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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Gruesome video bro!
They all look so manhoos and jahanami......

To answer your point regarding how it is possible for them to have tatoos, a lot of muslims actually have tatoos, also a certain amount are also not circumcised. Also a very decent proportion of these jahadis are western converts who became muslims followed wahabi/salafist jihadi doctrine and came to wage holy war. So alot of them will have relics on body to former life, ie tatoos and maybe not circumsised.

And if out of all jihaadi a few have tatoos we should not lose focus, who ever they are in our tribal areas causing mischief must be eliminated with extreme prejudice!

You are right bro... we should also not put cover on it.
These terrorists are no Jihadis... they know nothing about Islam. They even have fake names... e.g. alias.
They are declared non Muslims by all sects. and in past many of the captives failed to recite a 'shahda'... which is a declaration of being Muslim.
Now the second important point is, how these terrorists.... whom you might keenly address as Islamist , Jihadi etc. have always satanist tattoos?
How many of this forum members have seen Jihadis with common 'satanist' tattoos.
No dear, satanist tattoos are only engraved on satanists or at max on some really extremist atheists.
However, again they might be some sort of unique Muslims but we have to go with the proof, which does no where suggest that they were Muslims.
Now what you are suggesting is that, we should believe that they were Muslims because they did evil or because they had beards or because they were wired to (un)holy land of Afghanistan????
Its not propaganda I had received a tweet in which a Iranian govt. person was enjoying killing of 11 Pakistanis through their angels, if I find that out I will post it here.

Please do post. Do not propagate falsehood. If by those 11 Pakistanis you mean, the children of Pakistan Army Officers, then I am sure you would be disappointed. But if those 11 people are the perpetrators of crimes against Iranians, then I have no sympathy for criminals. By the way, has your government protested? Because even if this is true, and your government is silent then it means only one thing: secret military cooperation between Iran and Pakistan.

Now you can go on and fool yourself. You can go on and let the planners, supporters and sympathizers of killers of these children go unpunished. You can blame it all on Iran and feel you have done the justice for those children. But down in your heart, you will feel hypocrisy for what you are doing. Since you know very well that all these attacks in Pakistan are done by Salafi Takfiris.
The Skull and Horns tattoo was found on the terrorist that attacked Peshawar airport , it was an incomplete tattoo of The Skull and Horns picture by Boris Vallejo .

At that time it raised many questions about the origin on the terrorist , where was he from , where did he got the tattoo , however , as with many other atrocities , it went into the background and perhaps forgotten ( not by all though )

I just re-posted in connection with news... showing a past example due to utter surprise of posters.
Army hasn't officially released the tattoos of APS terrorists.
Still the mystery remains, why youtube keep deleting interviews of captive terrorists, where they confess their links to India.
Please do post. Do not propagate falsehood. If by those 11 Pakistanis you mean, the children of Pakistan Army Officers, then I am sure you would be disappointed. But if those 11 people are the perpetrators of crimes against Iranians, then I have no sympathy for criminals. By the way, has your government protested? Because even if this is true, and your government is silent then it means only one thing: secret military cooperation between Iran and Pakistan.

Now you can go on and fool yourself. You can go on and let the planners, supporters and sympathizers of killers of these children go unpunished. You can blame it all on Iran and feel you have done the justice for those children. But down in your heart, you will feel hypocrisy for what you are doing. Since you know very well that all these attacks in Pakistan are done by Salafi Takfiris.

I never said they killed children.

I m not fool, people here know who is playing what game in Pakistan, and Iran, KSA and some other ME states are playing with their proxies here, people of Pakistan now don't want foreign agendas to be fulfilled here, they are now realizing that so called friends are just using us for their own good and we are paying the price.

There are things which I can not discuss here, although those are discussed commonly in public.
Why do we need to justify our existence in Pakistan? This is some total sectarian bullshit right here, why do I have to be part of a sect to exist in Pakistan? I don't follow any sect and I am called a Salafi for it. And you're sitting here telling me I have to justify my existence. This, right here, is the very definition of tafarruq, which is Haram.

Nothing is sectarian here. It is an open debate. Sectarian is when an ideology goes on killing other people because of religious differences. Sectarian is when an ideology goes on killing children without mercy because their fathers serve in national army. Sectarian is when some one apologizing for these scumbags because they follow the same ideology as his. Sectarian is when some one tries to divert attention from this ideology and blame every one else from Iranians to Japanese but not this ideology. Tafarruq is when some one blows himself up among the people of other sects believing that he will go to heaven. Tafarruq is when some one does Takfir. Tafarruq is when some one attacks their own national army trying to bring down the national army and causing chaos.

