Again, these have nothing to do with conenctions. more to do with right place at right time I agree there are several duds, but thats bound to be in any system. If sending dead wight because of connections is the norm then IBM and Accenture would ahve been out of business. ALso, these are the not the typical migrants / immigrant. Very likely they will return to India at the end of the project . I can say pretty certainly IBM will not apply for their GC unless they are super good and are required to be there long term. these types are just staff augs.I am talking about the last few years in companies like IBM and Accenture. We had people who literally would not pass a freshman level class in computer science or economics. Yet they had managed to get a transfer from IBM India and Accenture India to come to Western countries as 'experts'. I had to explain to one such IBM "expert" the difference between function parameters and return values. We had another database "expert" who always needed everything explained to him several times and couldn't get any work done by himself unless he "consulted" his company first. Plenty more examples...
its another thing if they come to US thru IBM and find anoteher job from where they are ale to to stay on.. but that you have to give it to them.