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Peshawar Airport under attack...

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I don't know where we are heading , bedlam seems to have no limits..
5 Dead 25 wounded
PAK Army takes control of Airport.......
GEO is repeating as if there is some battle going on between terrorists and security forces !!
3 rockets landed inside the airport.... no one exactly knows what happened..... strange

Not strange, it is just the very early stages and there is a lot of confusion once the dust has settled a clearer picture will emerge. This is just how it is with incidents like this and the initial reports.
the blast happened near university town, nothing happened inside air port or no rockets landed on the run way, please dont report wrong info..... Shahid Latif (Ex Air Force Gen/security analyst)
5 Dead 25 wounded
Is it a bomb blast or due to firing ??
Just saw the news on all Pak TV Channels about attacks, so logged on here.. Any body know what's happening there, I got message from my friend in Pishawar saying there is very intense gun fire going on inside Airport right now... :(

Me Too Have You Seen The Scenes On Geo News Serious Fire Power Being Used.
Now reporting....Suicide blast near Airport gate......
Is there an ongoing battle right now?
the blast happened near university town, nothing happened inside air port or no rockets landed on the run way, please dont report wrong info..... Shahid Latif (Ex Air Force Gen/security analyst)

He's now an outsider like me and you..
He's now an outsider like me and you..

he was deputy chief of air force .. and u know their is PAF base near airport...
Anybody logged in from Peshawar?
I May Be Wrong But I Think This Might Be A Hostage Situation.The Senior Minister Says That Firing Is Coming From Inside The Airport and The Security Forces Have Laid Seige To Bacha Khan International
Whosoever they are, they are there to die. I expect few suicide attacks. May Allah Protect us.
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