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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Sir, with due respect let me tell you that, India has suffered a lot, If I start quoting each and every terrorist attack in India, It will need at least 5 posts. HUJI alone is responsible for more than 15 strikes starting from 1990 till 2013 Delhi high court.
So please refrain yourself from such comments which can create some conflict here. We are not here for India Vs Pakistan. This is my 3rd post where I am again saying this.

What ever we are speaking is against terrorism, you should not have any problem with that , please remember those 130 children. neither they had any role in Kashmir nor in FATA nor in Balochistan nor in Kandhar. Just catch the culprits without any distinction between good and bad terrorist.

The day you actually understand, that this terror network.. the psychology of extremism rather.. has much more deep roots than you believe.. it will solve your displayed perplexed attitude as to why there are good terrorists and bad terrorists.
It is not a handshake as it may seem, nor the case of one side keeping the other alive.. its a case of both sides having a gun to each other's head whilst simultaneously exchanging territories.

It is rather sad, that while technically being a stone's throw away.. Indians area MORE aware of say.. US society and internal dynamics than they are of Pakistan. Hence, ignorance of it only adds to the "self righteousness" cycle between the two.
@Hyperion - I can't believe the self-righteousness of some Indians over here.

Have they forgotten who was blamed (Pakistan) almost ubiquitously in India for the following and who (Hindu extremists) were found to be the guilty party ?

Malegon 2008

Samjhota Express 2007

Nanded Blasts 2006

@Oscar @Jungibaaz @Chak Bamu - Can't you guys thread ban such insensitive and hypocritical pricks from this thread ?
The prime suspect remains LeT for these attacks. The Hindu 'extremists' that you call have been grilled even by foreign agencies and nothing came out of it. Read about Swami Aseemanand and Col. Purohit - and their latest status, court statements and lack of conviction. Even Shinde(then Home Minister) stated that Hindus are running terror camps which Hafeez Sayeed welcomed. All of this was a political vendatta of the previous Govt.

They remain behind bars without a chargesheet due to strict anti terror laws though(where suspicion is enough).

So in short - huge difference.
The day you actually understand, that this terror network.. the psychology of extremism rather.. has much more deep roots than you believe.. it will solve your displayed perplexed attitude as to why there are good terrorists and bad terrorists.
It is not a handshake as it may seem, nor the case of one side keeping the other alive.. its a case of both sides having a gun to each other's head whilst simultaneously exchanging territories.

It is rather sad, that while technically being a stone's throw away.. Indians area MORE aware of say.. US society and internal dynamics than they are of Pakistan. Hence, ignorance of it only adds to the "self righteousness" cycle between the two.

To understand the deep roots, you have to go back to 17th century of Walli Ullah Shah, the Wahabi of subcontinent. I understand that very well. The intellectual subversion of people , brainwashing what so ever is available. But in the end no angel is coming for help. Pakistan has to decide what side they are!

1. That the deaths of the children in Peshawar are justified or linked to any other issue
2. Brining up the good/bad terrorists Ideals w.r.t to the Peshawar issue

Will lead only to that person facing my wrath. On the other hand, LeT being declared a terrorist organization now by the US and if anyone forgets.. it is BANNED in Pakistan. So support for it will be construed as support for terrorism along the same lines as the terrorists who took part in Peshawar..and the treatment by me will be the same.

To understand the deep roots, you have to go back to 17th century of Walli Ullah Shah, the Wahabi of subcontinent. I understand that very well. The intellectual subversion of people , brainwashing what so ever is available. But in the end no angel is coming for help. Pakistan has to decide what side they are!

Clearly you do not. What exactly was Shah Wali Ullah suggesting that had relevance to the topic?
And as usual, the "self righteous" parade assumed as intellectual subversion was only carried out on this side of the radcliffe plan

1. That the deaths of the children in Peshawar are justified or linked to any other issue
2. Brining up the good/bad terrorists Ideals w.r.t to the Peshawar issue

Will lead only to that person facing my wrath. On the other hand, LeT being declared a terrorist organization now by the US and if anyone forgets.. it is BANNED in Pakistan. So support for it will be construed as support for terrorism along the same lines as the terrorists who took part in Peshawar..and the treatment by me will be the same.

Clearly you do not. What exactly was Shah Wali Ullah suggesting that had relevance to the topic?
And as usual, the "self righteous" parade assumed as intellectual subversion was only carried out on this side of the radcliffe plan

Oscar, there a numerous Indian members calling this a Karma or linking with HS/DI without any proofs.....
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Clearly you do not. What exactly was Shah Wali Ullah suggesting that had relevance to the topic?
And as usual, the "self righteous" parade assumed as intellectual subversion was only carried out on this side of the radcliffe plan

He's trying to make the false argument that Shah Wali Ullah (RH) was the founder of the Deobandi school, or their intellectual forefather. This is in fact, as stated, a false argument; I believe it was his nephew that was an intellectual proponent of early Deobandi thought, and through him it is falsely attributed Shah Wali Ullah (RH) was a Deobandi. The Barelvis have a positive opinion of the Shaykh.
Clearly you do not. What exactly was Shah Wali Ullah suggesting that had relevance to the topic?
And as usual, the "self righteous" parade assumed as intellectual subversion was only carried out on this side of the radcliffe plan

Are you not aware of the strategic response of britishers , made Walli Ullah Shah their first target of Intellectual Subversion? The first Jehad of Abdali on Delhi? Are you also not aware the mind set of deobandis, hijacked by some wannabe deobandis in Karachi and Peshawar and changing the whole concept of Deoband Madrassa?

