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Philippines Defence Forum

^Again, not that impressive.^

What impresses me is China and S. Korea.

Look at S. Korea, left to ruins by the Chinese and N. Koreans. Now an economic powerhouse.

China, once almost destroyed by Mao, now a Global power with the fastest growing economy, with an average of 9%

Also, 700 million people in China were lifted out of poverty and standard living rised
Philippines takes China's crown as region's fastest growing economy
By Denise Roland
30 May 2013

A surprise surge in the Philippines economy in the first quarter has put its pace of expansion ahead of neighbouring giant China.

The south-east Asian archipelago hailed a "new growth trajectory" as its GDP expanded 2.2pc in the first three months of the year, to grow 7.8pc year-on-year, outpacing even the most bullish analysts' predictions.

Its growth comes amid a regional slowdown that saw the Chinese economy unexpectedly slow to 7.7pc growth in the first quarter. Vietnam, India and Thailand have also seen growth falter in recent months.

The Filipino statistical office said the quarterly growth is the highest since reformist President Benigno Aquino III took office in 2010. It is also the third consecutive quarter that the GDP grew more than 7pc.

Growth was robust on multiple fronts. Strong domestic consumption, fuelled by remittances from around 10 million overseas Filipino workers, drove enthusiastic private sector expenditure on equipment and buildings, which jumped 47.7pc year-on-year. Meanwhile, public spending on construction climbed 45.6pc as the government hiked up efforts to renovate dilapidated schools, roads and bridges.

All sectors contributed to the first-quarter growth, with services growing 7pc, industry 10.9pc and agriculture 3.3pc.

Borrowing costs have also come down for the government after both Fitch and Standard and Poor's raised the credit rating for Filipino bonds to investment grade earlier this year.

"Business confidence and optimism fuelled this growth," said economic planning chief Arsenio Balisacan, who added that the government hopes to achieve 7pc to 8pc annual growth by 2016.
"We may now be moving along a new growth trajectory."

Mr Aquino, who swept into power three years ago on promises to crack down on corruption and cut poverty, won control of the Congress this month, easing the path for further reforms in the second half of his term.

One of his main challenges will be to tackle the island chain's high unemployment rate, which at 7.1pc shows no signs of easing in the short term as job creation struggles to keep pace with a booming population. Furthermore the poorest and least skilled remain excluded from the highest growth sectors, such as call centre outsourcing.

Mr Balisacan said that the government understood that for growth to be inclusive, the poor must be linked to the growth industries.

"The faster this can be done, the better it will be for the greater number of our people," he said.

Philippines takes China's crown as region's fastest growing economy - Telegraph
Keep it up Philippines! This economic GROWTH shows the Philippine economy NOT dependent on CHINESE or Taiwanese THREAT of ECONOMIC sabotage. This is the prayer of the vast majority of Filipinos worldwide, for the Philippine economy to grow and the country to progress.

Well Japan had constant 7 to 11% growth rate for 15 years (1946 to 1960) before they become rich. Same thing to SK, Taiwan etc.

The answer to that prayer is starting to unfold. For sure, the Philippines will be much better in 2016 compared in 2010 when President Aquino assumed office.

Keep up the good work PNoy (Aquino)! Most Filipinos want him to succeed.
^Again, not that impressive.^

What impresses me is China and S. Korea.

Look at S. Korea, left to ruins by the Chinese and N. Koreans. Now an economic powerhouse.

China, once almost destroyed by Mao, now a Global power with the fastest growing economy, with an average of 9%

Also, 700 million people in China were lifted out of poverty and standard living rised
Actually the Philippines can achieve more if we could able to kicked the Chinese & Taiwanese out from fishing in our own backyard.

We could just imagine thousands of thousands of tons of sea product hauled from our own territory. Right Fake Pinoy or Pinoy wanna be? :omghaha:
yeah right , how about help and feed your poor countryman first before you buy weapon and keep bragging about the economic growth which didn't benefit them at all.
Still... haters and losers are not happy with this news... Ha ha ha. :omghaha:

A country only respects another country because of military capability. That’s why it’s a must that we should first modernize defense to gain respect among our neighbors. Malaysia truly with AMNESIA! Forgetting that you are just renting Sabah, to the point of twisting historical facts and killing the people that truly owns it. Right terrorist financer nation?

Right now we’re heading on the right direction under Aquino. The atmosphere generated by the policy of this administration is a big factor in generating confidence which drives a positive investment climate. The trickle-down effect does not happen overnight, not immediately but definitely in the near future. Three years in power is a short time for every government to turn around the economy positively given the debt of the country to be repaid to foreign lenders when Aquino took over in 2010. Turning the economy in the brighter side overnight is not an ordinary task for any president given all the obstacles that should be addressed and corrected first.

Three more years of good governance of the incorruptible President Aquino. And three more years of economic growth and progress for our country.

