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Pervez Musharraf to return to politics

Gilani wants Musharraf to stay out of politics
Sunday, November 02, 2008

ANKARA: Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani said Sunday, no action would be taken against former President Musharraf in case he (Musharraf) kept politics at an arms length. We have told Musharraf, the people of Pakistan want change in the country’s political scenario and it is the high time for him to bid fare well to politics.

This PM said in an interview to a Turkish newspaper and added, people and parliament dislike him and he has become an old story.

Referring the ongoing security force operation in FATA Gilani said, the government of Pakistan is set to hold dialogues with Taliban if they lay down arms and come forward on table talks.

Pakistan is doing its best to combat terrorism however U.S. strikes in Pakistan would exert negative impact on Pakistan’s role in terror war, PM added.
Good points dude, but you should remember that it is not General Kayani's job to worry about all this political non-sense. He is 'oathed' to do his job which is to follow the orders of the current civilian political leadership and that is exactly what he is doing. If you have a problem with the way the current government is running things (as do I) then you should refrain from blaming the Army or its leaders because things are out of their hands and even if General Kayani was to TRY and do something against the wishes of the present government then there will be a major crisis...government would put the blame of ALL their problems on the Army (as usual) and the Army will suffer and that is not something that the Army or the country can afford.

Dear Kasrkin; sir
i got a simple , question for you?
if prime minster & president, chose to give pakistan on a LEASE to US, what should GEN, KIYANI do? follow orders?:D;):enjoy:
It is not as simple as that, but I can tell you that General Kayani will always put Pakistan's interests and security first. Right now he knows if he does anything that makes trouble against the present government then it will be hell for the country...so he is keeping country first by letting the politicans manage things for now, but please be assured that when or if the time comes and Pakistan's exsistance or interets are really in danger, then General Kayani will be the first Pakistani to act. I hope that helps lessen your concerns.
It is not as simple as that, but I can tell you that General Kayani will always put Pakistan's interests and security first. Right now he knows if he does anything that makes trouble against the present government then it will be hell for the country...so he is keeping country first by letting the politicans manage things for now, but please be assured that when or if the time comes and Pakistan's exsistance or interets are really in danger, then General Kayani will be the first Pakistani to act. I hope that helps lessen your concerns.

Kasrkin; sir
i guss, the time he would be chosing, to act to save pakistan, would be very late!
and i am sure, that he doesnt wanted to mess with his favourite PPP, anytime in his service? my concerns are serious, because pakistan isnt safe enough in this form of US sponsored democracy, which brought the most croupt's in power & PAKARMY have to accept them as thier heads.
i never thought, the GEN KIYANI is not a able commander in chief, but his understanding to geo-politics is not good enough!
it was , very easy for him to supported GEN.musharaf , as he was elected for five years, but just in few days , GEN KIYANI became super democrate.... why?
it would be better to had, GEN MUSHARAF as our president, as off ASIF ZARDARI, but he chose what?:tsk:
Gilani wants Musharraf to stay out of politics
Sunday, November 02, 2008

ANKARA: Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani said Sunday, no action would be taken against former President Musharraf in case he (Musharraf) kept politics at an arms length. We have told Musharraf, the people of Pakistan want change in the country’s political scenario and it is the high time for him to bid fare well to politics.

This PM said in an interview to a Turkish newspaper and added, people and parliament dislike him and he has become an old story.

Referring the ongoing security force operation in FATA Gilani said, the government of Pakistan is set to hold dialogues with Taliban if they lay down arms and come forward on table talks.

Pakistan is doing its best to combat terrorism however U.S. strikes in Pakistan would exert negative impact on Pakistan’s role in terror war, PM added.

How democratic is it to tell someone not to participate in politics as long as they agree to stay out for the stipulated amount of time (2 years from the date of retirement from the Army)?

The dunce is feeling threatened thus the outburst. The way Zardari and Dunce are running Pakistan, pretty soon the people of Pakistan will ask for another change...so Mr. Gilani don't ask for change, you may get it earlier than you want it. :rolleyes:
How democratic is it to tell someone not to participate in politics as long as they agree to stay out for the stipulated amount of time (2 years from the date of retirement from the Army)?

The dunce is feeling threatened thus the outburst. The way Zardari and Dunce are running Pakistan, pretty soon the people of Pakistan will ask for another change...so Mr. Gilani don't ask for change, you may get it earlier than you want it. :rolleyes:
I'm afraid the people of Pakistan do not want change, their sudden desire for democracy is proof of that.

Don't worry though, Obama will bring change to Pakistan, change we can believe in!:rofl:
How pathetic is it for Gilani telling Turkish press that parlement and people do not want M? These guys are lunatics... Pakistan had never this quality as leaders.

Matter of time before the will be dumped.
How democratic is it to tell someone not to participate in politics as long as they agree to stay out for the stipulated amount of time (2 years from the date of retirement from the Army)?

