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Phase-I of F-Insas to be ready for induction by 2011

Ya right !! lets play a game called nuclear nuclear c'mmon it woulld be fun lets flip the coin to see whos chance it is to throw a bomb :rofl: why be such a nerd :disagree:

You know I thought about it many times and every time , I come to same conclusion that in case of a real war - none of these conventional stuff will work -

Nuclear card is the ultimate deterrant the sonner Indian and Pakistan will realize this and normalize their relations the better otherwise I mean you can have shoes that make you fly or cell phone that projects the plans on a tree trunk or fancy googles that can allow you to see distant objects

But ..... would it matter ? when the big musroom cloud comes no ..
so perhaps a rethink is needed

But yes the solider look 'cooler' but other then that there is no real advantage lol
You know I thought about it many times and every time , I come to same conclusion that in case of a real war - none of these conventional stuff will work -

Nuclear card is the ultimate deterrant the sonner Indian and Pakistan will realize this and normalize their relations the better otherwise I mean you can have shoes that make you fly or cell phone that projects the plans on a tree trunk or fancy googles that can allow you to see distant objects

But ..... would it matter ? when the big musroom cloud comes no ..
so perhaps a rethink is needed

But yes the solider look 'cooler' but other then that there is no real
advantage lol

So according to you there shouldnt be any advancement in the feild of Defence cause both the countries have nuclear deterrence LOL.......

Always remember nuclear option is the last card in the deck for any gov in the world and can only be used if there is certain evidence that there is going to be a preemptive nuclear strike on them.If every tom,dick & harry would think like u we would surely have our @sses
F-INSAS Futuristic Infantry Soldier As a System.

TATA's contribution

Does this mean we can beat Pakistani Army to pulp? :yahoo:
not mean to be troll...

I had provided the image showing TATA's contribution in this project.

Does this mean we can beat Pakistani Army to pulp?

Can't tell but surely it will provide an upper hand to IA. You can equip a soldier with XYZ but it is the courage on top which makes him victor.
I had provided the image showing TATA's contribution in this project.

Does this mean we can beat Pakistani Army to pulp?

Can't tell but surely it will provide an upper hand to IA. You can equip a soldier with XYZ but it is the courage on top which makes him victor.

I bow to our Jawans
Looking at the image, this seems like a quadruple multiplier to our Army's capability. Hopefully they'll initiate this process soon.... :victory:
You know I thought about it many times and every time , I come to same conclusion that in case of a real war - none of these conventional stuff will work -

Nuclear card is the ultimate deterrant the sonner Indian and Pakistan will realize this and normalize their relations the better otherwise I mean you can have shoes that make you fly or cell phone that projects the plans on a tree trunk or fancy googles that can allow you to see distant objects

But ..... would it matter ? when the big musroom cloud comes no ..
so perhaps a rethink is needed

But yes the solider look 'cooler' but other then that there is no real advantage lol

Clearly then, you haven't been thinking hard enough.

For starters, you don't understand the concept of nuclear deterrence. Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is meant to counter our own, meaning that Pakistan will launch its nukes if...

a) its existence is threatened, thereby implying that your military has been decimated and Pakistan faces extinction or b) India strikes Pakistan first (not likely, since we don't need nukes to subdue Pakistan).

I don't want to get into specifics so I suggest you do some research, but understand that in our case (and everyone else's except the US and Russia) nuclear weapons are meant to deter the 'other guy' from destroying your country or using nuclear weapons against you.

China has 200 nukes, England and France have a 100 nukes each, that's peanuts compared to the thousands of nukes owned by the US and Russia yet they are enough to cause 'unacceptable damage'. Therefore no country in their right mind would dare threaten the existence or use nuclear weapons against any of the above mentioned countries.

The only reason Pakistan has nukes is to safeguard its existence because conventionally Pakistan is no match for India. period. If nuclear weapons are used, it would spell the end of Pakistan, which defeats the entire purpose of having nukes in the first place, thus if nukes are used, they will be used by the losing side first and more importantly they will be used as a last resort.

In simple words, if Pakistan launches its nukes, it has already lost the war.