I never said they killed children.

I m not fool, people here know who is playing what game in Pakistan, and Iran, KSA and some other ME states are playing with their proxies here, people of Pakistan now don't want foreign agendas to be fulfilled here, they are now realizing that so called friends are just using us for their own good and we are paying the price.

There are things which I can not discuss here, although those are discussed commonly in public.

You did not post the VIDEO. So I can only assume now that you were lying. And that is good. You can go and live in your dream world, wherein everyone in the world is guilty and responsible except you.
Firstly extreme athiests would not have satanic tatoos, its against their belief,
If you are suggesting that all of the terrorists are non muslims this is also absurd, it would be very easy for foreign agents to learn shahada and a few other choice kalaams. Also athiests and non muslim agenst wouldnt really have the balls to wear suicide vests and do suicide missions, as they dont believe in the cause or that they are going to heaven straight after in to arms of hurs! lol

I never said that these guys are muslims, I consider them to be kharji. Also with out showing some facts as reported by army that most of killed terrorist have tatoos I will find it very hard to believe, I think this is the exception and not the rule. I knwo everyone is pumped up right now, but we need to keep level head.

The ttp head leadership is muslim and of pakistan origin. and we need to kill them asap. Even though obviously they recieve help from western, indian sources via proxies, but there are many muslims and pakistani in their ranks they need to be killed. They believe in wahabi defense jihaad, in which pretty much everything is allowed. Rape, torture, killing, burning etc etc of anyone.
Suicide attack threats again ring out of Lal Masjid - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

What's up with this guy?

Straight up giving threats of suicide blasts and SSP support.

@Icarus, @Oscar, @balixd...I do see things getting a bit serious if this issue persists.

WTF is security authorities doing? Why is this janwar still out of cage. This SHEMALE aziza mofo should be the first one on execution row. I' am still surprised that he is still out...? I mean like WTF for real...?
Why do we need to justify our existence in Pakistan? This is some total sectarian bullshit right here, why do I have to be part of a sect to exist in Pakistan? I don't follow any sect and I am called a Salafi for it. And you're sitting here telling me I have to justify my existence. This, right here, is the very definition of tafarruq, which is Haram.

That is why @FaujHistorian is right. We can still be Islamic and live peacefully without affecting each other. La ikraha fiddin. Right now it is jahil jamhooriya Pakistan.
Sectarian is when an ideology goes on killing other people because of religious differences
No, no it isn't.

  1. 1.
    denoting or concerning a sect or sects.
EVERYTHING related to sects is called 'sectarian'. Not just killing.
Sectarian is when an ideology goes on killing children without mercy because their fathers serve in national army.
That has nothing to do with sects. The army is comprised of people of all sects. Thus, the attack can not be called sectarian and you are wrong.

Sectarian is when some one apologizing for these scumbags because they follow the same ideology as his.
Are you trying to refer to me here? Bloody hell, that's tactic #1 of sectarian mullahs. Someone disagrees with your sect based religious discrimination? Call them a Wahabi or Taliban apologist! Problem solved - not.

and blame every one else from Iranians to Japanese but not this ideology.
Who's blaming Iranians or Japanese here? I am blaming extremists and I didn't know that word meant ''Everyone else from Iranians to Japanese''. Are you writing a new dictionary or are you just too ignorant to look in existing ones?
As for Japan:

Tafarruq is when some one blows himself up among the people of other sects believing that he will go to heaven.
No, not exactly it isn't. What you described is called 'murder' or 'sectarian violence'.
Tafarruq means dividing Muslims on the basis of sects or 'aqeedah'. Causing those divisions (not acting based on them) is called Tafarruq. But such an act would certainly cause more division, so on that basis it is correct to call that act 'tafarruq'.

This word is used in the Quran, specifically reffering to division in the ummah.
''Wa tassimoo bihablillahi jamiyah wa la tafarrakoo''
''And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided''
[Ale'Imran 3:103]

Tafarruq is when some one attacks their own national army trying to bring down the national army and causing chaos.
Not really - the National Army is not based on any sect or religion.
But even if it was, why are you telling me this? Was there ever any doubt that the Taliban and every other militant organisation create taffaruq?

You seem to be under the impression that Pakistan's army is as sectarian as you. It is not.
No, no it isn't.

