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Palestinian leader lauds Pak support

Ask any Muslims from the Kerala state in India who works in the Gulf countries how they treat their fellow Muslims.

Ask Kerala Muslims how once they got found out they were South Indian were called Skinny, dark uglies on the net by their fellow Muslims for defending Indians.

There is a common Humanity that binds us all, and I regret the religious and racial restrictions of it,

But I am not blind enough to forget the realities of politics.

Humanity still has a long way to go.

If that was your motivation then I apologise. :tup:

I should just mention this too, his reciprocity that he mentions (I feel) aren't based on political reality. That was my problem with his argument. He thinks that there won't be any political ramifications to Palestine for supporting Pakistan's stance.
Man, I'm moving out of my neighborhood. Too many Pakistanis and Indians here. Not enough diversity.

Diversity should be celebrated. :tup:

Not be sought to homogenised. I am sure God wouldn't mind the tongue people pray to him.

Anyways, I am off.
What woke them up from their slumber, or do they need anything? who's spanking them now?
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