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'palestinians' admit their own rockets killed girl and injured others

Your despicable people have even admitted it.

All media now reporting it

So, by framing the issue in terms of one failed rocket possibly killing a Palestinian girl, you are willfully diverting attention from multiple Palestinian deaths?

I would very much like to know what makes Palestinians despicable, but not Israelis. How do you make that case?
So, by framing the issue in terms of one failed rocket possibly killing a Palestinian girl, you are willfully diverting attention from multiple Palestinian deaths?

I would very much like to know what makes Palestinians despicable, but not Israelis. How do you make that case?
So by framing the issue as one side only firing rockets, you're wilfully diverting attention away from multiple attacks?

Israel is retaliating to rockets like any other nations is allowed to.

Hazzy the propagandist and liar thought he could get away with blaming the girl's death on Israel.

This isn't the first time they have directly killed one of their own and tried to blame Israel.

Not a single one of them would be killed if the despicable savages stopped firing rockets.

Now don't waste my time again with your Koran-based bias. A shared religion blinding you like a bat. Pathetic.
AFP reporting that the 'palestinian' rocket fell short and wounded a girl in Gaza and some of her family.

AFP doesn't know anything, eyewitnesses have stated a drone strike as well in the same vicinity. Mortars don't fall short, they are fired at Israeli forces near the border.

Once again, I've corrected everything that turns out not to be true. Yet, the first word on this incident was a drone strike. I will wait to get further verification by tomorrow.

So by framing the issue as one side only firing rockets, you're wilfully diverting attention away from multiple attacks?

Israel is retaliating to rockets like any other nations is allowed to.

Not true, Israel initiated the hostiles and Israel is occupying power. This is not of sovereign basis, so we can't draw parallels. This is an ongoing conflict.

I documented it in my main thread, so people can see who initiated hostilities from the beginning. You simply can't take a crap on all that effort with one liner assertions which you can support with evidence. While I support my thread with evidence.

Btw, you're a double user troll with yet another account.
AFP doesn't know anything, .

5 different news sources are saying that a 'palestinian' (ACCORDING TO 'PALESTINIAN' REPORTS) rocket fell short and injured the girl - yet you, A YANKEE DOODLE sitting in the USA thinks he knows differently and posts lies and propaganda on here.

You've been found out and it's only because there isn't anyone to hold you to account for your lies on here, that you aren't found out on a daily basis for your lies.

Not true, Israel initiated the hostiles and Israel is occupying power. This is not of sovereign basis, so we can't draw parallels. This is an ongoing conflict.

Your despicable entity started firing rockets and they will be dealt with.

You can scrape up the pieces.
Are you saying that stopping rocket attacks would roll back the Gaza blockade?

Would the illegal settlement building activity stop?

Would the Palestinian refugees get a right to come back to their homes?

Would organized state-sponsored savagery by Israel come to an end?

Seems like there is a lot riding on those rocket attacks.

BTW how many rocket attacks happen from West Bank? Is there any reason for "slow motion ethnic cleansing" being conducted as the world watches?

My stance has nothing to do with a shared religion. It has everything to do with notions of justice. How can Europeans land in Palestine and claim the country just like that?

If someone were to tell me such a story to take my land, I would teach them a lesson they would not likely forget any time soon.

5 different news sources are saying that a 'palestinian' (ACCORDING TO 'PALESTINIAN' REPORTS) rocket fell short and injured the girl - yet you, A YANKEE DOODLE sitting in the USA thinks he knows differently and posts lies and propaganda on here.

You've been found out and it's only because there isn't anyone to hold you to account for your lies on here, that you aren't found out on a daily basis for your lies.


Not a single Palestinian source stated that.

Are you saying that stopping rocket attacks would roll back the Gaza blockade?

Would the illegal settlement building activity stop?

Would the Palestinian refugees get a right to come back to their homes?

Would organized state-sponsored savagery by Israel come to an end?

Seems like there is a lot riding on those rocket attacks.

BTW how many rocket attacks happen from West Bank? Is there any reason for "slow motion ethnic cleansing" being conducted as the world watches?

My stance has nothing to do with a shared religion. It has everything to do with notions of justice. How can Europeans land in Palestine and claim the country just like that?

If someone were to tell me such a story to take my land, I would teach them a lesson they would not likely forget any time soon.

Be careful not to fall into his trap, Palestinian weapons are only there to protect our people. We don't provoke violence, only periods of rocket fire occur at periods of massive Israeli bombardment and this is supported with facts.

The siege on Gaza began a while ago when Hamas representatives were elected into the national government. All imports were banned which lead to the loss of 60,000 plus jobs in the first months.
True,The libtards in the west should realise that just because the terrorists are underdogs doesn't mean they are right.
And how are they wrong?