  1. 1.
    denoting or concerning a sect or sects.
EVERYTHING related to sects is called 'sectarian'. Not just killing.

That has nothing to do with sects. The army is comprised of people of all sects. Thus, the attack can not be called sectarian and you are wrong.

Are you trying to refer to me here? Bloody hell, that's tactic #1 of sectarian mullahs. Someone disagrees with your sect based religious discrimination? Call them a Wahabi or Taliban apologist! Problem solved - not.

Who's blaming Iranians or Japanese here? I am blaming extremists and I didn't know that word meant ''Everyone else from Iranians to Japanese''. Are you writing a new dictionary or are you just too ignorant to look in existing ones?
As for Japan:
View attachment 177802

No, not exactly it isn't. What you described is called 'murder' or 'sectarian violence'.
Tafarruq means dividing Muslims on the basis of sects or 'aqeedah'. Causing those divisions (not acting based on them) is called Tafarruq. But such an act would certainly cause more division, so on that basis it is correct to call that act 'tafarruq'.

This word is used in the Quran, specifically reffering to division in the ummah.
''Wa tassimoo bihablillahi jamiyah wa la tafarrakoo''
''And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided''
[Ale'Imran 3:103]

Not really - the National Army is not based on any sect or religion.
But even if it was, why are you telling me this? Was there ever any doubt that the Taliban and every other militant organisation create taffaruq?

You seem to be under the impression that Pakistan's army is as sectarian as you. It is not.

You certainly do not know what you are talking about. The Salafi Takfiris have done Takfir on Pakistan Army. For them Pakistan Army and their families have become Mortad. That is how they justify their killings. It is not because they had a lobotomy which made them violent. This why it is sectarian. The Salafi Takfiris per their ideology have made Pakistan Army a sect that is per their reasoning has become Mortad since it is cooperating with Americans.

You do not know anything about Taffaruq either. I can have alot of differences of opinion with lots of other people. It does mean it is Tafarruq. But when a Salafi Takfiri kills me, then it is Taffaruq. Because, you have started Fitnah based on your conjectures and ideology. As Salafi Takfiris are known to do. All around the world. Killing people of other opinions, is their ultimate spiritual destiny.

Look around yourself. Who is killing your national army? Salafi Takfiris.

Who is killing children? Salafi Takfiris.

Who is supporting them? Salafi Takfiris.

And when one criticizes their ideology, they immediately pull out "sectarian" card and declare themselves as the only Muslims on earth and perform their Takfir ritual and kill the critic.

If you are not Takfiri, then declare so. Do declare that all Brelvis, Shia, Ismailis (the sect Muhammad Ali Jinnah belonged to), and other Islamic schools of thought are as Muslim as you are and have as much right to live as you do. That their killers all go to hell. But we all know that your Salafi Takfiri Mullahs will never do this. Since they are the sympathizers of these scumbags.

That is why @FaujHistorian is right. We can still be Islamic and live peacefully without affecting each other. La ikraha fiddin. Right now it is jahil jamhooriya Pakistan.

That would only be possible if Takfir is banned.
Maulana said: “If I am arrested the administration will not be able to control the protest rallies all over Pakistan. And if they kill me then there would be so many suicide attacks that would surpass the reaction that followed death of my brother Ghazi Abdur Rashid.”

Below is the image of suspected suicide bombers. Please give'em a big hand, otherwise army is already fisting.

So jumaatul ahraar and Afghan taliban have condemned the attack on school, thats unique
You certainly do not know what you are talking about. The Salafi Takfiris have done Takfir on Pakistan Army. For them Pakistan Army and their families have become Mortad. That is how they justify their killings. It is not because they had a lobotomy which made them violent. This why it is sectarian. The Salafi Takfiris per their ideology have made Pakistan Army a sect that is per their reasoning has become Mortad since it is cooperating with Americans.
And how do they know there are no Salafis in the Pakistan Army? Or how do they distinguish between Salafis and non-Salafi PA soldiers? If they believe that all of Pakistan Army is murtad, that means they believe the Salafis within it are murtad too, which means the Taliban are not Salafis. They are extremists following their own brand of Islam. Clearly, it is you who doesn't know what he's talking about.

And they've made Pakistan Army a sect? That's just totally absurd.

