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Pashtun Tribes Stage Unprecedented Protest in Pakistan

While I agree with most of you that guy who initiated this thread is most probably an impostor, his name is nothing short of blasphemy in itself.

The issue is real though. Anyone who have visited the sit-in should know that. People there are mostly peaceful and still pro-Pakistan. Some ultra-nationalists or NSD stooges did try chanting azad Pashtunistan slogans but received a good thrashing from rest of the crowd.

But there is potential of losing the war that was won on the battlefield in that sit-in. It had people from all parts of the tribal and settled areas. And they all had grievances. It started as a demand for justice for Naqeeb but now has turned into more broad set of demands, which are mostly just. Like removal of land mines or IEDs from the areas that were deemed clear by the army. 78 tribals, mostly children have become victim to this menace.

But no matter what progress is made on other demands, justice for Naqeeb is what will decide how most of those agitators will perceive the state. And Rao Anwar has to go, no matter how important he is for the elite in Sindh or more importantly the security apparatus in Sindh.

Nothing and no one should be above the interests of Pakistan, and our biggest interest is national harmony. Pakistan can not afford to alienate 20-25% of its population for the sake of one man. Especially when support of that segment of population is utmost important for winning the war we are still fighting.

I know Rao Anwar and his likes have a utility for the security apparatus, as sometimes you have to do things off the book when faced with dire security challenges like we faced in the past decade or so. But protecting him now will only create more problems for Pakistan. Yes I am sure he has secrets that we will want to keep hidden, but why not use his own modus operandi to get out of this situation, after all he's no saint.

Well said

Reasonable demands made peacefully should be respected

Otherwise all we teach our people is that if you want your demand met then create chaos and hungama and block roads like a bunch of retards
I don't know about others, I personally want peace for Pashtuns, would you not agree that they are the most affected by the wars, whether it was the Mujahideen or Taliban.

Charity starts at home not in some other country. Mend your own country to a point where you can make exhobrant claims of them having not enough human rights. Pakistani pashtoons live thousands times better lives than you afghans so fix your own country. Half of your country is occupied by Taliban / ISIS and other half is occupied by Americans and warlords yet you talk about rights of Pakistani Pashtoons.
Now finally all the cards are being revealed :agree: this feeble little swine is poking his nose into our internal affairs, did Pak foreign office mention their reservation against the Anti-Tajik memo that Ghani and his fellow ethno-fascists circulated in Kabul, I say time to summon Dr Zakhilwal for a severe dressing down. @Zibago @war&peace @Ocean @Maarkhoor @Dalit

Sorry bhai lekin we dont need enemies when we have likes of such as the post i have quoted below and just look at the image he shared the 71 reference i mean how ridiculous

Silence of Pakistani media on this issue and this dharna is criminal. Even many educated Pashtoons 'like me' are noticing this crime conducted by whole Pakistani nation. An Indian or an Afghan posting relevent material on this forum doesn't mean problem don't exist.

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Rao anwers arrest is talked about almost every other day in talk shows ,and even islamabad sit in is mentioned just cause udont follow tv shows how is it others fault. Also cjp had issued 7 day deadline to ig sindh to arrest naqeeb ullah , supreme court has taken notice of it already.
And seriously WHOLE pakistani nation has comitted crime against pushtoon?
As of rest of grievances then it was a sit in of naqeeb later it turned into something else with more demands, and then pushtoon thing and then they made it look like naqeeb only sit in and that naqeebs murder is ignored.

Though i too want naqeebs murder justice to be pursuded more aggressively by judiciary and good for nothing sindh police.

But your post is beyond disgusting and deplorable. Rao anwar was killing more mqm people in the name of terrorists than he killed pushtoons if i am mot wrong. For decades pushtoons have lived in karachi now suddenly it became a pushtoon issue.

Those people in sit in should have felt more shame who started a dharna in naqeebs name but later turned it into pushtoon victimization.

And i am so appalled at you sharing this image it was shared online by baloch twitter propagandist who might actually be an indian and then later retweeted by some pushtoon nationalist or again maybe an indian and then indian retweeted it , if one goes to twitter at the moment most active on psuhtoon nationalism and we support pishtoon sit in are none other than indians.

