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Permanent UNSC Seat for India

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Suresh u are officially an IDIOT! on this thread..Get a life u make no sense with any of ur posts..now ur even bashing ur own Indian..what a hypocrite!
Luftwaffe you should not degrade forum members.
You should restrain yourself from making comments like IDIOT,hypocryte with name calling.. be open to debate ..
Suresh u are officially an IDIOT! on this thread..Get a life u make no sense with any of ur posts..now ur even bashing ur own Indian..what a hypocrite!

tell me one thing that you found idiotic and I'll explain. wat point have you made in this thread except saying 'veto veto'.:angry:
as for 'indian' bashing me, I just expressed doubt and it blew off his lid, that made me far more suspicious about him. anyways, I understand your stand. you are pakistani and I understand where you are coming from. similarly, I am an indian and look out for my country's interest.
this is wat all of us do, except some 'indians' who think 'logically'.

btw, if you could stop abusing, it would be better.
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low radiation need 12B$ dollars oil for malish?? from other thead lol jk ok yaar suresh ur officially not an idiot ur officially sleepy at day time happy??? hey regarding hypocrite its still applied and vaild...
low radiation need 12B$ dollars oil for malish?? from other thead lol jk ok yaar suresh ur officially not an idiot ur officially sleepy at day time happy??? hey regarding hypocrite its still applied and vaild...
No dude
We have low radiation tech :enjoy:
low radiation need 12B$ dollars oil for malish?? from other thead lol jk ok yaar suresh ur officially not an idiot ur officially sleepy at day time happy??? hey regarding hypocrite its still applied and vaild...

hmm, I will return all compliments, buddy including the hypocrite one.;)
tell me, wouldnt you jump with joy if pak is offered UN perm seat or would you wait till kashmir is settled?:azn:
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It certainly does makes me feel happy suraish...U did got ur self trapped in a lump of **** by saying that u were talking about Chinese Interests...and when it comes to Chinese Interests its either with them or against them if u go against them VETO is ready so i don't wanna drag this conversation with u particular u lost this discussion by miles. Over and OUT!
Kid u know how ur the puppet of US don't have explain u been watching it for quite some time.

Its 3:20 am i need to go to bed rather replying to you just wait tomw when i come from work will post alots to keep u happy....later.

ha ha....
mate, it is your style to make 'with us or against us' kind of 'friendships'.
you had that 'friendship' with US, now you have it with china. india never submits its interest for any one, no matter how close they are, no matter how big they are. US and china smart are enough to understand that we are not pak to mess around with.
Well I see people just kept talking of Veto Veto Veto! Only Agnostic Muslim made some sense, As Usual! Anyone with anythin constructive to say?

I say Pakistan should Support India and then India will sit down to talk about Kashmir and then it will be solved and we will all be happy!!!! :)
dont be disillusioned china don't HAVE TO support india. Chinese delegates scotched Russian proposals of supporting India's cause of entering the elite league at the UNSC. during BRIC conclave.
We need to convince them, Or else china will be one big problem on the way.
dont be disillusioned china don't HAVE TO support india. Chinese delegates scotched Russian proposals of supporting India's cause of entering the elite league at the UNSC. during BRIC conclave.
We need to convince them, Or else china will be one big problem on the way.
can you explain why china didnt vote against nuke deal then. the fact is we have certain leverage with every country particularly neighbouring country. and if US is on our side then nothing stops us. china is a factor, but it is not insurmountable as you might be imagining.
Just as accepting India would be silly, given that it is an international outlaw that is currently not following its obligations under the institution it wants to join.

Oh, and what about the UN resolution on Kashmir on August 13, 1948 which clearly stated that Pakistan should withdraw from what you call "Azad Kashmir" ?? You choose to conveniently ignore that while telling us to follow UN resolutions ???

The resolution read as follows -

Simultaneously with the acceptance of the proposal for the immediate cessation of hostilities as outlined in Part I, both Governments accept the following principles as a basis for the formulation of a truce agreement, the details of which shall be worked out in discussion between their representatives and the Commission.


1. As the presence of troops of Pakistan in the territory of the State of Jammu and Kashmir constitutes a material change in the situation since it was represented by the Government of Pakistan before the Security Council, the Government of Pakistan agrees to withdraw its troops from that State.

2. The Government of Pakistan will use its best endeavour to secure the withdrawal from the State of Jammu and Kashmir of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals not normally resident therein who have entered the State for the purpose of fighting.

3. Pending a final solution, the territory evacuated by the Pakistani troops will be administered by the local authorities under the surveillance of the Commission.

Now read that and tell me who conveniently chooses to ignore resolutions ??? I agree, we might not have followed all resolutions, but you are not very good either...

And, do you also want the list of all the Resolutions that your good friend China has chosen to ignore in the issues of Tibet and Taiwan ???

I'm sure that I would require more than 2 posts to list all their "August Achievements at the Council"
^^ The resolution has been discussed at length on the Kashmir Resolutions thread.

We've established India, not Pakistan, is at fault with those resolutions.

We've established India is ignoring those resolutions in violation of its obligations under the UN council.

Btw, the rest of that resolution which you conveniently chose to ignore, is this:

"When the Commission shall have notified the Government of India that the tribesmen and Pakistani nationals referred to in Part II, A, 2 hereof have withdrawn, thereby terminating the situation which was represented by the Government of India to the Security Council as having occasioned the presence of Indian forces in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, and further, that the Pakistani forces are being withdrawn from the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the Government of India agrees to begin to withdraw the bulk of its forces from that State in stages to be agreed upon with the Commission.- CHECK - "are being withdrawn", when Pakistani troops ARE BEING withdrawn, then India must agree to reduce its troops."

Pakistani troops had to vacate Kashmir ultimately, but before Pakistani troops were completely vacated India needed to agree to withdraw down to x amount of troops, as per this resolution which you quote.

But it did not, and that is what stopped the process. Sir Own Dixon, chief UNCIP, said tha it was India to blame for the halting in the process.

Therefore India is in violation of the agreement.
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Look On One hand some of you UN is a farce and on the other hand you want India to obey all the stuff said by the UN! When all the Members are treated equally by the UN then I guess we can discuss it at large.
When the Commission shall have notified the Government of India that the tribesmen and Pakistani nationals referred to in Part II, A, 2 hereof have withdrawn, thereby terminating the situation which was represented by the Government of India to the Security Council

That's the first part of the of the resolution you quoted. It says that the commission must notify the Indian Government of the withdrawal of troops and tribesmen... which clearly you never withdrew, and hence, the rest of the resolution could never go ahead...

Now, if you interpret that as a mistake on India's part, you are either very deluded or don't know English... considering you are Pakistani, I think it is the former rather than the latter....

Pakistani troops had to vacate Kashmir ultimately, but before Pakistani troops were completely vacated India needed to agree to withdraw down to x amount of troops, as per this resolution which you quote.

Before all of this, Pakistan was supposed to remove the tribesmen it had ILLEGALLY planted into Kashmir, which it did not do... so this stage of the process was never reached...

We've established India, not Pakistan, is at fault with those resolutions.

We've established India is ignoring those resolutions in violation of its obligations under the UN council.

Who the heck is this "WE" ??? You and your band of self-styled, half-frenzied crony merry-men ???
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