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Palestinian TV airs show praising Fogel family murderer


Sep 30, 2010
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Palestinian TV airs show praising Fogel family murderer

In weekly show dedicated to Palestinian prisoners in Israel, Hakim Awad's mother and aunt describe convicted perpetrator of Itamar attack as a 'hero and legend.'

By Avi Issacharoff

Palestinian television aired an interview with the relatives of the Fogel family murderers earlier this month, praising the two cousins convicted with the brutal attack as "heroes."

The broadcast was aired as part of a weekly show on the Palestinian state-run station called "For You," which focuses on Palestinian prisoners incarcerated in Israel.

The show featured the aunt and mother of Hakim Awad, who along with his cousin Amjad was convicted of brutally stabbing to death five Fogel family members in an attack on their home in the West Bank settlement of Itamar on the night of March 11, 2011.

Hakim Awad's mother sent her regards to her son, proudly describing him as the perpetrator of the Itamar attack and that he was sentenced to 5 consecutive life sentences.

Awad's aunt then proceeded to describe her nephew as a "hero and a legend."

The unusual broadcast was reported by the Israel-based media watchdog organization Palestinian Media Watch

Late last year Amjad Awad was convicted of the murdering Ehud and Ruth Fogel, along with three of their young child-ren, Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, 3 months old, before fleeing the scene. His cousin Hakim was convicted a month earlier. Both men were sentenced to five consecutive life sentences by an IDF court.

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Branded Heroes for killing a 3 month old.

So they want their kids to follow such examples.All the best to them for the kinda society they wish to live in.

This is disgraceful. I want to be sympathetic towards the Palestinians but then you here about these sort of things. :tdown:

Two wrongs don't make a right. Never have, never will.
Disgusting. You don't jump off the cliff if another person does.
I should say it!

whoever does it! anyone intentionally going after kids or a baby is... sorry hard to find a word since I dont think any culture ever invented a word to describe such acts
well...well ..well look whos talking!!! :blink: :woot:


Either you condemn it or either you praise this murder, there is no middle way.

Your relative approach is despicable, you cannot even condemn a murder of an innocent baby in her sleep without inserting political calculations.
What war? Did the 3 month old baby carry arms?

How far are you willing to go in order to excuse a cold murder of a baby? Do not you have any moral standards?

the same war that killed hundreds of Palestinian children. And the same moral standards israel have
Gys don't bring Israel into this. Its only for Palestinians.
the same war that killed hundreds of Palestinian children. And the same moral standards israel have

You are wrong.

Israel national TV channel never called or praised Israeli murderous.

IDF do whatever it can to minimise casualties among civilians in its war against terror organisations like Hamas and Hizbuallah which use innocent people like human shields.

On the other hand, as you can see, a murderer of a 3 month old baby is considered as a hero in Palestinian TV. The highest priest in Palestine calls for killing Jews and he is not remove from his office and not condemn.

This is the kind of society with twisted moral standards that Israel should live with in "peace".
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