I understand that Pakistanis are quite proud of their nukes, but before you beat your chest any further, let me remind you that nuclear weapons cannot stop conventional wars, so it does matter if you have shoes that can make you fly. If the INSAS program works out the way it should, Pakistan will be at a serious disadvantage if god forbid we do go to war. Although I should mention that by bringing 'nukes' up at every given occasion, Pakistanis acknowledge that they simply stand no chance against India in a conventional war. Quite flattering, given how laid back our defense establishment is.

I'm all for the INSAS program, but as of now we need to focus on building up our covert capabilities. We need to hunt and kill anyone and everyone that seeks to harm innocent civilians. RAW needs to be kicked out of it slumber and put to work. They've made a right mockery out of the nation, we need to answer the terrorists in the only language they understand.
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I'm all for the INSAS program, but as of now we need to focus on building up our covert capabilities. We need to hunt and kill anyone and everyone that seeks to harm innocent civilians. RAW needs to be kicked out of it slumber and put to work. They've made a right mockery out of the nation, we need to answer the terrorists in the only language they understand.

This is the key...F-Insas is really good however we all know that war is not an option...So we should ensure that we are as good in covert operations across the border...If for some reasons we believe Pak govt is not doing enough agaisnt pigs like Hafiz Saeed etc then we should be capable enough to eliminate them....Honestly to me such capabilities are as important as INSAS...also the need of the hour given the circumstances in the region
I'm all for the INSAS program, but as of now we need to focus on building up our covert capabilities. We need to hunt and kill anyone and everyone that seeks to harm innocent civilians. RAW needs to be kicked out of it slumber and put to work. They've made a right mockery out of the nation, we need to answer the terrorists in the only language they understand.

you know that's a good thing.

The less you hear about Intelligence agencies.
The better the job they are doing.

If you think RAW Has been inactive at any point you are deeply mistaken.

Check out this thread by Skull



Once we Complete the F-INSAS programme our troops will have Unparalleled Awareness of the Battlefield and much greater capabilities.. Improving their Lethality by more than 200%.
If you think RAW Has been inactive at any point you are deeply mistaken.

I agree with this. This all depends on leadership at a given point of time. I mean RAW was authorised for a task, it did its job that too brilliantly. But we can not expect same outcome from Indira Gandhi :-)D)and Morarji Desai :-)suicide:) both.

RAW is certainly among the best in the lot (I am not over hyping this). But they are not rouge or say "too independent". They are answerable and they follow orders. If they are denied for anything, it would not be nice to blame RAW for this.

Though I admit Kargil was a failure of RAW. However RAW said it passed information regarding this. Even for 26/11, both IB and RAW said they informed their bosses. Bloody politicians!!

Hope you got my point.
I agree with this. This all depends on leadership at a given point of time. I mean RAW was authorised for a task, it did its job that too brilliantly. But we can not expect same outcome from Indira Gandhi :-)D)and Morarji Desai :-)suicide:) both.

RAW is certainly among the best in the lot (I am not over hyping this). But they are not rouge or say "too independent". They are answerable and they follow orders. If they are denied for anything, it would not be nice to blame RAW for this.

Though I admit Kargil was a failure of RAW. However RAW said it passed information regarding this. Even for 26/11, both IB and RAW said they informed their bosses. Bloody politicians!!

Hope you got my point.

Its not that RAW is at fault for everything. But there should be more penetration at all levels and more field level agents should be employed. We do not also use the full capabilities of our satellites.

I remember during my intern days with ISRO. we did had projects running for spy satellites which can listen to almost every thing on a specific area.

These are things which will make us more proactive...
Its not that RAW is at fault for everything. But there should be more penetration at all levels and more field level agents should be employed. We do not also use the full capabilities of our satellites.

I remember during my intern days with ISRO. we did had projects running for spy satellites which can listen to almost every thing on a specific area.

These are things which will make us more proactive...

Agreed. However if a particular PM wants not to do some funny business, what can RAW do. We must remember how RAW lost its capabilities when IK Gujral (an example) became PM.

I do not have any clue about its strength so can't say anything. But I am all for increasing agents. ;)

The big issue is not that RAW or IB is having not-so-good network or capabilities. IMO, the coordination between them is far more challenging issue in my view. RAW is having some information and IB is having some. But they are not sharing this to each other so no conclusive picture is drawn. This was clearly exposed in Mumbai attacks. However govt seem to start addressing this. :)

Overall I agree with you. There is always chance for improvement. We should remember they are not superhumans either.
I thought this was Insas thread, there is one open for RAW as well.
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