And whats most disgusting is you are using bangladesh reference image to show how oppressed pushtoons are. I mean how disgusting it could get. So for years pushtoons enjoy their lives in pakistan then one incident and misinformation hapoens they start comparing themsleves to bangaldeshs imaginary oppression?
People like u should go to Afghanistan ideally and enjoy pushtoon hospitality there.

As of images since u felt no shame in posting like that i must educate you
The first pic from bangladesh is long busted propaganda widely used by indians and bangladeshis to malign Pakistan army.
The armyman checking the villager is an indian army trooper.
Here are details duh! Even bangladeshsi now know its a fake iamge and laugh at it. And here a pakistani oh wait a pushtoon is using it

"You would think that 40 years after '71 everything there is to be known is known, and that there is no more to uncover. The following picture must be very familiar to all Bangladeshis. It shows a Pakistani soldier checking in the lungi of a man to see whether he is Hindu or Muslim, and if he is Hindu, he will probably be taken away to be killed.

Its a very common image, and is burned into the minds of Bangladeshis as an example of typical Pakistani/Islamic brutality, intolerance and backwardness.

However, the fact is that the picture ISN'T of a Pakistani soldier at all, but an Indian soldier "checking for weapons". The picture is from a book by an Indian photographer called Kishor Parekh, called "Bangladesh- A Brutal Birth"

Kishor Parekh

Now here is the original, undedited photo.

Caption in the book -- "Indian Troops Grimly round up villagers suspected to be Pakistani spies they peer into Lungi in search of weapons."

And, here is another photo of the same scene.

Caption - "...Indian troops grimly round up villagers suspected to be Pakistani spies...The Jawans (soldiers) I was travelling with weren't too gentle: they had suffered casualties..."- Kishor Parekh, Bangladesh War 1971."

As of your image from fata and from 2015 then its again wrong its from 2009


Heres the link http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/27/world/asia/27pstan.html

And caption of the image
"A man fleeing the offensive in South Waziristan being checked by soldiers in Dera Ismail Khan.CreditAkhtar Soomro/Reuters "

Likes of u who are so weak inded that they can easily be swayed into becoming a part of any propaganda should either shift to india or Afghanistan. And if fata regions wants freedom then should know joining afghanistan would only mean them getting beaten up and bombed by americans but i guess for pushtoon antionalists that will still be more preferrable.

According to him whole pakistani nation has comitted crime against pukhtoons. Very nice who needs india when we have likes of him in pakistan.
. .
And seriously WHOLE pakistani nation has comitted crime against pushtoon

It seems every other person on this forum have a little bit comprehension problem. Read my post # 57. Whole nation committed crime against Naqeeb Ullah. And the demands of this sit-in. If govt can bow down to demands of some molvis then why not to Pashtoon tribes who are demanding reduction in check-points, support for those who lost homes to militery operations and other such demands ? A simple 30 km road in dir have 4 check-posts. Thebleast we can do is to reduce their suffering. No ?
Now finally all the cards are being revealed :agree: this feeble little swine is poking his nose into our internal affairs, did Pak foreign office mention their reservation against the Anti-Tajik memo that Ghani and his fellow ethno-fascists circulated in Kabul, I say time to summon Dr Zakhilwal for a severe dressing down. @Zibago @war&peace @Ocean @Maarkhoor @Dalit
He has no idea what this protest is about most of the protestors here are pti supporters and pro Pakistan they just want an end to extra judicial killings and arrest of policemen accused of killing innocent civilians but their movement is being hijacked by Assghanis who cant even stop terrorists from blowing up in their capital

Silence of Pakistani media on this issue and this dharna is criminal. Even many educated Pashtoons 'like me' are noticing this crime conducted by whole Pakistani nation. An Indian or an Afghan posting relevent material on this forum doesn't mean problem don't exist.

