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Peshawar Airport being renamed to Bacha Khan Airport

Why are you getting so pissed if I talked about ANP doing their daily thing in Karachi. It's only the reality. MQM recently took down all their flags and requested PPP and ANP to do the same thing. But ANP refused to do so.
And its better for non Karachiites to not talk about Karachi's politics as they have no clue about the ground realities. You don't see Karachiites sitcking their noses in Lahore or Peshawar's politics.

Anyways I don't want to turn this into an MQM-ANP thread.

The exact problem of Pakistan, why not Pakistani politics rather than karachi politics. The situationin Karachi affects each and every soul in Pakistan, and it is everybody's business, so nobody is poking nose into another matter, it is a matter of Pakistan, and every Pakistani has the right to do something about it.
while we all agree that ANP -- in tradition with Pakistani politicians -- is a useless political party consisting of sissies (with some few good, honest people) --- i think they would be best served by choosing an alternate name. Bacha Khan International sounds stupid; and its a disservice to Pakistan as a whole.

as for the airport itself -- well Peshawar Airport is not as fancy as Allama Iqbal Airport in Lahore; but its very much functional and infrastructure-wise, it's just fine. It could do with some facelift if/when the authorities decide to do so.

but overall, its just fine

I agree, they could have picked to name it after someone who was not such a controversial figure in Pakistan. I could understand if the majority of people in Peshawar wanted this change but ANP only wants to change its name due to their ego.
i can speak on behalf of everyone in Peshawar when i say --- nobody cares a damn about the name of the airport. ANP and government just wasting time over the stupidest imaginable issues
Its all about giving credits to our heroes those who fought and gave their lives defending our motherland not traitors like bacha (kid) khan . This govt. is just full of ....... having meetings on things like these, no wonder we are still a long way behind from other developing economies, because our govts like to spend our valuable resources on stupid things.
Pashtuns are into Bacha Bazi or so i've heard so renaming the air port into Bacha Khan Air Port is not so bad after all.
Pashtuns are into Bacha Bazi or so i've heard so renaming the air port into Bacha Khan Air Port is not so bad after all.

Pashtuns have sizeable number of inspirational figures....bacha khan is hardly one of them, in my humble opinion

and as someone else mentioned, he wasnt even Pakistani.

im confident that wiser councils will prevail, and this retarded idea will be scrapped
Pashtuns are into Bacha Bazi or so i've heard so renaming the air port into Bacha Khan Air Port is not so bad after all.

search youtube for "bacha bazi" and let them name this airport as bacha baz hawa baz airport. please let them do that. this is worst then "awais lovely". i am flabergatted.
Might as well call our next Airport "Nehru Airport". I mean no disrespect to our Pashtun brothers but this man was totally against the concept of Pakistan. Why are we naming our airports after such men?
Benazir Bhutto International Airport Islamabad
Bacha Khan International Airport Peshawar
Nawaz Sharif International Airport Lahore
Altaf Bhai International Airport Karachi

and Gawadar or Quetta International Airport might be renamed with another dude from Balochistan.

May be Zardari International Airport, Gawadar

lol - Future of Pakistan

but one thing I notice is, usually they rename roads, airports and other public places after the person is dead. So may be those who are not dead yet might need to commit suicide so their local airport is named after them :lol:
I wish I just kill these bacha's dogs and slay the family of zardari , nawaz , mqm and all other traitors.

I pray to Allah to forgive the sins of Pakistani nation and to set them on correct path.

I hope that in coming election people will not give the votes blindly to these traitors and I hope hope that Pakistani nation will think collectively not just individually .


Live and die by sword

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