It's a real progress, no matter what the Chinese thieves will say. :lol:

God speed my beloved Philippines.
The losers will still complain and look for bad news anyway Congrats to all of us... I hope this will continue so that we can compete with our neighbors not only in economy but in military as well. :cheers:
Defense ministry or department of defence. = the same thing. You are arguing semantics not substance. My point is the Philippine defense establishment is full of hot air and lacking in substance.

Your hand me down rustbucket will not have harpoons when she sails to Manila.We have not sold you any harpoons. It is just another press release that your media loves to lie about. It will bet you the farm on it.

We dont no for sure please admiral general really? just admitted you screw up

Actually the Philippines can achieve more if we could able to kicked the Chinese & Taiwanese out from fishing in our own backyard.

We could just imagine thousands of thousands of tons of sea product hauled from our own territory. Right Fake Pinoy or Pinoy wanna be? :omghaha:

Just kick them out the country too they all noting but trouble for the philippines, The Philippines will be better far better without them.
We dont no for sure please admiral general really? just admitted you screw up

Just kick them out the country too they all noting but trouble for the philippines, The Philippines will be better far better without them.
Right on! :rofl:
Philippine Economy Stuns with Q1 Growth
By James Parker


The country outperforms all regional rivals, including – for the first time in 19 years – China.

The Philippines, as covered previously on Pacific Money, is in the midst of a period of positive news and strong economic performance. Following reports that Philippine Government bonds had been upgraded to investment status at the start of May, this week saw further good news with the release of GDP figures for the first quarter.

Manila’s National Statistical Coordination Board published data showing that the economy had grown an extremely impressive 7.8% year on year in the first three months of 2013. The quarter-on-quarter figure was 2.2% growth.

Although China’s slowing economy is by now received much comment, the comparative growth rates still caused double-takes (and related headlines) around the globe as the Philippine’s growth rate beat that of its troublesome northern neighbour (China’s first quarter year-on-year GDP grew at 7.7%). The last time that happened, according to Bloomberg, was 19 years ago in the first quarter of 1994. The Philippines also outdid all its other regional rivals and was thus the fastest growing East Asian state for the period.

Aside from the encouraging headline figure, statistics also revealed that manufacturing had performed strongly during the quarter – growing at 9.7%. Investment (reflected in the capital formation data) also proved exceptional – surging 47.7% in the first quarter as companies were encouraged by lower interest rates from the aforementioned credit rating upgrade and by resilient domestic demand driven consumption. The services sector also remains strong, now accounting for 60% of GDP.

One weakness in the Philippines remains the quality and level of infrastructure, so the news that public construction grew at 45.6% will put some worried minds at ease. It is clear that the government is following advice from the likes of the IMF about infrastructure upgrades, moving in the right direction at a fast pace, even if there is much still to be achieved.

Despite all the strong news, the country’s stock market had a rough day after GDP growth data was released, with the Philippine Stock Exchange index falling 3.8%. Although this drop was overshadowed by Tokyo’s plunge on the same day, it was not insignificant. One explanation could be that the country’s stocks have climbed dramatically over the last nine months, with price-earnings (PE) ratios climbing accordingly. Profit taking is not unexpected under such circumstances. Worries that the buoyant property market could start moving towards “bubble” territory are premature for now, even if the issue is worth watching.

With inflation staying low, the currency pulling back a bit from previous rises, GDP growing strongly, and the government making the right moves in areas requiring attention, 2013 continues to be a banner year for Manila. Its ongoing territorial spat with China may be a tough challenge, but eclipsing its large northern neighbour’s growth rate will surely be music to its leader’s ears.

- - - -
Well done Mr President and the team for another excellent achievement. The vast majority of Filipinos want sustained economic growth now, next year, and beyond 2016 for the benefit of all.

Anyway these few Crabs here will always be negative. That is their role in life.

Nonsense trash talks from these Chinese crabs will not derail the economic progress of our country.


Good Job, Philippines! Keep it up! :cheers:

The Philippines, Asia's NEWEST TIGER ECONOMY and a NEWLY INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRY (not anymore developing) is ROARING.

Do not be surprised, BEFORE THE MARCOS DYNASTY/ MARTIAL LAW/ CORRUPTION ERA (After World War II till the 1970s), the PHILIPPINES was the 2nd WEALTHIEST and RICHEST nation in ASIA after JAPAN. Then it became POOR- the economists started calling the Philippines as the "SICK MAN OF ASIA"

The Philippines was the South Korea, Singapore, HK, and Taiwan of Asia back in the day.

The Philippines also had the STRONGEST MILITARY AFTER JAPAN with more than 200 JET FIGHTERS back in the DAY proving that the Philippines was wealthy.








The Philippines WAS ONCE on top, and is now SLOWLY CLIMBING UP AGAIN.


The Philippines is also:

1. The Newest Tiger Economy




2. The Strongest Performing Asian Economy




3. A Newly Industrialized Country


5. Has reached Investment Grade Status


6. The 3rd best Performing Currency Globally

7. The 5th Strongest STOCK MARKET GLOBALLY



The signs are HERE.

These are ALL QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE signs that we in the United States can be confident about in our allies in the Philippines.