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Check post reduction will not solve anything sure we can replace them with police check points after it is equipped to handle the situation but removing them will unleash the dogs who used to blow up daily pre 2011
There is no blackout on this issue i do see reporting from ARY and major politicians like IK did come out in support of it i am actually infavor of some demands except for less check points unless police takes over ofcourse which in case of fata is nothing more than a dream until its made part of kpk

It seems every other person on this forum have a little bit comprehension problem. Read my post # 57. Whole nation committed crime against Naqeeb Ullah. And the demands of this sit-in. If govt can bow down to demands of some molvis then why not to Pashtoon tribes who are demanding reduction in check-points, support for those who lost homes to militery operations and other such demands ? A simple 30 km road in dir have 4 check-posts. Thebleast we can do is to reduce their suffering. No ?
The encounter specialist is either in Dubai or in some Sindh govt safehouse until the govt of Sindh is not pressurized i sadly see no action against him

It seems every other person on this forum have a little bit comprehension problem. Read my post # 57. Whole nation committed crime against Naqeeb Ullah. And the demands of this sit-in. If govt can bow down to demands of some molvis then why not to Pashtoon tribes who are demanding reduction in check-points, support for those who lost homes to militery operations and other such demands ? A simple 30 km road in dir have 4 check-posts. Thebleast we can do is to reduce their suffering. No ?
And on compensation for victims well money is allocated well that is all its released and on papers hudreds of homes are built agay ki kahani ap jantey hi hain
Looks like people have some genuine grievances.
Looks like people have some genuine grievances.

This no longer looks like showing solidarity with the family of Naqeebullah Mehsud. People with vested interests have clearly infiltrated this rally and already using it for their own political point-scoring or some other nefarious design.
nd on compensation for victims well money is allocated well that is all its released and on papers hudreds of homes are built agay ki kahani ap jantey hi hain

I have friends from tribal belt and swat. 400 k rupes can not compensate the loss of your 3 story building. But then, something is better then nothing.

The encounter specialist is either in Dubai or in some Sindh govt safehouse until the govt of Sindh is not pressurized i sadly see no action against him

Exactly. It seems No body in sindh govt cares.
I have friends from tribal belt and swat. 400 k rupes can not compensate the loss of your 3 story building. But then, something is better then nothing.

Exactly. It seems No body in sindh govt cares.
A lot of my buddies are from Wazristan I know what you are talking about but even that amount was eaten by the big dawgs
I don't know about others, I personally want peace for Pashtuns, would you not agree that they are the most affected by the wars, whether it was the Mujahideen or Taliban.
Peace will come when NATO leaves Afghanistan.

Stop acting like you belong to us. We, the Pakistani Pashtun fully disown your kind.

loll wow, I even shared Pakistani source with you.

Media gave 24 hrs to cover the 500 ppl sit in of Khadim Rizvi and 5000 Pashtuns infront of Islamabad Press Club and it's not big enough. SHAME!
When one's own home is on fire, one should focus his attentions towards that rather than looking at his neighbours.
. .
He has no idea what this protest is about most of the protestors here are pti supporters and pro Pakistan they just want an end to extra judicial killings and arrest of policemen accused of killing innocent civilians but their movement is being hijacked by Assghanis who cant even stop terrorists from blowing up in their capital
Totally concur though somehow I do feel Ghani knows this is not an separatist protest as much as he and his fellow ethno-fascists would like to see, time to play our cards as we did in Bhutto era.Kudos Zibago

The encounter specialist is either in Dubai or in some Sindh govt safehouse until the govt of Sindh is not pressurized i sadly see no action against him
Have a feeling he will be found in a well with a bullet in his head, he was chief Zardari assassin, knows about to many skeletons in the closet, he could spill the beans on the likes of Zardari, Rehman Malik and Malik Riaz, no way he will be bought to justice alive.Kudos Zibago

it is clear Pashtunistan is being relaunched by NDS/RAW and ofcourse quarterbacked by the yanks! This will once again expose ANP and many others.
They say "a fool is someone who never learns from his mistakes whereas a wiseman is someone who learns from others mistakes"
A brilliant man stated "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".
It seems these ethno-fascist fools are repeating the same mistakes as their predecessors which ultimately led ZA Bhutto to launch appropriate countermeasures and the effects of those measures are for all to see, today Faisalabad has a larger economy than the whole of Afghanistan combined, if the Afghans carry on, on this destabalising trajectory they will be the ones to suffer the most.Kudos bro
Sorry bhai lekin we dont need enemies when we have likes of such as the post i have quoted below and just look at the image he shared the 71 reference i mean how ridiculous

Rao anwers arrest is talked about almost every other day in talk shows ,and even islamabad sit in is mentioned just cause udont follow tv shows how is it others fault. Also cjp had issued 7 day deadline to ig sindh to arrest naqeeb ullah , supreme court has taken notice of it already.
And seriously WHOLE pakistani nation has comitted crime against pushtoon?
As of rest of grievances then it was a sit in of naqeeb later it turned into something else with more demands, and then pushtoon thing and then they made it look like naqeeb only sit in and that naqeebs murder is ignored.

