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People are in streets. Pakistani is boiling. Please everyone update with videos

It will be we worse before it gets better
Mangee Tor protests today
Pakistan economy is in a tailspin, freefall, destroyed by the Establishment with their handpicked corrupt, incompetent PDM government. How can they pick Shahbaz Sharif as PM, when he had about 16 billion Rs. corruption cases in NAB and 8 billion Rs. in T'T's scandal unearthed by FIA, open and shut cases and appointed PM days before being indicted by the NAB and FIA...

Unless the top brass in Establishment are corrupt.

AFP Issues Report about PDM Government | Imran Khan Proven Right || Details by Essa Naqvi​

The loser Army is on the same side as the subhuman bindus that have been lurking on this site since the overthrow of IK. These dajjals do not want to see a strong Islamic nation. They’d rather see a bastard liberal one with confused identity and limited power stake hold in SA. All of them saw IK as a threat. The bindus coksuckers here would rather see a weaken liberal bastard government in Pakistan than a staunch Muslim one that acts in favor of its people and other Muslims across SA. The sh*t colored skin Dravidians stinky dothead is working overtime to hindunized its Islamic population and then they’ll be ready to deal with Pakistan. Just my thoughts
Reports of Twitter server melting down due to severe anger
Pakistan economy is in a tailspin, freefall, destroyed by the Establishment with their handpicked corrupt, incompetent PDM government. How can they pick Shahbaz Sharif as PM, when he had about 16 billion Rs. corruption cases in NAB and 8 billion Rs. in T'T's scandal unearthed by FIA, open and shut cases and appointed PM days before being indicted by the NAB and FIA...

Unless the top brass in Establishment are corrupt.

AFP Issues Report about PDM Government | Imran Khan Proven Right || Details by Essa Naqvi​

Apparently some people are still buying the best administrative view.

My personal belief is let another 5-10 years of PMLN govt so people get enough chatrool

I mean we don't have pushtoons blood to sell via 3-4b$ of CSF funds as we had between 2012-2018..
Also don't think China has more money to spear
Apparently some people are still buying the best administrative view.

Shahbaz speed!!! It's a no brainer that it doesn't takes much to spend the money when it was all coming without any efforts, from the center, the fed. govt,. with Nawaz as the PM.

Earning the money and finances are difficult, which he failed badly, spending in fancy projects is very easy, and bribing and with media blitz.
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Reports of Twitter server melting down due to severe anger
Is thier any Twitter shadow ban ?
Is thier any Twitter shadow ban ?

No ...whole people are in streets is happening by loading old videos on Twitter

More people attend funeral of a favourite pet daily in Pakistan than are out in streets

Since all people posting here are overseas for decades or have never been to Pakistan, well....
Reality will soon bite very hard
No ...whole people are in streets is happening by loading old videos on Twitter

More people attend funeral of a favourite pet daily in Pakistan than are out in streets

Since all people posting here are overseas for decades or have never been to Pakistan, well....
Reality will soon bite very hard
Oky anything els. Again you here buring your ***
Yeh jo dehshat gardy hay

sub mil ke bolo, zara zor se bolo
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