishermen, laying buoys on Philippine islets and intimidating an oil exploration vessel.

It called the meeting of legal experts in an effort to form a united ASEAN front to counter China's insistence it has sovereign rights to all of the South China Sea, even waters lapping the coasts of Southeast Asian countries.
ASEAN members the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam, as well as Taiwan, all have claims to parts of the South China Sea.
Binay said the Philippines' plan centred on marking out disputed sections of the South China Sea, which claimants could then agree to jointly develop.
Those areas not in dispute would be the exclusive preserve of the country owning them.
"By doing so, the gridlock that has prevented the parties from moving with speed on joint cooperation in the... South China Sea would be completely unlocked," he said.
"This, from the perspective of the Philippines, would truly transform the (sea) from a potential flashpoint into a zone of peace, freedom, friendship and cooperation."
The Philippines acknowledges that the Spratly islands, an archipelago believed to sit above rich fossil fuel deposits, is in a disputed area, meaning China and other nations have legitimate competing claims.
But it insists nearby areas, such as the Reed Bank where it has recently granted oil and gas exploration permits, are undisputed parts of its territory because they are within its 200-nautical-mile economic exclusion zone.
However, because China claims all of the South China Sea, the Chinese government insists it has sole rights to all of the area, including Reed Bank.
The Philippines said Chinese naval vessels harassed an oil exploration vessel at Reed Bank early this year in one of the first incidents to increase tensions.
Asked after his speech if ASEAN support of the Filipino plan would temper Chinese behaviour in the disputed sea, Binay told reporters: "Ah, well, we are very optimistic."
Chinese embassy spokesman Sun Yi could not be reached for comment Thursday.

Source: AFP
The Philippines should talk to the "hand". lol ^^
then come join hands with indian navy and india....

string of pearls is back firing:lol:
Sell her some US-30KMI equiped with Brahmos , ASEAN will help her if she stop playing double faces game.
I recall Philippines proposing under which the claimant countries would delineate which areas are in dispute and which are not. Exploration could then go ahead in the undisputed areas, while the disputed areas would be turned into an area for joint cooperation

Wonder what happened to that
Of course buddy, anything to keep chinese hegemony at bay :cheers:

Indo-american warmongers are the sole proprietor of the word 'hegemony', hence, it is to be applied only to them.
then come join hands with indian navy and india....

And experience the great ointment from Ladakh which was made in 1962! It is a great Chinese medicine for those indians and their friends who have chronic constipation problem.
And experience the great ointment from Ladakh which was made in 1962! It is a great Chinese medicine for those indians and their friends who have chronic constipation problem.

Despite losing the war, we still hold on to Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh (which China still claims) and Sikkim. :wave:
And experience the great ointment from Ladakh which was made in 1962! It is a great Chinese medicine for those indians and their friends who have chronic constipation problem.

Still living in 1960's???

The present generation army officers don't trust china and no back stabbing here dear bangladeshi(who got indipendance because of indians...)

This time Brahmos and Shaurya will pound any one out there.....

U know 1962 wat about 1987?? Where both side showed restraint
1987 Sino-Indian skirmish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and how many war hasindia won after that ???
1971,1999 ...where we indians broke another country...

So get up this is 2011.....and a bangladeshi who is now free becasue of India army is talking about war with Indians :lol:
And experience the great ointment from Ladakh which was made in 1962! It is a great Chinese medicine for those indians and their friends who have chronic constipation problem.

Dude.....have you seen the maps and the areas claimed by Chinese. If we apply the same logic applied by Chinese, you will become a land locked country.
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