No civlians killed and no aircraft lost (or even damaged) as was the terrorists primary objective- this is a strategic win.
The loss of life is unrecognizable but all died doing their duty, I'm yet to understand where the "failure" or "embarrasment" comes from- unless you are an idiot in desperate need of some attention whilst the funeral pires are still smouldering an tears of the famillies still flowing of the REAL MEN.
At the loss of many more lives and VAST strategic assets. This is a most stupid and ,frankly, digreading analogy to make.
If Mehran looks like a win to you guys, I'd like some of what you're drinking in that cup...
You can't be taught to "remain alive at every cost", save your childish nonsense for somewhere else. This isn't the movies, this isn't the propoganda you get taught about your military- just like all of us Special Forces members are made of flesh and bone requiring the same ingredients to remain alive. Inflict horrific blast damage to anyone and the results will be the same.
The juxtopostion of a loser sat behind a keyboard demeaning the actions of someone who would walk TOWARDS live ammuntion with the explicit inent of being the first person to handle them and knowing full well of the dangers they are taking, could not be more apparent.
@PARIKRAMA @Koovie @Vauban @Levina