Imagine a bunch of Bangladeshi illegal immigrants telling you to get lost from you land. How would that make you feel?
Are you saying that stopping rocket attacks would roll back the Gaza blockade?

Would the illegal settlement building activity stop?

Would the Palestinian refugees get a right to come back to their homes?

Would organized state-sponsored savagery by Israel come to an end?

Seems like there is a lot riding on those rocket attacks.

BTW how many rocket attacks happen from West Bank? Is there any reason for "slow motion ethnic cleansing" being conducted as the world watches?

My stance has nothing to do with a shared religion. It has everything to do with notions of justice. How can Europeans land in Palestine and claim the country just like that?

If someone were to tell me such a story to take my land, I would teach them a lesson they would not likely forget any time soon.

A very understandable stance, Sir. However, it assumes that the aggrieved party is capable of teaching the aggressor a lesson. What if they cannot? Slingshots and stones (and a few rockets) are no match for guns and tanks and planes.
A very understandable stance, Sir. However, it assumes that the aggrieved party is capable of teaching the aggressor a lesson. What if they cannot? Slingshots and stones (and a few rockets) are no match for guns and tanks and planes.

Certainly not the moral high ground type deal assumed by the OP here.

@Hazzy997 if you suspect that this OP character has multiple accounts, let me know of his other suspected account
Certainly not the moral high ground type deal assumed by the OP here.


There are no morals in international geopolitics. It is naive to assume that such concepts, which are applicable to individuals, apply in this case.
And how are they wrong?

Imagine a bunch of Bangladeshi illegal immigrants telling you to get lost from you land. How would that make you feel?

He needs to define 'terrorists' to us. Since it's hardly rational to dehumanize one side of the equation for responding to decades long Israeli violence.

Just look at past Israeli PM's. Ariel Sharon, for example, was responsible for bombing homes while civilians were present with explosives killing 69 Palestinians.

Israel promoted him to become the Prime Minister. That says a lot about their nation. Not to mention state sponsored violence in the form of an occupation.

Seems the usual crowd dismisses Israeli violence but is quick to demonize the Palestinians for responding to attacks.

PLO: 56 Palestinians killed, 897 injured since peace talks began

As evident by this past thread.

Certainly not the moral high ground type deal assumed by the OP here.

@Hazzy997 if you suspect that this OP character has multiple accounts, let me know of his other suspected account

He has had almost over thirty accounts. Everybody here is familiar with him. His most recent account was 'David's Sling'.
Are you saying that stopping rocket attacks would roll back the Gaza blockade?

What blockade you absolute lunatic? the first rocket fired into Israel was in 2001. The so-called blockade was put in place in 2007.

6 f*cking years AFTER the animals started firing rockets.

I'm not even going to bother with the rest of your tripe. You disgust me and I'll tell you why.

You are INCAPABLE of rational, impartial thoughts. You are a PEA brain that operates on an instinct that was drummed into you in your Madrasas and through your Koran.

The ONLY reason you're a blinded cheerleader for the 'palestinians' is because you share the same religion. That's it. That's the sum of it.

You aren't some hipster, leftist, latte-sipping 'human rights' liberal. You aren't an objective commentator on the subject.

The ONLY thing you are is a CO-RELIGIONIST and THIS is the reason why you're a cheerleader for them. THIS is the reason you've grown up with anti-Israel propaganda fed to you like a Goose getting force fed for liver pate.

In your madrasa, in your newspapers, your TV, your Mosques and every other orifice in Pakistan, you're fed this DELUSIONAL bollocks about the 'palestinians' because you're a CO-RELIGIONIST.

You're incapable of being objective and as such I completely disregard your views.
A very understandable stance, Sir. However, it assumes that the aggrieved party is capable of teaching the aggressor a lesson. What if they cannot? Slingshots and stones (and a few rockets) are no match for guns and tanks and planes.

Unfortunately, that's the case for the civilians in the West Bank. It was for Gaza too, but now Gaza has it's hands on effective weapons. That doesn't mean they want war. Absolutely not, this recent round of violence has largely been minimal and began when Israel accused Hamas of kidnapping three Israeli settlers and tried to send a message to Hamas in Gaza by bombing some areas.

It's still mostly a low scale fight, I created a thread for it since the very beginning.
There are no morals in international geopolitics. It is naive to assume that such concepts, which are applicable to individuals, apply in this case.
Relating to this thread, I am talking about OP's stance, not international relations. If someone wishes to occupy moral high ground, they might as well demonstrate the validity of their stance.

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