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PAT- Dr. Tahir-Ul-Qadri's Political Desk

well no to this i can relate they don't consider it a sin to share their experience who told you that. From where do u learn these things???

yep but it does go against the fundamental of Islam that is hiya ! :P either u have a poor comprehension of English or u didn't read my post properly

second if the Islamic governance system is man made then why is it that it is islamic and if the system is God made then why is it un-compatible ????????????

and even if the people have gone corrupt so what atleast the system must be compatible "if its God made alas why else would it be Islamic "

Have no idea what you just said but i think it looks like someone farted out words after eating bowl of words.
Post all the news related to TUQ and MQM regarding the long march and TUQ in general here.
why not you , hve done the same the running thread PTI political desk?:azn:
why still many threads been not clipped & made a sticky one? is this the insaaf you guys are following ?:lol:
guss as a PTI supporter, you are affraid of QADRI ,s growing popularity?:eek:
Believe me, people of Al Azhar have clarified that he is in fact a fake scholar, an he isn't permitted to hold the title ''Shaykh''

He is send by the establishment to derail democracy, he wants to postpone the elections... He knows damn wel that our current government is terrible, and he is playing in to that, by giving them 3 weeks, but he knows they cant fulfill his demands. MQM is using this to make a vote bank in Punjab, for them its just strategic.

that he is in fact a fake scholar
define it by putting a credible link here, or stop fake prapoganda mill?


[edit]Back ground
Qadri was born on 19 Februrary 1951 in Jhang, Pakistan to Farid-ud-Din Qadri. His ancestors belong to the Punjabi Sial family of Jhang near Sargodha. Qadri started his education at the Christian 'Sacred Heart School' in Jhang, where he learnt English and was exposed to Christianity at an early age. He learnt under Mawlana Diya' al-Din al-Madani. He studied Hadith from Muhaddith al-Hijaz. Qadri continued his quest for knowledge early in his life.
Qadri has also learnt from a number of other classical authorities in Islamic sciences, including:
Abu al-Barakat Ahmad al-Qadri al-Alwari,[7] Mohammed Burhanuddin, Abd al-Rashid al-Ridwi,[8] Tahir Allauddin al-Qadri al-Gilani,[9] Ahmad al-Zubaydi,[10] Abd al-Ma‘bud al-Jilani,[7] Farid al-Din Qadri,[7] Ahmad Saeed Kazmi, Husayn ibn Ahmad ‘Usayran,[11] Muhammad Fatih al-Kattani,[11] Burhan Ahmad al-Faruqi[11]
Qadri studied law at the University of the Punjab, Lahore where he graduated with an LLB in 1974, gaining a Gold Medal for his academic performances.[12] Following a period of legal practice as an advocate, he taught law at the University of the Punjab from 1978 to 1983 and then gained his PhD [13] in Islamic Law (Punishments in Islam, their Classification and Philosophy) from the same university in 1986 where his supervisors were Bashir Ahmad Siddiqui (‘Ulum al-Islamiyya) and Justice Javaid Iqbal.[14][15] He was appointed as a professor of law at the University of Punjab, where he taught British, US and Islamic constitutional law.[16]
Qadri has himself given ijaza to a number of leading Muslim scholars[17][18]
Believe me, people of Al Azhar have clarified that he is in fact a fake scholar, an he isn't permitted to hold the title ''Shaykh''

He is send by the establishment to derail democracy, he wants to postpone the elections... He knows damn wel that our current government is terrible, and he is playing in to that, by giving them 3 weeks, but he knows they cant fulfill his demands. MQM is using this to make a vote bank in Punjab, for them its just strategic.

was nawaz not sent by establishment?, is imran khan not made by establishment?

dude then you need to tell me which non establishment party you want in power in next elections and what change will the elections bring

are you satisfied by current situation
You have MQM constipation and you have no cure for it. Sorry bro but its not just constipation that you have but you also have mental disorder.

Its not MQM bashing. Its based on hard facts. Being from Karachi and seen your party for 30 years and its bhagora and phattu leader. So what I said was correct and to the point.

hard facts & blind eyes, quite lips fear of talibans?:lol::rofl:
Dr. Tahir ul Qadri sahib ka aik khuwab tu pura ho gaya hai, onhain Naik, Dianatdar aur Farishta sift Insan Altaf Bhai ke shakal mai aur Saleheen ke jamat MQM k roop mai mil gai hai... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
for those who wants to know the reality of QADRI revolution must watch full!

