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Peshawar blast kills 20, injures 90

As anybody Noticed that since the Mumbai blasts, Terror events in Pakistan have increased Exponentially, Just after Mumbai incident violence in karachi started then there was a suicide blast in bannu and there were attacks on security forces in FATA and even in SWAT and today we saw a Bomb blast in Peshawar, In my Personnel opinion Indian elements involved in terror activities in Pakistan have accelerated their activities in Pakistan and violence in Karachi was a proof it, Suicide bombings and killing incident are common in Pakistan nowadays Unfortunately but after Mumbai Incident the frequency has increased dramatically and this raises doubt on Indian elements.

In my personnel opinion India has already started Retaliation against Pakistan what do you think guyz ?

"The limited bombing in Pakistan concept", What do you think it has started or not ?
My sincere condolences to the families and friends of those lost by another tragedy.

May the dead finally rest in peace. God bless them.
Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India on either side are being manipulated from the middle. Your governments know this but it's the incendiary emotions of the respective citizenry who are being targeted.

Those who gain are obvious- al Qaeda, Haqqani, Hekmatyar, Mehsud, Nazir, Faisullah, and/or the afghan taliban. Start there. Neither the GoA, GoI, nor GoP gain by this act. Rogues within aligned with the aforementioned-maybe but why speculate along the edges in the face of such obvious suspects?

They've history and motive.
aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh RAW again fanning sectarian violence..
Indian consulates in Afghanistan was responsible for this bomb blast.
22 die, dozens hurt in Peshawar blasts
Azhar Masood | Arab News

ISLAMABAD/PESHAWAR: At least 22 people were killed and dozens wounded when two bomb blasts struck crowded markets in northwest Pakistan yesterday as shoppers prepared for the Eid Al-Adha festival.

Most of the victims died when an explosives-laden car blew up in a busy marketplace in the heart of Peshawar, the capital of the violence-hit province bordering Afghanistan.

The blast, which killed 16 people and wounded more than 70, occurred just hours after six people died in a car bomb explosion at a market in the semi-autonomous Orakzai tribal district near Peshawar.

Neither the motive nor the culprits behind the last evening blast in Peshawar were clear. But provincial government chief Haider Khan Hoti said “external forces” could be to blame — a comment understood in Pakistan to mean India. The Orakzai blast occurred in an area dominated by the Shiite community with a history of sectarian violence.

The Peshawar blast tore through a hotel and several adjoining buildings, destroying shops and causing panic among crowds of shoppers ahead of the Eid, police said.

It went off just outside a Shiite mosque in the city’s main Qisakhawani bazaar which was packed with shoppers, police said, but it was not clear if the mosque was the target. “The blast was so powerful that it caused five-foot deep crater,” police chief Malik Naveed told reporters at the site, adding up to 25 kilograms of explosives were used in the blast, he said.

The narrow lanes of the historic bazaar were littered with human limbs and charred bodies, witnesses said. Ambulances rushed to the scene to take away the dead and the wounded, who included women and children.

“It shook the entire area like an earthquake,” said resident Rahim Gul as he tried to remove rubble with his bare hands. “It was a huge and terrible explosion. As we reached here it was all burning. There was rubble all around.”

Khizar Hayat, the chief doctor at the city’s main government hospital, said at least 20 people had been killed and 50 wounded, 20 of them seriously.

Earlier yesterday, a suicide car bomb killed at least six people in an attack apparently aimed at Shiites in the Orakzai ethnic Pashtun tribal region.

The bomber drove toward the scene of a tribal council meeting, or Jirga, called by Shiites to settle a dispute with majority Sunni Muslims.

A government official said seven people had been killed in the attack in Kalaya, the main town in Orakzai.

Meanwhile, a missile strike by a suspected US drone killed at least three militants yesterday in a tribal district known to be a stronghold of Al-Qaeda and the Taleban, an official said. “A missile fired by a suspected US drone killed three people outside the town of Mir Ali in Miranshah tribal district,” a senior security official told AFP.

Local officials confirmed the strike and said it targeted the houses of a suspected Taleban militant north of Mir Ali. Two people were also injured in the attack. Taleban militants immediately surrounded the house and did not allow locals to come near the site, witnesses said.

— With input from agencies
Hoti suspects foreign hand in Peshawar blast
Updated at: 2135 PST, Friday, December 05, 2008
PESHAWAR: Chief Minister NWFP, Amir Haider Khan Hoti has said that elements behind terrorist activities want to destabilize Pakistan.

Talking to Geo News, Hoti said that foreign hands could be involved in Peshawar blast. He said the provincial government was looking into the incident from all angles and the terrorists would be brought to justice.

Amir Haider Khan Hoti said the blast was of high intensity and fire-fighters were busy putting out fire in the area.
We must not dilute the seriousness of terrorist attacks by hurling wild remarks and conspiracy theories.
Could be RAW. I heard the guy left his toothpaste behind.. written MADE IN INDIA. :lol:

I hope these external forces are bought to justice.

Condolences to the families that suffered in these attacks.
And your live terrorist, intercepted phone calls, maps, confiscated boat, sat phones, blackberrys, gps devices, id cards, passports, sim cards, names and phone numbers of suspects are being hidden where exactly?
Correction. That's the job of Zaid Hamid. Yet another piece of "evidence" to contribute to the HinJew Conspiracy.

