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Partition of India: Origin of Hatred

No offense Intended but this hatred will last till the end of times no matter how much we try to "sugar" it .

I donot agree to it...Hatred in ancient India started long time back till time Islamic emperor invaded India and done so many things that goes against the sentiments of the majority people...But again...that does not mean that they do not have any positive contribution too....And 2nd factor of hatred is the Hindu religion itself...In our religion...we have so many factors that creates allienation of our own people....

So i feel that partition is just an effect, the cause has been rooted hundreds of years prior to the partition but todays social intelligentia never ever agree to accept it....So i would more see that the untouchability of lower Hindu caste is a most important factor that has driven away the Hindu people to get it converted to other religion and rest who ever is not converted..being impacted in a various ways to get it converted....

I feel these two factors sows the seed of mistrust between the two communities...But i feel that hatred is a very strong word in Indian context...I may not like to any Muslim guy from non India nation....I would like see be my Indian Muslim brothers as my familly...I feel and like to see Muslim brothers as one of them like any Bramin or Khatriya or other caste people from my religion...

So please do not generalize everything...there is a lot of thing under the feeling of mind of Indian people where they go beyond the boundary of the religion...As for me...my nation comes first...than my religion..
gladly we Hindus/sikhs have mostly forgotten what Muslims did and have moved on

Correcting a bit.....We have forgotten what Muslims did, but we haven't forgotten what Pakistanis did and that we will never forget.
@Kaniska . All your reply can be summed up in one line . we "point and laugh" at Pakistani muslims because such Thing is happening in Pakistan and not in India . For us its not more of a "Muslim" thing . Its more of a "Pakistan" thing .
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Correcting a bit.....We have forgotten what Muslims did, but we haven't forgotten what Pakistanis did and that we will never forget.

Spot on...It is a major change in the wording that was needed..
@Kaniska . All your reply can be summed up in one line . we "point and laugh" at Pakistani muslims because such Thing is happening in Pakistan and not in India . For us its not more of a "Muslim" thing . Its more of a "Pakistan" thing .

But we do need to fix our caste problem and get the Owaisi-Togadia show off air! :undecided: I wanted to have my corpulent friend sit on both their heads and let one lose...or well you know ten...but he refused citing sanitary objections..regarding the intended targets not being clean..not the letting lose bit. :cray:
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But we do need to fix our caste problem and get the Owaisi-Togadia show off air! :undecided: I wanted to have my corpulent friend sit on both their heads and let one lose...or well you know ten...but he refused citing sanitary objections..regarding the intended targets not being clean..not the letting lose bit. :cray:

I am an Hindu Atheist . 'nuff said . Let the warrior of each religion duel it out .
And Hindus and Sikhs will "point and laugh" at Muslims while they slaughter each other .

Butwe are humane and will not point and laugh at Hindus when some Dalit gets killed for touching Brahmin or when Hindus & Sikhs slaughter eachother over Golden Temple. Thanks.

gladly we Hindus/sikhs have mostly forgotten what Muslims did and have moved on

But we Muslims will never forget how Mughal Empire ended after few traitors & barbarian caste system & british rule was imposed on India.

We will NEVER forget how you Hindus broke our Hindustan & sold it to the British
Butwe are humane and will not point and laugh at Hindus when some Dalit gets killed for touching Brahmin or when Hindus & Sikhs slaughter eachother over Golden Temple. Thanks.

84 one incident . Shia and Sunni history is 1400 years old . Current Playgrounds are Pakistan , Iraq and Syria . Sleep tight .
I am an Hindu Atheist . 'nuff said . Let the warrior of each religion duel it out .

Nasadiya sukta all the way...and let any self styled hindutwa fellow challenge it. It is part of the Rigveda itself..as vedic knowledge it supersedes all other scriptures from Ramayana or Mahabharat or even Bhagwat Geeta. But what of Owaisi...seriously can't we hand them knives and lock em' in a cell? You get the pretzels and I'll pick up the beer.
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