Though i too want naqeebs murder justice to be pursuded more aggressively by judiciary and good for nothing sindh police.

But your post is beyond disgusting and deplorable. Rao anwar was killing more mqm people in the name of terrorists than he killed pushtoons if i am mot wrong. For decades pushtoons have lived in karachi now suddenly it became a pushtoon issue.

Those people in sit in should have felt more shame who started a dharna in naqeebs name but later turned it into pushtoon victimization.

And i am so appalled at you sharing this image it was shared online by baloch twitter propagandist who might actually be an indian and then later retweeted by some pushtoon nationalist or again maybe an indian and then indian retweeted it , if one goes to twitter at the moment most active on psuhtoon nationalism and we support pishtoon sit in are none other than indians.

And whats most disgusting is you are using bangladesh reference image to show how oppressed pushtoons are. I mean how disgusting it could get. So for years pushtoons enjoy their lives in pakistan then one incident and misinformation hapoens they start comparing themsleves to bangaldeshs imaginary oppression?
People like u should go to Afghanistan ideally and enjoy pushtoon hospitality there.

As of images since u felt no shame in posting like that i must educate you
The first pic from bangladesh is long busted propaganda widely used by indians and bangladeshis to malign Pakistan army.
The armyman checking the villager is an indian army trooper.
Here are details duh! Even bangladeshsi now know its a fake iamge and laugh at it. And here a pakistani oh wait a pushtoon is using it

"You would think that 40 years after '71 everything there is to be known is known, and that there is no more to uncover. The following picture must be very familiar to all Bangladeshis. It shows a Pakistani soldier checking in the lungi of a man to see whether he is Hindu or Muslim, and if he is Hindu, he will probably be taken away to be killed.

Its a very common image, and is burned into the minds of Bangladeshis as an example of typical Pakistani/Islamic brutality, intolerance and backwardness.

However, the fact is that the picture ISN'T of a Pakistani soldier at all, but an Indian soldier "checking for weapons". The picture is from a book by an Indian photographer called Kishor Parekh, called "Bangladesh- A Brutal Birth"

Kishor Parekh

Now here is the original, undedited photo.

Caption in the book -- "Indian Troops Grimly round up villagers suspected to be Pakistani spies they peer into Lungi in search of weapons."

And, here is another photo of the same scene.

Caption - "...Indian troops grimly round up villagers suspected to be Pakistani spies...The Jawans (soldiers) I was travelling with weren't too gentle: they had suffered casualties..."- Kishor Parekh, Bangladesh War 1971."

As of your image from fata and from 2015 then its again wrong its from 2009


Heres the link http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/27/world/asia/27pstan.html

And caption of the image
"A man fleeing the offensive in South Waziristan being checked by soldiers in Dera Ismail Khan.CreditAkhtar Soomro/Reuters "

Likes of u who are so weak inded that they can easily be swayed into becoming a part of any propaganda should either shift to india or Afghanistan. And if fata regions wants freedom then should know joining afghanistan would only mean them getting beaten up and bombed by americans but i guess for pushtoon antionalists that will still be more preferrable.

According to him whole pakistani nation has comitted crime against pukhtoons. Very nice who needs india when we have likes of him in pakistan.

Demands are good but not sure if possible in few days.

Rao Anwer, who the f knows where he is. Likely hiding in Zardari house. Not sure when he will get caught if ever without Zardari help.

Clearing mines, again not sure how many land mines are there. But from what I've read if you don't know exact location of land mines then it can take years. Army is already working on clearing them.

Anyway as I said main demand of Rao Anwer is the reason dharna should have been held in front of Bilawal house in Karachi. But then some foreign funded parties tried to play politics. Remember ANP is ally of PPP and they have successfully turned this dharna in to anti-punjab/army as they couldn't see PPP being maligned by their support base.
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