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Panetta admits that US is at war in Pakistan

Misleading Title.
Its war IN Pakistan not war WITH Pakistan.
If Pakistan Government had balls to clean up their hate mongering offspring Taliban & fanatic extremist terrorist from its soil there would have been no WOT. Its reaping fruits of what it sow.

Oh that's it you cant get on the link well more incompetence on your part Indian and the source is not bad no its not Indian source.

Press Council of India Chairman Justice Markandey Katju has said "most people in India are of a very low intellectual level, steeped in casteism, communalism, superstitions and all kinds of feudal and backward ideas".

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...s-very-low-intellect-katju.html#ixzz1x5hQ9VMm

Yes Press Council of India Chairman Justice Markandey Katju must be right.
But isnt he a again Indian?? How do you trust his intellect & IQ. May be its a conspiracy of RAW to make pakistanis & World idiots.
Think Think. You can look MORE stupid when you think of Indian-Hindu's or RAW's (Fake) conspiricies.

Even with higher intellect than us u are unable to match us in economy and military or even science and technology..then what is the use of ur high intellect?

In fetching & bargaining Sanctions & Economic Aid I guess :rofl:
We already know we are at war in Pakistan not at war with Pakistan. Its been going on for years.
Misleading Title.
Its war IN Pakistan not war WITH Pakistan.
If Pakistan Government had balls to clean up their hate mongering offspring Taliban & fanatic extremist terrorist from its soil there would have been no WOT. Its reaping fruits of what it sow.

Ahhh the innocence of the Yanks and the Arabs ... Only Pakistan is responsible for this mess and thus required to do what even NATO couldn't do in 11 years ... Let me ask you , how much area of Afghanistan do you think ISAF controls ? :azn: ... There would have been no WOT if Afghans have used their brain and never invited the Soviets to their country thus starting this cycle of **** in the first place ! How many history classes you bunked to talk so stupid ? :flame:
Pehle si yeh log Borderline Schizophrenic hai ....If u continue Propoganda like this They might go over cliff into Full blown Schizophrenia Or Even Bipolar Disorder

Tell you what kid , do not mention things and try to make them look prominent which you dont know jack **** about , because you are only ridiculing yourself and the ones thanking you in the end :azn: ... Otherwise there's always the IQ theory for your lot ... :rofl:

your link still does not work Mr Aryan.. I hope to see for what it is worth.

Why does it work here ? :undecided: ... Stop this drama to increase post count now !
so USA doesn't has guts to clean terrorist in afghanistan and cross boarder attacks
and india doesnt has guts to clean up its insurgencies

and they keep on talking of Pakistan?

and yes whenever India is caught in something bad it brings out the mumbai thing

recent event of Indian spy acknowledging his deeds WITHOUT ANY PRESSURE INSIDE INDIA!!!!
your link still does not work Mr Aryan.. I hope to see for what it is worth.

here is the text from that aryan_b's link

Panetta admits that US is at war in Pakistan

Published: 07 June, 2012, 01:40

Leon Panetta (AFP Photo / Pool / Jim Watson)

TAGS: Terrorism, USA, War, Pakistan

Hold the phone, anti-war activists. President Obama says that American troops are done with Operation Iraqi Freedom and their episode in Afghanistan is almost over. Now, though, it looks like the US is calling its operation in Pakistan an actual war.

*Only one day after American officials announced that US troops executed an alleged al-Qaeda higher-up with a drone strike in Pakistan, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters on Wednesday that America’s fair-weather ally is indeed serving as a battlefront in the War on Terror.

“We are fighting a war in the FATA, we are fighting a war against terrorism,” Secretary Panetta said this week. Panetta was referring to the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, a region in northwest Pakistan that is currently the scene of American airstrikes.

Since well before the top-secret raid and execution of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden brought US troops into Pakistan, the American military has tried time and time again to sugarcoat its activities overseas. Despite being an at-one-time top ally of the United States, Pakistani officials have continuously condemned the US over Uncle Sam’s continuing air strikes with unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones. Now after years of trying to re-develop those deteriorating ties with Pakistan, the United States’ top military man flatly called his country’s operations in FATA an actual war.

To put it simply, this might not be good news for anyone.

While Panetta’s comment came only a day after the Pentagon confirmed that al-Qaeda’s “number-two in command,” Abu Yahya al-Libi, was executed with a drone strike in the FATA region, it also coincides — coincidently — with a statement made by another former CIA official. Robert Greiner, the one-time head of the CIA’s counterterrorism center, tells reporters this week that America’s mishandling of drone attacks is creating a safe haven for terrorists.

