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Peer Baba Made 300 Women Pregnant

well stone both parties.
pir sahib and women and also beat neighbors with lit-ers.

this moron destroyed lives of many and moranic women bring shame to their parents and husbands and contaminated the blood line.

punishment should be death
How about Awful! :P

That distinction is new. In the etymological sense awesome and awful mean the same thing. Doffing my grammar pedant's hat...

Isn't it sort of cool that the guy lured so many women into it? How many could you? And considering those women did go spread eagle for him willingly makes his crime so much less atrocious.
this moron destroyed lives of many and moranic women bring shame to their parents and husbands and contaminated the blood line.
punishment should be death

Shame doesn't wash with me, not does bloodline, since I consider Islam to contain the most perfect principles, and these two ideas don't figure in there AFAIK. wAa3.

Is it Nomi965's job to tell us what a punishment should be. OK then let me proclaim a punishment of letting him have another 300. Two people, two ideas!
Shame doesn't wash with me, not does bloodline, since I consider Islam to contain the most perfect principles, and these two ideas don't figure in there AFAIK. wAa3.

Is it Nomi965's job to tell us what a punishment should be. OK then let me proclaim a punishment of letting him have another 300. Two people, two ideas!
what bullshit.
Islam is very clear in this regard,if a married women has intercourse willingly with a man (other then her husband) she should be punished with stoning.
if you have problem with me ask imam of your local mosque.
Islam is very clear in this regard,if a married women has intercourse willingly with a man (other then her husband) she should be punished with stoning.

Does the man get stoned if he cheats??
Does the man get stoned if he cheats??

in jirga system- the mans youngest daughter or sister is given to the oldest and near death baba who uses disposable teeths even as wani- its a mans world after all-
Does the man get stoned if he cheats??

why not?
he fell from sky?before writing do read other posts.

post no 18
well stone both parties.
pir sahib and women and also beat neighbors with lit-ers.

this moron destroyed lives of many and moranic women bring shame to their parents and husbands and contaminated the blood line.

punishment should be death
well on the side not, if this IS WHAT these women wanted then then i dont see the problem here...they got what they asked for!
dont get me wrong, u can make babies with only one method, and if ur going to a "baba" for kids then obviously either ur bieng stupid, or naive on purpose!
what the heck they were thinking??

but yeah, he should be punished!
well stone both parties.
pir sahib and women and also beat neighbors with lit-ers.

this moron destroyed lives of many and moranic women bring shame to their parents and husbands and contaminated the blood line.

punishment should be death

for women or for the baba only? or both?
if "baba" gets hanged, it wouldn't surprise me. however women were probably punished more than enough by their families and husbands so death sentence is NOT justifiable!
i found this, hope it helps...

Concept of Adultery in Islam

"Do not go near to adultery. Surely it is a shameful deed and evil, opening roads (to other evils)" (Quran 17:32).

"Say, 'Verily, my Lord has prohibited the shameful deeds, be it open or secret, sins and trespasses against the truth and reason"' ( Quran 7:33).

"Women impure are for men impure, and men impure are for women impure and women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity." (Quran 24:26)

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said in many places that adultery is one of the three major sins. However, the most interesting story is that of a young man who went to the Prophet. This man asked for permission to fornicate because he could not control himself. The Prophet dealt with him with reasoning and asked him if he would approve of someone else having illegal sex with his mother, sister, daughter, or wife. Each time the man said 'no'. Then the Prophet replied that the woman with whom you plan to have sex is also somebody's mother, sister, daughter, or wife. The man understood and repented. The Prophet prayed for his forgiveness.

Adultery is a crime not against one person but against the whole of society. It is a violation of a marital contract. 50% of all first time marriages in the USA result in divorce within two years and the main reason for divorce are the adultery of one of the partners. Adultery, which includes both pre-marital and extra marital sex, is an epidemic in this society. Nobody seems to listen to the Bible, which says frequently, "Thou shall not commit adultery." The Quranic approach is, "Do not approach adultery."

Does it mean that not only is illegal sex prohibited, but also anything that leads to illegal sex is also illegal? These things include: dating, free mixing of the sexes, provocative dress, nudity, obscenity, and pornography. The dress code both for men and women is to protect them from temptation and desires by on lookers who may lose self-control and fall into sin. "Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity, and God is well acquainted with all they do. And say to the believing woman that they should lower their gaze, and guard their modesty."(Quran 24:30-3 1)

Islam stands for sexual purity and considers all sexual intercourse outside the marital bond as sinful. Thus it makes no distinction between adultery and formication or discriminates between the two situations: both parties are unmarried or one of the parties or both are married.

The Quran is the ultimate source of the Shariah because Allah has guaranteed its integrity. The Quran prescribes flogging. It does not even mention the word 'stoning' or 'death by stoning' (Rajm). Verse 24-2 says: "The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication flog each of them".

So how has this pre-Islamic punishment crept into Islam? Muslim jurists think that the Quranic punishment in Verse 24(2), applies only to fornication and that in the case of adultery, the Sunnah of the Prophet prescribes stoning to death.

The most accepted collection of Hadith Sahih al Bukhari has 4 entries under 3829, 8804, 8805 and 8824 which refer to stoning by death. The case under 4829 involved Jews who were stoned to death in accordance with the Law of the Torah. 8805 says: "A married man from the tribe of Bani Aslam who had committed illegal sexual intercourse and bore witnesses four times against himself was ordered by the Prophet (s.a.s.) to be stoned to death". 8804 and 8824 overlap each other. And in both the narrator acknowledges his ignorance of whether the stoning to death was carried out before or after the revelation of Quranic Verse 24-2.

The Hadith is very clear but is silent on the question whether stoning to death was ordered by the Prophet before or after the revelation of the Verse 24-2.

It is well known that the Quran was revealed in stages over 23 years. Until revelation on a specific point was received by the Prophet, he followed the law of Moses or the Traditions of Abraham but once a revelation was received, there was no question of his substituting it by his own will or by the law of Moses. In any case, there is no record in Sahih al Bukhari or any other accepted compendium of the Traditions of the Holy Prophet of another Rajm (death by stoning) carried out under the command of the Prophet.

Punishment of Adultery in Islam
How did he lure 300 women into this..300 are pregnant. Who knows whats the total score ..?
How did he lure 300 women into this..300 are pregnant. Who knows whats the total score ..?

i think this should not come to you as a surprise- you have your own swamis and sai babas raping women-
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