You do not know anything about Taffaruq either. I can have alot of differences of opinion with lots of other people. It does mean it is Tafarruq. But when a Salafi Takfiri kills me, then it is Taffaruq. Because, you have started Fitnah based on your conjectures and ideology. As Salafi Takfiris are known to do. All around the world. Killing people of other opinions, is their ultimate spiritual destiny.
You are wrong. Having a difference of opinion does not mean it is tafaruq. But saying that people who have a difference of opinion need to 'justify their existence' does make it tafaruq. So it is you who is creating tafaruq here.
When a Salafi Takfiri kills you without even looking at your sect and just kills you for being in a school that is not tafaruq. That is murder, plain and simple.
The only one starting fitnah based on conjectures and ideology is you. A Salafi is anyone who does not follow any of the four schools of thought. Associating 'Salafi' with 'Takfiri' is implying that all Salafis are Takfiris, which in turn causes tafarruq between Muslims.

Who is killing your national army? Salafi Takfiris.

Who is killing children? Salafi Takfiris.

Who is supporting them? Salafi Takfiris.

The TTP os not Salafi. They're deobandis, which are muqallids (Hanafis, to be precise) and thus can not be called Salafis. Clearly, you are just spreading sectarian hatred without any basis behind it.

Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan
Active December 2007 – present
Ideology Deobandi fundamentalism
Deobandi is a term used for a revivalist movement within Hanafi Sunni Islam (Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah)
Deobandi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Educate yourself.

And when one criticizes their ideology, they immediately pull out "sectarian" card and declare themselves as the only Muslims on earth and perform their Takfir ritual and kill the critic.
That (bold part) has never happened. Never.

If you are not Takfiri, then declare so. Do declare that all Brelvis, Shia, Ismailis (the sect Muhammad Ali Jinnah belonged to), and other Islamic schools of thought are as Muslim as you are and have as much right to live as you do. That their killers all go to hell. But we all know that your Salafi Takfiri Mullahs will never do this. Since they are the sympathizers of these scumbags.
Are you f*cking kidding me? Read my signature. Read my posts again. I am not part of any sect. There are no 'your Mullahs' because I don't follow any Mullahs. I follow the Quran and Hadith directly and logically. I do not believe in doing 'Takfir' or forcing others to accept my beliefs because the Quran says there is no compulsion in Religion. I disagree with Shias but believe they have every right to live.

I do not sympathize with any Taliban. I advocate carpet bombing and publicly hanging them all. You accusing me of being a Taliban sympathizer is a pathetic attempt to undermine my positions because of my religious affiliations (or rather, lack of religious affiliation).
But we all know that your Salafi Takfiri Mullahs will never do this.
As I have said before, I have no Mullahs. But Salafis have done it, many times before.
salaf.com -:- the salafi da'wah
Salafi Scholar Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin Al-Abbaad: On the Alleged Khilafah of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (ISIS)
Salafi Scholar Abdullah Al-Najmi on ISIS and Al-Nusrah: Misguided Groups of Takfir Supported by External Foes to Disfigure Islam
You are wrong.
A good analysis, but the three things Dr. Hoodbhoy mentions as "musts" have no realistic chance of happening:

It wasn’t the final atrocity - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

It wasn’t the final atrocity
Pervez Hoodbhoy

THE gut-wrenching massacre in Peshawar’s Army Public School has left Pakistan aghast and sickened. All political leaders have called for unity against terrorism. But this is no watershed event that can bridge the deep divides within. In another few days this episode of 134 dead children will become one like any other.

All tragedies provoke emotional exhortations. But nothing changed after Lakki Marwat when 105 spectators of a volleyball match were killed by a suicide bomber in a pickup truck. Or, when 96 Hazaras in a snooker club died in a double suicide attack. The 127 dead in the All Saints Church bombing in Peshawar, or the 90 Ahmadis killed while in prayer, are now dry statistics. In 2012, men in military uniforms stopped four buses bound from Rawalpindi to Gilgit, demanding that all 117 persons alight and show their national identification cards. Those with typical Shia names, like Abbas and Jafri, were separated. Minutes later corpses lay on the ground.

If Pakistan had a collective conscience, just one single fact could have woken it up: the murder of nearly 60 polio workers — women and men who work to save children from a crippling disease — at the hands of the fanatics.

Hence the horrible inevitability: from time to time, Pakistan shall continue to witness more such catastrophes. No security measures can ever prevent attacks on soft targets. The only possible solution is to change mindsets. For this we must grapple with three hard facts.