In a report published this week by the UK’s Guardian, Greiner says that ongoing attacks that target a broad and often unspecific range of targets is causing anti-American sentiments to increase faster than the US can actually combat terror. After the US has increased its air strikes in locales such as Pakistan and Yemen, says Greiner, insurgency has only become more rampant.

Because the Obama administration has gone on the record to say that all military-age men in strike zone are considered combatants, Greiner believes that unrest with the US is adding up at a rate that repeated strikes won’t help.

"We have gone a long way down the road of creating a situation where we are creating more enemies than we are removing from the battlefield. We are already there with regards to Pakistan and Afghanistan," says Greiner.

"That brings you to a place where young men, who are typically armed, are in the same area and may hold these militants in a certain form of high regard. If you strike them indiscriminately you are running the risk of creating a terrific amount of popular anger. They have tribes and clans and large families. Now all of a sudden you have a big problem … I am very concerned about the creation of a larger terrorist safe haven in Yemen.”

Panetta admits that US is at war in Pakistan — RT

Source: [url]http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/185593-panetta-admits-us-war-pakistan-3.html#ixzz1zOnAVMLs


Well I just tried it and it worked. Is your computer Indian made??

Indian companies do not manufacture computers.
Panetta admits that US is at war in Pakistan

Published: 07 June, 2012, 01:40

Operation Iraqi Freedom and their episode in Afghanistan is almost over. Now, though, it looks like the US is calling its operation in Pakistan an actual war.
Only one day after American officials announced that US troops executed an alleged al-Qaeda higher-up with a drone strike in Pakistan, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters on Wednesday that America’s fair-weather ally is indeed serving as a battlefront in the War on Terror.
“We are fighting a war in the FATA, we are fighting a war against terrorism,” Secretary Panetta said this week. Panetta was referring to the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, a region in northwest Pakistan that is currently the scene of American airstrikes.
Since well before the top-secret raid and execution of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden brought US troops into Pakistan, the American military has tried time and time again to sugarcoat its activities overseas. Despite being an at-one-time top ally of the United States, Pakistani officials have continuously condemned the US over Uncle Sam’s continuing air strikes with unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones. Now after years of trying to re-develop those deteriorating ties with Pakistan, the United States’ top military man flatly called his country’s operations in FATA an actual war.
To put it simply, this might not be good news for anyone.
While Panetta’s comment came only a day after the Pentagon confirmed that al-Qaeda’s “number-two in command,” Abu Yahya al-Libi, was executed with a drone strike in the FATA region, it also coincides — coincidently — with a statement made by another former CIA official. Robert Greiner, the one-time head of the CIA’s counterterrorism center, tells reporters this week that America’s mishandling of drone attacks is creating a safe haven for terrorists.
In a report published this week by the UK’s Guardian, Greiner says that ongoing attacks that target a broad and often unspecific range of targets is causing anti-American sentiments to increase faster than the US can actually combat terror. After the US has increased its air strikes in locales such as Pakistan and Yemen, says Greiner, insurgency has only become more rampant.
Because the Obama administration has gone on the record to say that all military-age men in strike zone are considered combatants, Greiner believes that unrest with the US is adding up at a rate that repeated strikes won’t help.
"We have gone a long way down the road of creating a situation where we are creating more enemies than we are removing from the battlefield. We are already there with regards to Pakistan and Afghanistan," says Greiner.
"That brings you to a place where young men, who are typically armed, are in the same area and may hold these militants in a certain form of high regard. If you strike them indiscriminately you are running the risk of creating a terrific amount of popular anger. They have tribes and clans and large families. Now all of a sudden you have a big problem … I am very concerned about the creation of a larger terrorist safe haven in Yemen.”

Well what do the Americans expect when they try to win hearts and minds using bombs. Why would any Pakistani speak positively after this type of behaviour by the AIPAC infested Zionist regime of America

Some where i came to know that PAF is also involved in COIN Operations in North West Pakistan.


I think Pakistan made Laser guided bombs, Precision guided bombs are built with artificial intelligence that can win hearts minds of tribal people.
ok a ground survey, those attacks are done with on going land operations, civilians are never targeted based upon poor intelligence report..the few times ever it happened, compensations were payed
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