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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Stop lecturing your consulates in Jalalabad and Kandahar are main protectors and funders of TTP leadership and they along with TTP leadership would be eliminated.

For a moment, let us assume what you are saying is right. That India is protecting and funding TTP from Kandahar. Then why don't you ask your Good Taliban, which has unequaled power in Kandahar, to stop the bad Taliban from going there?

Oh wait... the Good Taliban has actually endorsed the Bad Taliban time and again!

So sorry Zarvan, aap to na ghar ke rahe na ghaat ke.

*Had the occasion not been so gloomy, I would have really shown you your worth. The least you can do at this moment is show solidarity with the families of the departed and keep your rhetoric reserved for some other time.
@Zarvan what is your problem man?

The Indians here have as much love for you, as you for them.

We are genuinely shocked and sorry for the kids killed, for their parents and families. And are here putting aside everything to stand with you.

I would least expect you to be the butt hurt one to be perfectly honest. You have always come across to me as a potential daadhi walla educated sympathizer doing their dirty work from behind the screen of your computer. Like our Biswas turd. Or the IM engineers and doctors before him.
Don't worry we would soon eliminate TTP leaders than your forces will be taken out
So at least you should STFU. At the very least. Most of your own too can barely stand your views and BS.
Ok we believe for a moment now what is next? that is indian right to damage Pakistan as much as she can for her own interests just like any other rival country in a conflict did you do anything to prevent them from entering? You can not just jump and start bombing your neighbouring country. you are NOT USA
What next is simple first kill TTP leaders and than destroy every Military base of India we won't target there children as these impotent did we would strike on each and every Military other forces base
Yes I know How much you stand with us along with TTP there masters will be eliminated in most ruthless and brutal way really very soon.
You are an opportunistic hypocrite. Even Pakistani members here think of you as one of the a supporter and admirer of TTP and their ideology. You have made excuses for their existence for many years now, always blaming USA and Musharaff and "touts of kufr", but never blaming the terrorists themselves. Indian members have always expressed abhorrence towards TTP and any other terrorist groups. You have a nerve, to question Indians' sincerity in supporting Pak against taliban.

FYI, the Indian PM, parliament, and even state assemblies observed a two miinute silence today. Every school in India, and millions of schoolchildren paid their tribute to the victims, during the morning assembly. We did not do this to earn any favours from you, but because we sincerely are aghast at what happened. We do not want or need your certificate of sincerity - we will do the right thing, regardless of what you think of us. (And by you, I only mean yourself and others who harbour sympathy for these barbarians. I do not mean Pakistanis in general.)

The last person to question our sincerity should be you, after having been and enthusiastic cheerleader and apologist for islamic terrorism.
For a moment, let us assume what you are saying is right. That India is protecting and funding TTP from Kandahar. Then why don't you ask your Good Taliban, which has unequaled power in Kandahar, to stop the bad Taliban from going there?

Oh wait... the Good Taliban has actually endorsed the Bad Taliban time and again!

So sorry Zarvan, aap to na ghar ke rahe na ghaat ke.

*Had the occasion not been so gloomy, I would have really shown you your worth. The least you can do at this moment is show solidarity with the families of the departed and keep your rhetoric reserved for some other time.
They are busy with USA otherwise you would soon see them attacking TTP leaders and I think so that will happen.

You are an opportunistic hypocrite. Even Pakistani members here think of you as one of the silent supporters of TTP and their idelogy. You have made excuses for their existence for many years now, always blaming USA and Musharaff and "touts of kufr", but never blaming the perpetrators. Indian members have always expressed abhorrence towards TTP and any other terrorist groups. You have a nerve, to question Indians' sincerity in supporting Pak against taliban.

FYI, the Indian PM, parliament, and even state assemblies observed a two miinute silence today. Every school in India, and millions of schoolchildren paid their tribute to the victims, during the morning assembly. We did not do this to earn any favours from you, but because we sincerely are aghast at what happened. We do not want or need your certificate of sincerity - we will do the right thing, regardless of what you think of us. (And by you, I only mean yourself and others who harbour sympathy for these barbarians. I do not mean Pakistanis in general.)

The last person to question our sincerity should be you, after having been and enthusiastic cheerleader and apologist for islamic terrorism.
I give a dam what some seculars retards think I am dam clear about my views and nothing has changed
Should i post the pic of the Hall of the school... ? kids can be seen there
What next is simple first kill TTP leaders and than destroy every Military base of India we won't target there children as these impotent did we would strike on each and every Military other forces base

As I said in an earlier post, there is enough time and another place to continue your hatred and your fight with us.

Right now concentrate on killing these scum.

But we know you Zarvan. We know what you really think of these scum and their twisted ideology.

So boss, you're fooling no one. Not me at least.
COAS flying to Kabul immediately? - Can anyone confirm? @Xeric @Irfan Baloch @balixd

We need to hang all of them, in front of that school.
Yes, Chief is flying out to meet Afghan leadership and Nato Commander.....mein kal se kiya irshad kar rha hoon.....whatever the case we are preparing for the raids, on the book or off the book.....military is pissed, they are out for blood
Not humiliating enough, and they expect that. Hanging their dead bodies in public might be the way to go.

Do it in whatever way but no mercy at all ... If justice is delayed then the opportunity of giving a stern msg to these ttp savages will be lost..... I support all sort of brutality to these scums (which I never supported so far)..... Pakistan n its ppl must make a lesson out of it( ttp/terrorists/perverted mullah/corrupt politicians).....
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Yeah, Indians killed your kids...not a pack of pig-worshiping local idiots.
Even when bearded barbarians shouting "allaho akbar" shoot their kids, some of them will keep blaming India or the "joos". This is what really scares me - with this head in the sand attitude, they are never going to take any serious action against the terrorists breeding among them.

India was fighting the Taliban and helping the northern alliance at a time when Pak was sending men and material an financial support to the taliban.
What next is simple first kill TTP leaders and than destroy every Military base of India we won't target there children as these impotent did we would strike on each and every Military other forces base

So when are enrolling for carrying out that job? off-course with a suicide belt.
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