The dunce is feeling threatened thus the outburst. The way Zardari and Dunce are running Pakistan, pretty soon the people of Pakistan will ask for another change...so Mr. Gilani don't ask for change, you may get it earlier than you want it. :rolleyes:

blain2; sir
the fact is that, all this happening, just because MUSHARAF was to inocent, & nobel for the cause of democrcy in pakistan, if GEN.KIYANI had backed him up, all this wouldnt be happened.
he was 100% right , when he said "yes pakistan need me , army need's me for at least 5 more years".
but for unknown reasons, GEN.KIYANI left musharaf alone! as for now gillani is barking, on the advise of his croupt master, who is affraid of musharaf's fighting & nobel sprit, look at these so called democrat's of PPP, what are they doing!
getting minstre's .... who is going to pay the money for the expenses, is this the way to solve ENERGY crisis,FINANCIAL crisis?:angry:
Musharraf behind move to dislodge Chaudhrys
By Nadeem Syed submitted 1 day 6 hours ago
LAHORE-Former President Pervez Musharraf is behind the recent move to dislodge Ch. Shujaat Hussain and pre-empt Pervaiz Elahi from assuming this office in future, PML (Q) sources privy to intra-party developments revealed.

The man Musharraf supporting to replace Ch Shujaat as party President is none other than Hamid Nasir Chattha who these days has been keeping a close contact with the former President.

The senior Leaguers from former ruling party are pretty sure now that Musharraf is quite keen to enter politics sooner than later.

It is interesting to note that according to the agreement or understanding reached between Musharraf and PPP leaders with some foreign powers as its guarantors, Musharraf will not take part in politics after stepping down from the office of President.

The sources revealed that Musharraf now contended that he was not bound to follow any agreement as the PPP too had violated the initial understanding and had not kept its side of the promise. It is this agreement, which stops the present govt to go after Musharraf despite popular pressure.

The sources further disclosed that Musharraf is also considering appointing his media spokesman very soon.

PML leader Azeem Ch. who was media handler of Mian Azhar when he became President of PML (Q) has been tipped as his spokesman.

Paving his way to grab the top party office, Musharraf is planning to first sideline Chaudhrys and bring Hamid Nasir Chattha to the the office of President. He will then replace Chattha at an opportune time to head the PML (Q) once known as the King’s party.

More knowledgeable PML (Q) leaders disclosed that Musharraf had been backing both forward bloc and group headed by Hamid Nasir Chattha to upstage the Chaudhrys.

The Chaudhrys at the moment feel let down by Musharraf whom they lent great political support all along his rule.

link Musharraf behind move to dislodge Chaudhrys | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
The Chaudhrys at the moment feel let down by Musharraf whom they lent great political support all along his rule.

To be honest, if these Chaudhry's were strong and supported Musharraf whole heartedly and with clean minds, he still could have been the President.
They just didn't have the words or ideas through which they could have stamped their and Musharraf's position strongly to the nation.
well the situation for the army to launch a coup is not as favorable as it was in 1999 ,but let me tell you thats its getting there if our economy does'nt improve and people get fed up with with this govt.I still dont know what happened behind the scenes when Musharraf was being forced to resign,obviously Sharif and Zardari would have known that army was not gonna intervene otherwise they would not have taken that risk.Aagain the situation for the army as far as the public sentiment is concerned was not a good one with Musharraf becoming unpopular in the media and among the illiterates in Pakistan, so Army must have decided to stay behind ,but now its a different story ,I think all that talk of how good democracy is and how bad dictatorship can be is becoming a cliche and people are suffering from this economic crisis which won't be going away anytime soon.But Kiani the little that I know about him ,he does'nt seem like an agressive person ,hes non-political so probably nothing is expected to go wrong for these thugs in power
Musharraf arrives in Karachi amid tight security
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

KARACHI: Former president Pervez Musharraf has arrived here from Islamabad on Tuesday.

Strict security measures were taken before his arrival at the Jinnah International Airport. The former president was taken out of the airport from Haj terminal. Media was not allowed to speak to him.

According to sources, Musharraf will hold meetings with leaders of various political parties during his stay in the city.
Musharraf says not interested in leading PML-Q
ISLAMABAD: Former president Gen (r) Pervez Musharraf said on Tuesday that he was not interested in becoming the president of the Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q).

Talking to the media at the Islamabad airport, the former president said his return to politics depended on the future circumstances of the country, adding people would realise soon that his government had been better than the incumbent regime.

Asked if a change in the country’s political setup is possible within the next three months, Musharraf said that nothing like that would happen. online
Musharraf says not interested in leading PML-Q
ISLAMABAD: Former president Gen (r) Pervez Musharraf said on Tuesday that he was not interested in becoming the president of the Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q).

Talking to the media at the Islamabad airport, the former president said his return to politics depended on the future circumstances of the country, adding people would realise soon that his government had been better than the incumbent regime.

Asked if a change in the country’s political setup is possible within the next three months, Musharraf said that nothing like that would happen. online

thts more of a mature leader, sayings
but , the time is running out for KIYANI, GILANI, & ZARDARI!
because this tri-angular leadership is only intersted in wasting the money of the people of pakistan on thier trips , they cant produce nothing!
in the end , i am sure PAKARMY would decide to take control of the situation in their nown hands, either gen. kiyani like or not?:agree:
Why always army control pak even good or bad civil rule i like in pak
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