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Palestinian refugees burn Hezbollat aid


Mar 2, 2013
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Palestinian refugees from Syria burn Hezbollah donated food aid at the refugee camp of Ain al-Hilweh in Sidon, Thursday, May 30, 2013. (The Daily Star/Stringer)

SIDON, Lebanon: Angry Palestinians set fire Thursday to humanitarian aid donated by Hezbollat in Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp, citing the party’s role alongside the regime in Syria’s civil war.

A number of refugees gathered in front of the Kifah School in the camp and held banners explaining their decision to burn the boxes of aid, which Hezbollat is distributing in a number of Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.

“We don’t want assistance soaked in the blood of the Syrian people,” read one of the signs.

The Palestinian Hamas party that governs the Gaza Strip has broken with President Bashar Assad’s government in the wake of the uprising.

Affixed to the boxes were labels reading: “A gift from the Iranian resistance in Lebanon to our Palestinian and Syrian refugee families.”

Tensions in the south Lebanon camp rose earlier in the week when Palestinians who had fled the fighting in Syria objected to seeing Hezbollat and Syrian regime flags on the trucks being used to deliver the aid. Two armed men on motorcycles responded by blocking the route of the vehicles.

The camp’s Popular Committees then decided to accept the donations and store them in a warehouse for distribution at a later date, to avoid tension.

However, at least one attempt was made to burn the boxes in the warehouse, prompting their removal to a second location for storage.

The offended refugees finally got hold of the aid when distribution began Thursday.

Elsewhere, Hezbollat’s relief activities took place without incident.

In Baalbek’s Al-Jalil Palestinian refugee camp, a ceremony was held to thank the party’s initiative, which included the distribution of 1,800 food packets.

Read more: Palestinian refugees burn Hezbollah aid | News , Local News | THE DAILY STAR
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: Breaking News, Lebanon News, Middle East News & World News | THE DAILY STAR)
Seems more like a six "protestors" and a couple of boxs being burnt rather then the disingenuous title of "Palestinian refugees burn Hezbollah aid".

Who ever is doing the psyops for FSA is totally rubbish......no matter how much they try to get a global headline on the par of the Kuwaiti nurse who watched as "Sadaams solders threw babies out of incubators" to shock the western populace into attacking syria, it just hasn't worked.
They really thought the chemical attack story would work but it crumbled on closer scrutiny as many of the other amazing stories about "Assad's atrocities" have in the past.
Hezbollah is heading to the bottom, their days are numbered and the clock is ticking, goodbye Nasrallah!

Yes, You Want Nasrallah to Die But God Forbid if anything happens to your Zionist Entity Israel and its stoges the KSA, FSA, Qatar, Bahrain, USA, UK and now Pakistanis like Quantifier.

Picture is that of the Palestinians Burning USA and NATO boxes and stuff in GAZA last month because they stopped AID such as Food and Financial Support to the Zionist Walled Besieged Barricaded Concentration Camp of Millions of People, Called Gaza Strip.

Quantifier is a liar, a brainwashed sunni turned wahabbi salafi extremist american crusader fsa supporting hypocrite and a liar
Hezbollah is heading to the bottom, their days are numbered and the clock is ticking, goodbye Nasrallah!
I observed some stupids were bringing out their stupidity about Hezbollah; they should see that the political power of Hezbollah in Lebanon has increased even further after the Syrian Conflict.
sunni turned wahabbi salafi extremist american crusader fsa supporting hypocrite and a liar

Thanks for recognizing the difference between the Sunnis and Wahhabi.......The mass media is always trying to call this a sunni-shia war when it has nothing to with sunnis.
I watched a clip on tv with a syrian solider being asked what he though of "sunnis".....the solider said he thought they where great because he was also a sunni.
What most people forget is that syria is a majority sunni country who support there govt and there president....irrelevant if he is shia or sunni, just as long as he is not a wahabbi (wobs).

Bro... most people in pakistan support president assad over the takfiris wahabbis.
Palestinians are stupid enough to take side in this unholy war.
Palestinians are stupid enough to take side in this unholy war.