A nation of some 100 million , with an educated and productive work force, a strong maritime nation with rich natural resources and a potential for unprecedented growth, the Philippines is what the United States is looking for as a stable and dependable partner in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Our two countries have a shared history. And I pray, a shared and prosperous future. :laugh:
These are ALL QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE signs that we in the United States can be confident about in our allies in the Philippines.

A nation of some 100 million , with an educated and productive work force, a strong maritime nation with rich natural resources and a potential for unprecedented growth, the Philippines is what the United States is looking for as a stable and dependable partner in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Our two countries have a shared history. And I pray, a shared and prosperous future. :laugh:

All hail the USA!!!
These are ALL QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE signs that we in the United States can be confident about in our allies in the Philippines.

A nation of some 100 million , with an educated and productive work force, a strong maritime nation with rich natural resources and a potential for unprecedented growth, the Philippines is what the United States is looking for as a stable and dependable partner in the Asia-Pacific Region.

Our two countries have a shared history. And I pray, a shared and prosperous future. :laugh:

Where the US goes, UK follows. Thumbs up for the partnership of the free world.
US to block moves to seize control of disputed seas
(The Philippine Star) | June 6, 2013


KUALA LUMPUR – The United States will oppose moves by any country to seize control of disputed areas in the South China Sea by force, the top American military commander in the Pacific said yesterday.

Adm. Samuel Locklear added that rival claimants might need to seek compromises to resolve the feud over potentially oil-rich territories.

The commander of US Pacific Command did not mention any country by name, but China’s increasingly aggressive claims to disputed islands have triggered worries about confrontations with others, including the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei.

“We will oppose the change of status quo by force by anyone,” Locklear told reporters during a visit to Malaysia.

“We need to retain the status quo until we get to a code of conduct or a solution by party nations that is peacefully accepted.”

Southeast Asian governments want a legally binding code of conduct with China to deter hostile actions and prevent fighting. But Beijing has not clearly said when it would discuss the proposal.

Locklear said the US would not take sides but added that a code of conduct that enables maritime officers “to understand the boundaries of what they can do (would be) in the best interest for a peaceful solution.”

He nevertheless said tensions were unlikely to escalate badly because the countries “understand this could be a long process, they understand restraint.”

China has sought to resolve disputes through bilateral talks.

Locklear visit

Locklear is expected to visit Manila on June 6 to 7 to discuss security matters with his Philippine counterparts.

“During his visit, Admiral Locklear will consult with defense officials in the Philippine government on a range of common security challenges,” the US embassy in Manila said without elaborating.

Locklear will meet with Armed Forces chief Gen. Emmanuel Bautista and Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin. His visit will not be open to the media.

Locklear’s visit follows his attendance at the recently concluded Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore where he met with security officials from the region.

Last week, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel reaffirmed Washington’s commitment to the Mutual Defense Treaty with Manila, now embroiled in a territorial row with China.

Hagel made the commitment during a meeting with Gazmin on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue.

The defense department has welcomed Hagel’s statement and is hopeful that the US will continue backing efforts to maintain freedom of navigation in the Asia Pacific region.

“We look forward to the continuous and more active role of the US in contributing to the freedom of navigation in the region,” defense department spokesman Peter Galvez told The STAR in a recent interview.

Tensions in the West Philippine Sea mounted last month after China deployed three ships around Ayungin Shoal, within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.

The Philippines has protested China’s illegal deployment of vessels in its territory in violation of international law. The protest, however, fell on deaf ears as China continued to send ships and vessels around the shoal, just 105.77 nautical miles from Palawan.

Latest monitoring by Philippine authorities showed that at least three Chinese ships have remained in the area.

China’s intrusion is not limited to Ayungin Shoal as Chinese ships continue to patrol the Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal, a Philippine-owned area located 124 nautical miles from the nearest base point in Zambales. – AP, Alexis Romero

US to block moves to seize control of disputed seas | Headlines, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com
US Navy submarine tender, submarine due in Subic

Thursday, June 6th, 2013


MANILA, Philippines– The U.S. Navy submarine tender USS Frank Cable (AS 40) and submarine USS Asheville (SSN 758) will arrive in Subic Bay on Friday, June 7, and Saturday, June 8, respectively, for routine port calls.

In a statement sent to media, the US Embassy said the visits will highlight the strong historic community and military relations between the Philippines and the United States.

During their visit, the Frank Cable and Asheville will refuel and receive supplies, and the crew will be given opportunities for community service in nearby areas as well as rest and recreation.

The L.Y. Spear-class USS Frank Cable (AS-40) was commissioned in 1980. It is nearly 200 meters long and has a crew of 1,500. The Frank Cable serves as the U.S. 7th Fleet’s mobile repair and support platform. The ship is named after Frank Taylor Cable, one of the pioneers in the development of submarines for the U.S. Navy. It is homeported in Guam.

Named for the city of Asheville, North Carolina, and commissioned in 1991, the USS Asheville is a Los Angeles-class submarine. It is 91 meters long, and has a top speed of 32 knots underwater. The Asheville is homeported in San Diego, California.
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