Dr. Tahir ul Qadri sahib ka aik khuwab tu pura ho gaya hai, onhain Naik, Dianatdar aur Farishta sift Insan Altaf Bhai ke shakal mai aur Saleheen ke jamat MQM k roop mai mil gai hai... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

its just 1 point agenda unification, & there is no one in pakistani politics who can be called Naik, Dianatdar aur Farishta?
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today i recall a qoute said by Hazrat Ali "" do not consider who is saying consider what he is saying""
Qadri slogan is very strong. After watching news channels i realized that today all parties are one side against Qadri.
after five year the speech of bilwal is hitting again in my mind...Democracy is best revenge...yes all democratic party get revenge from poor peoples of Pakistan. Now we have no power, no energy, no jobs, now law all around, no security, no economy, and most important no true leader nor civ and also not in uniform...i am not advocating Qadri,

Today i reveals that constitution is not holy lines or book. When democracy fails then mobs comes out and the decision will took place by the mobs on roads and street. Courts also presents on chowks. examples France mob, china resolution, and resent past Marcos face a mob for three days when all world was thinking that this will not happened there because the democracy is there...i now feel may b wrong that mob decide the Pakistan feature ...who, when and where, time will tells us

LOVE Pakistan
ECP faces another challenge

ECP faces another challenge - thenews.com.pk
Ansar Abbasi
Friday, January 04, 2013
From Print Edition

ISLAMABAD: While parliament, the opposition parties and other stakeholders have turned their blind eye to the thousands of appointments being made by the present government in important government department, the lone fighter in the civil service, Anita Turab, has approached the Chief Election Commissioner to take notice of what she called “recruitment in government as part of electioneering”.

Now the pressure is on Chief Election Commissioner Fakhruddin Ebrahim to respond to this unprecedented initiative taken by a young woman officer, who has already outshone everyone in the bureaucracy by fighting for the depoliticisation and revival of integrity and morality in the civilian bureaucracy.

Without mincing any words and daring to challenge the powerful and the mighty in the present political set-up, Anita Turab asked the chief election commissioner that since the incumbent government has already begun campaigning for the elections of 2013, the Election Commission may kindly issue orders banning further wide-scale employment, both temporary and permanent or otherwise, across provincial and federal government departments.

“Appointments in government departments should not be on a political basis at any time, and certainly not prior to an election,” she wrote in a written request to the chief election commissioner.

Anita Turab was the only civil servant in Pakistan who had protested against the Waheeda Shah slapping case and approached the apex court. In a crowd of three million government servants, she has yet again been the lone fighter who had recently won in the apex court a remarkable case where the SC has secured the tenure of government servants.

Anita’s letter to the CEC reads: “The federal government has advertised in the press for thousands of positions in government ministries and attached departments of which 8,816 are in the Ministry of Interior itself and its attached departments.

The present government had banned all permanent appointments in government departments in the last five years on the basis of financial austerity and economic crunch.In reality, however, many individuals were employed on contracts, usually in violation of prescribed rules and regulations.

The government comprises employees who are supposed to be hired on the basis of merit in order to maintain minimum standards of good governance. By failing to so hire, not only does this increase the burden on the exchequer and compromises the quality of officers and functioning of government departments where such appointments are made but it also erodes the morale of civil servants who have worked diligently for their positions.

Furthermore, and pertinent to the Election Commission, it is unethical that an incumbent government can abuse the process of hiring personnel as a gratuitous tool, using tax payers’ money, for its own political advancement as part of election campaign.

Accordingly, it is requested that since the incumbent government has already begun campaigning for Elections 2013, the Election Commission may kindly issue orders banning further wide-scale employment, both temporary and permanent or otherwise, across provincial and federal government departments.Appointments in government departments should not be on a political basis at any time, and certainly not prior to an election.”
why not you , hve done the same the running thread PTI political desk?:azn:
why still many threads been not clipped & made a sticky one? is this the insaaf you guys are following ?:lol:
guss as a PTI supporter, you are affraid of QADRI ,s growing popularity?:eek:

What the heck?

Sticky was made just to save scatter of information, so that all information and news and views about this little movement is concentrated in one place, makes moderating easy for us, and gather of information easy for other members. In short saves scattering.

And don't worry, this is only temporary, until the march!
This is very very serious matter and 10 days are very very important. I must say that agenda should be only for reform and election system so that poor people which are capable should sit in the parliament. There is need to demolish Wadaira and jagidaar system otherwise Pakistan will remain same even after 100 years. i support voice of MQM against wadaira and jagidaar system. PTI should come forward and participate in long march for electoral reform.
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