Sorry dude I don't believe in 99% of conspiracy theories espoused on here. But doesn't mean i am gonna swallow the nonsense spouted on Indian TV. Wasn't the mystery solved a few days ago? or has new evidence suddenly been emerging fairly constantly?
Evidence? or are you a one man intelligence team?

Well the Indians are definately supporting Baitullah Mehsud who is head of the tehreek e taliban to do bomb blasts in the city so obviously. There should be no doubt that the Taliban are definitely getting the money from somewhere to pay their militants 170$ while each police dude receives about $80 in NWFP every month and on death 600$ is awarded to his family members each while militants award $20000 to each family member whose terroristic child got killed in suicide attack. Only an idiot can say that all this money is coming from the drug trade and taxes which can maximum make up only $500 million in income and obviously much more is being spent than $500 million for buying equipment and hiring terrorists for this insurgency.

Heres the proof:

Arrested militants name RAW, Afghan agency for funding

Wednesday October 22, 2008 (1118 PST)

LAHORE: The three arrested members of a militants’ gang especially deputed by Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan have disclosed that RAW has been funding suicide bomb attacks in Pakistan and that the Indian agency has funnelled Rs 680 million through its links with the Afghan secret agency.

The gang of three persons have brazenly admitted that they belong to the group of persons who had been deputed to ‘destabilise democratic Pakistan’ with the sole purpose of ‘enforcement of Shariah’ in the country.

Operators of an intelligence agency, working beyond the call of their duty, came into contact with a source ready for a tip-off against a reward and led to the arrest of Khurram Ishtiaq, Ghulam Mustafa and Shamim. The persons had been working under Qari Hussain, second-in-command to Baitullah Mehsud. All the three had been arrested on Aug 13 this year while they were on the prowl for a target. The militants had been arrested ‘red-handed’ as they possessed complete suicide kits, including two jackets and 70kg of explosives and detonators.

The accused were hardened militants and took a lot of time to break in and make confessions. They revealed that Qari Hussain had been working to help three adjutants—Farukh Usman alias Shahjee, Tayyab alias Baba; Ustad, the trainer to destabilise democratic government.

Qari Hussain, the leader, prepares suicide bombers and dispatches them throughout Pakistan. He also manages funds for the splinter groups from RAW which works in collusion with the Afghan intelligence agency RAM.

Farukh Usman works as Qari’s deputy and runs the sub-setup to carry out attacks in Lahore in particular and Punjab in general. He was the mastermind of suicide attacks on FIA building, Naval War College, Model Town, Lahore High Court and PAF bus in Sargodha, the investigation has revealed.

Tayyab alias Baba mainly deals with Rawalpindi/Islamabad. He was the man behind blasts at Aabpara Market and Marriott Hotel. The third person known only as Ustad is an expert of making bombs. He is said to be of Indian origin and he ‘works with a vengeance’. He is the man who leads suicide bombers to the marked site of the blast.

The investigation revealed that there are two sub-teams: three persons of one team work under Ustad. Two of the arrested persons—Shahmim Alam alias Sohail alias Kashif alias Uncle and Khurram Ishtiaq alias Ibrahim—have been active members of the TTP and worked under direct guidance of Ustad.

Shamim was the facilitator. His task was to distribute funds to suicide bombers at the behest of Qari Hussain and Tayyab@Baba. Being educated and a well-dressed civilian-look-alike, he was assigned another important job of providing ‘reconnaissance of the target area’.

He possesses the canny ability of mixing up with urbanites. Khurram Ishtiaq alias Ibrahim is a well-trained militant. His job is to harbour suicide bombers at a secret venue till they are led to the area of operation to carry out the job. The third person of this setup, Sajid, is a resident of Ali Khel, Waziristan. It is not certain whether his services were ‘utilized’ or made his escape good.

Another team which works under Farrukh Usman alias Shahjee includes Bablu, Rehan, Ghulam Mustafa @Asif (the third arrested person) and Abdul Rahim. Bablu’s assignment is to provide explosives at the nick of time when the suicide bombers have been finally prepared to perform the ‘sacred feat’.

Ghulam Mustafa and Abdul Rahim, a diehard Jehadi serve as guards and take care that none of perpetrators shows his back and become a deserter. In that case, there is only one choice left and that too leads one to heavens.

Former boss of the intelligence agency, Tariq Lodhi, had recommended a reward and commendation for the team who apprehended the culprits but they say their new boss Shoaib Suddle turned it down on the grounds that agency operators just did their job and no reward should be given for performing duty.

The team members disclosed that they had arrested two prime targets during Pervaiz Musharraf regime and they both had a head money of $5 million each but the reward money was shared by the two premier agencies instead passing it on to the individuals who had arrested them on their own initiative.

The team has long been working on the intelligence of militants but they got the culprits apprehended through a middleman who is ready to divulge more but “only if he is rewarded for the catch.”

The team claims that it could reach out to Qari Hussain and his gang and thus eliminate the danger of suicide blasts in Pakistan by 90 percent. Talking to our sources on the condition of not divulging their names, they said, “We neither have free hand nor enough resources to break the hornet’s nest.”


Pakistanis should have no doubt that they are dealing with an Indian intelligence agency who is waging war on us not only in the Northern Areas but in all of Pakistan. It is the responsibility of every Pakistani to understand this and defend his homeland against the foreign backed terrorists bent on ravaging the Quaids dream and the dream of every Pakistani.

Pakistan first second and last.
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