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Peshawar Airport under attack...

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It didn't look like an Attack to me , it looked more like a diversion.

I just Hope i am wrong.

Let's hope you are wrong, but looking at preparation of previous attacks i also doubt that or maybe this time they failed miserably.
Shanobar Bara was from where rockets were fired,and landed on civilian population
We never had rockets landing on our airports in kashmir or so called Red corridors.

Our political leadership is incompetent, our Army has always delivered more than what was expected from them. It is because of our stupid political leadership we have had these problem of kashmir and North east.
There is nothing for you to start as far as IA is concerned they proved their mettle from 47 to Kargil.
These Taliban are yr PA's creation and look how they turned up against their own masters.

Are You Trolls Really Getting That Pathetic




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Thank You For Informing Me That Taliban Was Creation of PA Mind Telling Me Who's Creation Tamil Tigers Was And Who They Killed Later On :disagree:
Again bro you are not getting what I am implying.. Whoever is responsible, be it police, is not doing its job..

There is no army element in my posts..

Ok - I guess i go your post wrong
The rockets were fired at the airport but fell short and landed on People's houses near the boundary wall....Dawn News
And "threats" are received everyday. You can't keep security forces on 24/7 alert for 365 days.

Great, then why do we lament? Why sorrows? Hell with the soldiers who die fighting scum..

Comeon man, it's about the security of well defined areas not about the whole country where you can't afford red alert 24/7..
Just a question. I've been hearing since nearly 3 years - straight - that mil op. is underway in Khyber and Bara. When will that mil op come to an end? I love Army but I really wanna know this.

No idea mate, no idea at all.

PA wants Imran khan as next PM and now all this chaos would lower zardari's chances of comeback. PA would go to any extent to see their pet at the helm of affair.

Honestly you're such a miserable creature. You should be ashamed of yourself giving bad name to some good Indian members on this forum.
Pakistan Air Force spokesman says terrorists attacked Peshawar airbase from Abdra village, 4 suicide jackets have been defused so far
Airport wall was struch by 4 terrorists in a car,and all four died...The rest were engaged and killed by security forces..
Main loss of life was caused by Rockets landing on civilian population near the Airport's boundery wall.
Along with the terrorist those protesting against operation should be h anger in public.
I can guarantee that in a few days stupid awam will forget all this and start criticising army and praising brave mujahideen

Along with the terrorist those protesting against operation should be h anger in public.
I can guarantee that in a few days stupid awam will forget all this and start criticising army and praising brave mujahideen
Tehreek Taliban Pakistan claim responsibility of attack on Peshawar Air base
Along with the terrorist those protesting against operation should be h anger in public.
I can guarantee that in a few days stupid awam will forget all this and start criticising army and praising brave mujahideen
they should be hanged and draged in the streets to set an example, how about public hangings for terrorists? even better.
Reports still conflicting..
Dawn news says all under control..
But Express news says they can still hear firing...
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