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PDF Errors 2016

I'm getting error 520 often.... anyhow please bring back the rating system
just got Error 520
error 520, or was it 524? a lot here too but on refreshing a few times the page opens.

also, are you done with the ratings system for good or will it reappear once the upgrades are finished ?


I am getting this error frequently while posting and my thanks is also not visible in my left side profile

just right now
520 me too
Where the heck are my likes and +ve ratings? :cray:

Happens after every few minutes.

Where the heck are my likes and +ve ratings? :cray:

Aap rating ko roo Rahe Hain Yahan logo Ki ranking senior Se full member ho gae h. :p
I do get 400 and 520.. Got 520 about an hour back when I closed the browser in frustration

What is strange is when I type a reply half of the time it does nt show and after waiting for a minute it starts showing up in patches. Then the error 520 or 400 one of them comes up. Then after 5 mins refresh and back to the same page and msg is shown.
If I press post again the error comes and when refreshed it shows my msg is posted..

Tough to understand what's going on. But looks like you folks are going for a much deeper upgrade..

Hope all this ends and would be happy if you could at least tell us what's your plan in the new upgrade in terms of features..

Btw @WebMaster Appreciate your hard work and efforts to get the site up asap. Would request you to pls keep taking a back up daily or ensure its done by relevant people

Oh just gt a 520.. Retry live version and m back.. Lol

Ya as I was saying pls I request you to keep up taking backups daily.. Don want so much of threads and discussions being lost.. That would be a bigger disaster than this.

520 again
Thanks and appreciate your hard work
Well I got few thanks, now they are gone :cray::sad: Please give me my thanks back, I need that rating system back on PDF:help::help:
I can't see my rating, @WebMaster Please fix the problem.....
@WebMaster Getting the same errors as @Blue Marlin and many others apparently . Don't have slow problem.

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520 all day.
Ok, some changes. Let me know if 520 comes back.
error 520 5 minutes ago,retry live version and back on the site,happened all day.
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