First, let’s openly admit that the killers are not outsiders or infidels. Instead, they are fighting a war for the reason Boko Haram fights in Nigeria, IS in Iraq and Syria, Al Shabab in Kenya, etc. The men who slaughtered our children are fighting for a dream — to destroy Pakistan as a Muslim state and recreate it as an Islamic state. This is why they also attack airports and shoot at PIA planes. They see these as necessary steps towards their utopia.

Let’s openly admit that the killers are not outsiders or infidels.

No one should speculate about the identity of the killers. Taliban spokesman Muhammad Umar Khorasani released pictures of the eight ‘martyrs’, justifying the killing of minors with reference to Hadith (a horrific perversion, of course). Dizzied by religious passions, the men roamed the school searching for children hiding under desks and shouted “Allah-o-Akbar” before opening fire. Shot in both legs, Shahrukh Khan, 16, says he survived by playing dead. Another surviving student, Aamir Ali, says that two clean-shaven gunmen told students to recite the kalima before shooting them multiple times.

Second, Pakistan must scorn and punish those who either support terrorism publicly or lie to us about the identity of terrorists. Television anchors and political personalities have made their fortunes and careers by fabricating wild theories. For example, retired Gen Hamid Gul and his son Abdullah Gul have adamantly insisted multiple times on TV that suicide attackers were not circumcised and hence not Muslim. Though body parts are plentifully available for inspection these days, they have not retracted earlier claims.

Those on the state’s payroll that encourage violence against the state must be dismissed. Maulana Abdul Aziz of Islamabad’s Lal Masjid — a government mosque — led an insurrection in 2007 against the Pakistani state. He flatly refuses to condemn the Peshawar massacre. Other state employees have called upon all to not pray for army soldiers killed in action. At another level is Jamaatud Dawa’s supremo, Hafiz Saeed. He blames India for the Peshawar massacre and, ignoring ironclad evidence, misguides Pakistanis about the identity of the enemy.

Among political leaders, none is more blameworthy than Imran Khan, the icon of millions of immature minds. He has never named the Taliban as terrorists even when they claimed responsibility for various atrocities. That the TTP may be involved in the Peshawar massacre is the first exception, but this is contained only in a tweet. For a man who uses the strongest language against political opponents and has hogged TV channels for months, he has yet to condemn TTP before a national audience. Why the reticence?

It was even worse earlier. In 2009, as the Taliban took over Swat, on Hamid Mir’s Capital Talk he claimed that the Swat Taliban were fighting a war of liberation against the Americans. When I asked why they were fighting in Pakistan and killing our policemen and soldiers, he accused me of being an American agent and then, later, attempted to physically attack me. Readers can google this video.

Third, if Pakistan is to be at peace with itself then it must seek peace with its neighbours and begin disassembling the apparatus of jihad. The bitter truth is that you reap what you sow. Today, massive militant establishments hold the Pakistani state hostage. They run their own training centres, hospitals, and disaster relief programmes. When Sartaj Aziz, adviser to the prime minister on foreign affairs, said that Pakistan was not going to target militant groups which “did not pose a threat to the state”, he accidentally spilled the beans. In fact he was merely restating Pakistan’s well-known zero-sum paradigm — we live to hurt others, not to better ourselves.

While bewailing the murder of our children, let us acknowledge that Pakistan’s soil has been used time and again for inflicting grief and sorrow across the world. Today it is not just India and Afghanistan who accuse us, but also China and Iran.

By launching Zarb-i-Azb, Gen Raheel Sharif has broken with his timid predecessor, Gen Kayani. North Waziristan should never have become the epicentre of terrorism. He has done well to meet President Ashraf Ghani in Kabul and demand the extradition of TTP’s Mullah Fazlullah, now ensconced on the Afghan side. But what of Mullah Omar? The Pakistani Taliban and the Afghan Taliban are two sides of the same coin. I wonder if President Ghani asked General Sharif to help extradite Mullah Omar for facing justice before the Afghan people.

The author teaches physics in Lahore and Islamabad.

Published in Dawn December 20th , 2014
Excuse me? You need to behave when quoting Islam. So to help you to fix your conclusion it is not Islam that is the problem but the people who HIGHJACKED it and also if you know Islam and you are a Muslim then you should know what is the actual Islam.
Now Bounce.

Islam is the way forward but the Kharjis needs to be cleaned as soon as possible.

He is correct, what ever he has said holds value! How do you know who has hijacked Islam?

Islam will always be politicized , due to figures like Tehmiya and Wahab! And I bet no one will be able to criticize their theology.
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