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Paris Under Attack

Daesh N'est Pas L'islam

Daesh Is Not Islam
Deash =USIS not Islam , its against islam

No one in my family was ever a terrorist. But, that's a different topic from this one.

I can guarantee you, there were headlines all over during the terrible Peshawar school attack.
Just one incident ?

Mhm, whatever you say bro, i just made a step towards the goal outlined in the first sentence of my post.
& you were wrong !
These refugess can be trained to counter the USIS but will CIA is willing to do that ?
I live in france , in paris

the attack takes place next door to me

I can tell you 100% the government lies to us there is everything organized
Sure its been proven fact that USIS been supported & trained by CIA , which now wants to take out all if the strong resistance heads of anti-israeli forces through out Islamic world , this tragic incident is just another page in that ?
I believe some Pakistani's need to go watch Bollywood soap opera's or whatever Pakistan's version of Bollywod is named.

& you were wrong !
These refugess can be trained to counter the USIS but will CIA is willing to do that ?

First one who touches me or starts walking towards me with increased pace, gets it. Do you understand this?
what on earth is this USIS and why are cartain members calling ISIS /ISIL as USIS ?:
Daesh claimed to be behind the atacks. @waz @Abingdonboy @Taygibay


Cause its been supported , trained , supplied by USA , CIA ?
did ISIS told this on there website or the heads of CIA, USA told you that or are you trying to deviate wrong attention ISIS getting deu to there rumoured backing of paris attacks ?
I believe some Pakistani's need to go watch Bollywood soap opera's or whatever Pakistan's version of Bollywod is named.

First one who touches me or starts walking towards me with increased pace, gets it. Do you understand this?
No we don't need third class Bollywood shyt , we were suffered most, of the rest of the world
To the dead: rest in peace.

Many Muslims across Europe are going face a backlash as a result of this barbaric crime, even though it has nothing to do with either those individuals or Muslims as a whole.
gustakhi mauf ho huzoor ... i beg your pardon sir yes i did see some positive things and thanks for that just said that cause i have of latee been a victim of such people so just to register my feelings i said so i hope you dint take that as trolling or abusing sir thanks in advance and have a nice day sir thanks again

Thanks Guru Saib.
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