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Partition was a mistake

Are you offended if Indians say "Partition was a mistake"?

  • I feel offended

    Votes: 25 56.8%
  • Do not care

    Votes: 15 34.1%
  • Agree

    Votes: 4 9.1%

  • Total voters
Obviously there wouldn't be as much trouble in Pakistan because, 97% of the population is Muslim. India is a mix with 80% Hindu, then 15% Muslim, 5% Christian and then everything else. There is a greater chance of riots and interreligious and interethnic rivalry in India, because each minority has a significant population. While in Pakistan there is no significantly large minorities. Its all Self-explainatory.

PS: Please explain how Azim Khan was a bad personality, he was the one getting attacked by the Ranjit Singh Empire from the South. Also Stealing money from any country in the WORLD is considered TREASON and using the money FOR PERSONAL GAINS is again TREASON. Yes I'm not afraid to say that Allama Iqbal was the Grandson of a theif, eventhough he himself was a great man.

BUT WAIT! Are you ready to accept that your Former Prime Minister Indira Gandi was a Prostitute and butchered hundreds of Sikhs in East Punjab!
I think on a social level it would be just as disrespectful for someone to go up to an atheist and tell them that God exists and through Him only is redemption, just as it would be rude for an atheist to go up to a theist and tell them that God doesn't exist.

I put statements of "partition was a mistake" in the same category.

There is a time and place for discussion, and voicing a difference of opinion, like this forum for example, but beyond that it some measure of etiquette should be observed.

AM, in forums it is fair to say such things.. I bet no Indian unacquainted to you goes up to you and starts airing his feelings....
Similarly in a discussion it is but logical that such statements will come up...

PS: I do believe some of those who say Partition was wrong still have affinity for Pakistan/Pakistanis.. not in a sense of conquering but more of a fraternity type feeling...
I don't think that anything in my post referred to Indians as not being "different people with different opinions and perceptions". I have heard the same Indians make the argument that "Pakistan was a mistake and Jinnah was wrong" and then say that India is better off without Pakistan. That is a contradiction to me,

Well there is a contradiction in human thinking ..
As Advaita Philosophy Says that thoughts had universe-vanishing gaps between them. These universe-vanishing gaps made it universally impossible for thoughts to be connected to each other.Thoughts were not only disconnected but they were totally unpredictable. As Science would call this unpredictability their Uncertainty Principle.
For Eg
there is always a struggle between Idealism and realism and every one of us has both .
extreme Idealism - I would have preferred the old united Indian civilisation .. from Far east Indonesia to Afghanistan
Realism -India is better off Pakistan .

My original question however, is only about whether it is disrespectful for Indians to say to Pakistanis "Partition was a mistake and Jinnah was wrong".

Why is this disrespectful ? division of a nation based on religion, or language or any other narrow sense of identity is wrong ..( In Idealistic terms ) wont you express this feeling to someone from Bangladesh ?
BUT WAIT! Are you ready to accept that your Former Prime Minister Indira Gandi was a Prostitute and butchered hundreds of Sikhs in East Punjab!

prostitute?? hardly.. Soviets tried to ensare her by sending their handsomest KGB officers but failed...

She butchered hundreds of Sikhs in East Punjab this is interesting...

She was the one who created Bhindranwale.. then ordered an army op against him.. and then was butchered by Sikh Bodyguards.. which led to rioting in Delhi and subsequent birth of Sikh terrorism which saw hundreds of thousands innocents dead all over India at the hands of terrorists..

This was discussed in a Sikh thread recently...
BUT WAIT! Are you ready to accept that your Former Prime Minister Indira Gandi was a Prostitute and butchered hundreds of Sikhs in East Punjab!

Accept on what Basis ? ???
is this what they teach you in your history classes ? I really feel sorry for you .

PS: Please explain how Azim Khan was a bad personality, he was the one getting attacked by the Ranjit Singh Empire from the South.


Anyone who is powerfull and threatens a man convert or die even if he was thief (we don't know he could be innocent just AQ Khan :undecided:)
is a bad man.

How would you like it if Bush said all Pakistanis should convert to Christianity otherwise he will bomb you to the stone ages ?

Umm... The guy Committed Treason, and treason is always concluded with a Capital punishment.

Oh so now days in Pakistan

Treason = Capital Punishment = Conversion to Islam.

Please feel free to convert all spies caught in Pakistan and then convert them and release them.

Well done.

Don't try to twist it as it was unjust.


You have such poor logic! How is being a spie commiting Treason! The Grandfather wasn't A SPIE, HE STOLE MONEY FROM THE TREASURY! SO THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING, STOP TWISTING THE TRUTH.