We should support them regardless. I know they took the side of Saddam in the American backed Iraqi War. But saddam was also a imposed puppet, like shah. And still when you see this people who are wronged, abused, occupied, they are kicked out of their homes and this zionist crusader is doing this. you see somebody being oppressed like Palestine you must support them, specially when they say they are your brother in islam. Palestinians are suffering similar to the indians, look allah gives these qoms some chances, Indians backstabbed the Mughel Turkish Persian Rulers of India because they were Muslim. They sold us out to the British. So in return for 200 years British did was Rape, slaughter, loot and destroy their country. While it flourished under muslim mughels. see. Arabs did the same they backstabber the ottomans for greed siding with crusaders, and this is the result.

The Prophet (swas) had great prophesies about Khorasan (Region Between Iran, Afghanistan and Peshawar). "An Undefeatable army will rise from here and nobody can stop it until it has reached and liberated Jerusalem". And remember khorasan a region formerly part of greater iran/persia is the region no army has been able to conquer in history. Everything he has said has so far come true. So will this will too. You are Afghan Pathan? You are pure Persian more or less. We have no reason to fight.
We should support them regardless. I know they took the side of Saddam in the American backed Iraqi War. But saddam was also a imposed puppet, like shah. And still when you see this people who are wronged, abused, occupied, they are kicked out of their homes and this zionist crusader is doing this. you see somebody being oppressed like Palestine you must support them, specially when they say they are your brother in islam. Palestinians are suffering similar to the indians, look allah gives these qoms some chances, Indians backstabbed the Mughel Turkish Persian Rulers of India because they were Muslim. They sold us out to the British. So in return for 200 years British did was Rape, slaughter, loot and destroy their country. While it flourished under muslim mughels. see. Arabs did the same they backstabber the ottomans for greed siding with crusaders, and this is the result.

The Prophet (swas) had great prophesies about Khorasan (Region Between Iran, Afghanistan and Peshawar). "An Undefeatable army will rise from here and nobody can stop it until it has reached and liberated Jerusalem". And remember khorasan a region formerly part of greater iran/persia is the region no army has been able to conquer in history. Everything he has said has so far come true. So will this will too. You are Afghan Pathan? You are pure Persian more or less. We have no reason to fight.

There is no doubt that nobody has been oppressed that badly like palestinians, and i support them with all my heart, any decent human being should have sympathy with them regardless of their religion. But they could have taken the wise decision of being impartial and try to mediate between 2 sides, which they stupidly didnt. No, i am persian.
They are under severe pressure that's why sometimes they act like this as they cried for saddam, but as far as Palestine is an important part of Islamic Ummah we must support them ...

Hezbollah is heading to the bottom, their days are numbered and the clock is ticking, goodbye Nasrallah!

People like you have been talking about such an issue for decades but in your wet dreams you will see a world without the Hezbollah ....

Palestinians are suffering similar to the indians, look allah gives these qoms some chances, Indians backstabbed the Mughel Turkish Persian Rulers of India because they were Muslim. They sold us out to the British. So in return for 200 years British did was Rape, slaughter, loot and destroy their country. While it flourished under muslim mughels. see. Arabs did the same they backstabber the ottomans for greed siding with crusaders, and this is the result.

Obvviously you dont know history...British came to power after defeating the Marathas and Sikhs..not the Mughals..the mughals were dead long before that defeated by the marathas and sikhs..If you are going to do propaganda..do it based on facts..
Obvviously you dont know history...British came to power after defeating the Marathas and Sikhs..not the Mughals..the mughals were dead long before that defeated by the marathas and sikhs..If you are going to do propaganda..do it based on facts..

You zionist hindus like you go into every middle eastern topic that doesn't concern you and start talking rubbish of Iran Nuclear Program, and taking sides with your Israeli zionist friends...this and that...why? then you dont expect me to critisize you it will become then propaganda....

Sikhs, Marathis, Bengal Nawabs, Mughals everybody..you back stabbed your own rulers for the british, like the arabs. mughals were weakened in 1700's not dead, when nader shah came into india he meet good resistance. and in return the british, robbed, raped, plundered and killed you by the millions. they compared you not even with humans and didnt let you grow corps in your own lands. "Vermin, Thats what Churchil Compared you with, Vermin. After you hosted him and let him rape you for 200 years. forget mughels.

Facts? you cant even spell and you will teach me history? why dont you indian zionist hindu go record a ideo tape of you spearing and butchering the english language?
pretty stupid next time send ammunition in one of the boxes see some fire works. :lol:

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