But, there is a caveat. The other day Miftah was on TV and he explained that the power requirement in Summer is around 40k MW whereas in Winter it is around 10k MW. He said no company in the world would invest Billions in power projects just to reap benefits 7-8 months a year if they are forced to run based on requirement and hence the capacity contracts were not just a necessity but also the norm all over the world.
Capacity payments are a norm, totally agree. But those capacity payments are at a higher than usual rate. Forget even that. The payments are fixed in foreign currency and not in Pak Rs.
I am sure every well managed country is left with idle capacity during off peak season. The trick is to minimize that as much as possible.
In Pakistan’s case they just went retard with installing power plants with no forecast demand or plan to sell. There is probably bad intent in all of this.