I say to you to:

"Well Done, for being Illogical my boy!"
Don't try to twist it as it was unjust.


You have such poor logic! How is being a spie commiting Treason! The Grandfather wasn't A SPIE, HE STOLE MONEY FROM THE TREASURY! SO THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING, STOP TWISTING THE TRUTH.

Before you question my poor logic take a lesson in english and check out the defination of the word TREASON.

Oran's Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as: "...[a]...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]."

So when did stealing become treason ?


Espionage (it means spying) means treason.

Have a chill pill and invest in a dictionary.


extreme Idealism - I would have preferred the old united Indian civilisation .. from Far east Indonesia to Afghanistan

A bit of fantasy as well - since the argument in favor for such a "united Indian civilization" is extremely flawed IMO - but there is a debate on that in another thread, so lets leave it for there.

Why is this disrespectful ? division of a nation based on religion, or language or any other narrow sense of identity is wrong ..( In Idealistic terms ) wont you express this feeling to someone from Bangladesh ?

I wouldn't express this sentiment to someone from Bangladesh, and I don't ( I know a few Bangladeshis), I would be apologetic about any atrocities committed by Pakistan.

The entire world is "divided" into nations on the basis of religion, ethnicity, race, language, culture etc. If you want to make that argument, then just say "its a shame humanity is divided".

Why it is disrespectful I have outlined in a previous post to Malang.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
trea·son Audio Help /ˈtrizən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[tree-zuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.

"Stealing money obviously contributes to that!" "So take your logic pill."
:enjoy: & :crazy:

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.


Alright, Malang I see your point, perhaps I see what you are trying to say is that website is unreliable. :coffee:

There are multiple sources which says that Sonia Gandhi was a prostitute.
if I have time, I will look for others, :enjoy: & ;)
Check this out (Astuckfrilla...):
GORDON CAMPBELL AND HOWARD CAMPBELL (short story) by Howard K Campbell on AuthorsDen

So disgusting and utterly revolting... For the Safety of others, only Malang should read this.
A bit of fantasy as well - since the argument in favor for such a "united Indian civilization" is extremely flawed IMO - but there is a debate on that in another thread, so lets leave it for there.

Correct thats why I said Extreme Idealism .

I wouldn't express this sentiment to someone from Bangladesh, and I don't ( I know a few Bangladeshis), I would be apologetic about any atrocities committed by Pakistan.


The entire world is "divided" into nations on the basis of religion, ethnicity, race, language, culture etc. If you want to make that argument, then just say "its a shame humanity is divided".

just because every one does it , it doesnt become right .
ethics is universal .

secondly religion is a tool . some ppl use it to unite humanity , to inculcate goodness in humanity and some use it to break humanity .so its the person and his use of this tool which is being questioned here . Jinnah used religion to break humanity .
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
trea·son Audio Help /ˈtrizən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[tree-zuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.

"Stealing money obviously contributes to that!" "So take your logic pill."
:enjoy: & :crazy:

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.


As I said Azim Khan was a good person...

Alright, Malang I see your point, perhaps I see what you are trying to say is that website is unreliable. :coffee:

There are multiple sources which says that Sonia Gandhi was a prostitute.
if I have time, I will look for others, :enjoy: & ;)
Check this out (Astuckfrilla...):
GORDON CAMPBELL AND HOWARD CAMPBELL (short story) by Howard K Campbell on AuthorsDen

hahaha.. Mustapha I like you man..

that short story is amazing.. anyone read it???

Actually, I would not recommend anyone to read it, due to its filthyness!
Personally, I'm a little ashamed to use that strong of an article to prove my case.
Again I say that article is for Malang, but if there are others please take it with maturity of how such people can be such ugly, immoral, unethical and retarded they can be.

I just used it as evidence to prove Sonia was "Ah-hem" a *********

Brother Malang, in this epic forum, that Azim Khan refutation was meant for him not you, I hope you didn't take as directly towards you....

Actually, I would not recommend anyone to read it, due to its filthyness!
Personally, I'm a little ashamed to use that strong of an article to prove my case.
Again I say that article is for Malang, but if there are others please take it with maturity of how such people can be such ugly, immoral, unethical and retarded they can be.

I just used it as evidence to prove Sonia was "Ah-hem" a *********

Brother Malang, in this epic forum, that Azim Khan refutation was meant for him not you, I hope you didn't take as directly towards you....

you are hilarious .. seriously I would love to meet you over a cup of tea .( I dont like Coffee)
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