He's trying to make the false argument that Shah Wali Ullah (RH) was the founder of the Deobandi school, or their intellectual forefather. This is in fact, as stated, a false argument; I believe it was his nephew that was an intellectual proponent of early Deobandi thought, and through him it is falsely attributed Shah Wali Ullah (RH) was a Deobandi. The Barelvis have a positive opinion of the Shaykh.
Deoband was founded to counter Aligarh Muslim university in 1877, my dear. And Walli Ullah shah was in 1700. I am no where relating the two with each other :)
Are you not aware of the strategic response of britishers , made Walli Ullah Shah their first target of Intellectual Subversion? The first Jehad of Abdali on Delhi? Are you also not aware the mind set of deobandis, hijacked by some wannabe deobandis in Karachi and Peshawar and changing the whole concept of Deoband Madrassa?

Deoband was founded to counter Aligarh Muslim university in 1877, my dear. And Walli Ullah shah was in 1700.

Perhaps I didn't phrase it quite well. The point is a lot of people point to Shah Wali Ullah (RH) as the intellectual forefather of Deoband, which isn't true.
The day you actually understand, that this terror network.. the psychology of extremism rather.. has much more deep roots than you believe.. it will solve your displayed perplexed attitude as to why there are good terrorists and bad terrorists.
It is not a handshake as it may seem, nor the case of one side keeping the other alive.. its a case of both sides having a gun to each other's head whilst simultaneously exchanging territories.

It is rather sad, that while technically being a stone's throw away.. Indians area MORE aware of say.. US society and internal dynamics than they are of Pakistan. Hence, ignorance of it only adds to the "self righteousness" cycle between the two.

The psychology of extremism is an enigma, almost as much as the blind worship of the President in North Korea. There is almost no justifiable rationale for either, and yet, they do.

But that aside, the comment about holding guns to each other's heads is a gross an underestimate. We are both holding blow torches to each other's head. And it is burning through us the longer we hold it onto each other. I'd have suggested all the affected parties in the region, from Iran to India, to sit together and commit to crushing extremism of any form, aimed at any one, but you and I and everyone here knows better.

Unfortunately, while we ponder on the solution, that blowtorch isn't standing still.
Are you not aware of the strategic response of britishers , made Walli Ullah Shah their first target of Intellectual Subversion? The first Jehad of Abdali on Delhi? Are you also not aware the mind set of deobandis, hijacked by some wannabe deobandis in Karachi and Peshawar and changing the whole concept of Deoband Madrassa?

Deoband was founded to counter Aligarh Muslim university in 1877, my dear. And Walli Ullah shah was in 1700. I am no where relating the two with each other :)

I see no need for awareness of these incidents when none as such exists in the history of the time, Abdali came for the loot. I am aware of the hijacking of Deoband but how is that related with Shah Waliullah?If anything, Shah Waliullah's attempts were a reactionary to the absolute excess and corruption that the Mughals were involved in which was leading to the decline of the control of Muslims over the subcontinent. Wherefore did the British conspiracy theory come in?

The psychology of extremism is an enigma, almost as much as the blind worship of the President in North Korea. There is almost no justifiable rationale for either, and yet, they do.

But that aside, the comment about holding guns to each other's heads is a gross an underestimate. We are both holding blow torches to each other's head. And it is burning through us the longer we hold it onto each other. I'd have suggested all the affected parties in the region, from Iran to India, to sit together and commit to crushing extremism of any form, aimed at any one, but you and I and everyone here knows better.

Unfortunately, while we ponder on the solution, that blowtorch isn't standing still.

Monseiur.. Ill only state that the Mexican standoff I refer to does not have India in it as a character. Rather the "non-state actors" that India bemoans.
If Pakistan can prove a direct link between this heinous crime and India- we people of India will be with you and we will call for their accountability through proper channels - but make sure to provide - factual and concrete evidence - we Indians will not support killing of innocent kids
The day you actually understand, that this terror network.. the psychology of extremism rather.. has much more deep roots than you believe.. it will solve your displayed perplexed attitude as to why there are good terrorists and bad terrorists.
It is not a handshake as it may seem, nor the case of one side keeping the other alive.. its a case of both sides having a gun to each other's head whilst simultaneously exchanging territories.

It is rather sad, that while technically being a stone's throw away.. Indians area MORE aware of say.. US society and internal dynamics than they are of Pakistan. Hence, ignorance of it only adds to the "self righteousness" cycle between the two.

Sorry dear but it is because we understand Pak so well is why we treat Pak the way we do, we have been at the recieving end of Pak's internal failures for decades now. Its because we know the tricks Pak plays with its own people and others around is why India stands up to Pak. Make no mistake we understand Pak far better than Pak understands itself, you must keep telling yourself you were born out of India, don't forget this important fact.
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