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Pharmacy Graduate Gets 17 1/2 Years for Aid to Al-Qaeda

Mehanna, a 29-year-old pharmacist from Sudbury, Massachusetts, emailed friends, downloaded videos, translated and posted documents on the web, and traveled to and from Yemen in 2004.

No evidence was presented in court directly linking him to a terrorist group. He never hatched a plot – indeed, he objected when a friend (who went on to become a government informer and has never been charged with anything) proposed plans to stage violent attacks within the United States. He never had a weapon. He did lie to the FBI. And he has just been sentenced by US District Court Judge George O’Toole to 17.5 years in a supermax prison on various material support to terrorism charges.

David Stone and members of his Hutaree anti-government militia amassed a huge arsenal of weapons, including the ingredients for explosives, and allegedly plotted to kill a police officer and bomb his funeral. A federal judge in Michigan said they were just venting and exercising their First Amendment rights.

It's official. There is a Muslim exemption to the First Amendment. - On Liberty blog - Boston.com


The Hutarees had weapons, practiced military tactics, and had plans to kill government officials. They got off without any punishment. Tarek (A Muslim) had none of the above. He got almost two decades in jail as punishment.

See the link ... Muslims are discriminated and persecuted in the West but no one cares. Even media doesn't give a crap about it , most of the times. A black kid got shot and whole America went all gaga over it...but an Iraqi woman was murdered in her home most probably due to a hate crime (due to her Hijab) and media barely mentioned it...Most Americans don't even know that this event happened.

The term "Post-racism era in America" is not exactly true ... :usflag:
When the Muslim countries will have ICBMs and Hydrogen bombs then they will be happily granted first amendmend rights, no questiosn asked....It is always true that "Might is right"......:)
I guess blacks should have done the same thing in the 50s & the 60s, the likes of MLK & others should have returned to their native African countries. We would have never had Obama at the helm today.
Bunk. Blacks in America, even when their rights were denied them, have more in common with whites than with blacks in Africa. Africa was not their 'native' country. The US, flawed and unfair as it was, was their true native country. That is the uncomfortable truth American blacks back then had to face and that was why they had to fight for their rights. The American blacks realized that they have a better chance at achieving equality in racist America than they could at mere survival, let alone prosperity, in Africa.
I pray to dear God that you indians go through extreme racism and hate that we Muslims have been going through and continue to do so despite majority of us not having anything to do with terrorists or their ideology, maybe then you will realize what it feels like when some @$$hole makes comments similar to yours.:gry::tdown:
I think you need to understand that 90% of Americans can't tell the difference between an Arab and an Indian. This reminds me of my 10th year in high school. We had a student who had came from India and had been living in the US for just a few years. He practiced Hinduism and wore a turban as customary for his culture. He was always picked on and labeled a "Muslim" or something similar and had VERY few friends. My point is that American youth is HIGHLY uneducated and ignorant toward Arab/ Asian culture do to an increasing feeling of nationality and superiority and anger over 9/11. Since 9/11 Americans are unwilling to extend a hand to a peoples they understand nothing about. Instead of befriending this Indian boy and trying to better understand him personally we oppress him through fear of the unknown. And after 10+ years of war Americans have no better opinions about Muslims than we did when the war started. In fact its gotten much worse. Feeling superior to anothers race or religion is how the Nazis were able to nearly take over the entire continent of Europe, and alas, was also the reason for their undoing...
As I said, it was planned by Saudi citizens inside the US. Not by "Zionists".
And you are wrong. The 9/11 operators were the civilian equivalent of the Special Forces. Once deployed inside enemy territory, they were free to act anyway they wish as long as those actions lead to the final goal. Any plans made were merely adjunct to the greater plan, which was to do as much damages to the WTC Towers as possible and that idea came from Osama bin Laden, probably from a cave in Afghanistan.
Not just Muslims in USA are discriminated justice and human rights but also the black community who are even christians face the same kinda behavior from the ruling whites all the times......The poor blacks and Native Americans are so much suppressed that we can't even think about it...Plus sometimes the Asian decent pplz are getting the same kinda discrimination as well......:smokin:
Most ignorant post of the year. Wow man. You dot-heads still get beaten up on subways here in NYC, even though you're not Muslim and hide the dots. Talk about integration.

You converts never fail to amaze.

Still treated as second class...
Okay give proof that it was planned in Afghanistan.. We all know Saudi give you oil that is why you are defending them
What the hell kind of silly question is that? Got any proof that the Mossad did it?
He practiced Hinduism and wore a turban as customary for his culture. He was always picked on and labeled a "Muslim" or something similar and had VERY few friends.

If he wore a Turban he must have been a Sikh not Hindu. :P
Bunk. Blacks in America, even when their rights were denied them, have more in common with whites than with blacks in Africa. Africa was not their 'native' country. The US, flawed and unfair as it was, was their true native country. That is the uncomfortable truth American blacks back then had to face and that was why they had to fight for their rights. The American blacks realized that they have a better chance at achieving equality in racist America than they could at mere survival, let alone prosperity, in Africa.

You missed the point of the article. Slavery was legalized till the 19th century, legalized for about 90 years post the US inception in 1776; whereby the slaves were "imported" from Western Africa. These people at that time were certainly 'natives' of their respective African countries & not the US; the natives of the land were butchered for the most part by the colonialists. If you look at the US today, there are plenty of whites that call themselves 'native Americans', although their family only came to the US 2-3 generations ago. Likewise, the Japanese-American citizens were also sent to concentration camps post WW2, legalized by the state. The Muslims are getting legally discriminated in the US in the same manner today.
This guy would not beome a snitch, so he fould out the hard way as he is claiming. The prosecution is making an example out of this guy, so in future people better snitch.
It was planned by Saudi Muslims inside the US, planned for months.

Because of whom Muslims got a bad name...same like Faisal Shehzad who gave a bad name to Pakistanis.

Hence my point - it is the crazzies within the Muslim who are responsible for the rising Islaamophobia all over the world.
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