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Palestinian girl tries to goad soldiers into lashing out and failed

The treatment of Palestinians under your current administration has vast similarities to both the Nazi regime and Apartheid South Africa -
Palestinians aren't locked into ghettos and then sent to gas chambers for extermination. There is no comparison. Nor can the Israelis be accused of racial apartheid, as Israeli Jews are of many races and Israel itself has Christian, Muslim, and Jewish citizens.

on a personal level I have no problem with your people.
You just want to side with those who advocating killing half of "my people". Sure, you have no problem.

Nice try Solomon, keep trying.
It's you who have to try, my friend. You have to break through two barriers that have been inculcated in you since childhood.

First you have to accept that the Jews of Israel are the good guys and the Arabs and Muslims have been the bad guys. Not because they are Jewish or Muslim but because this is how they and the past four generations have chosen to live and act.

Second you have to gather the courage to speak out publicly about being in favor of Israel. I imagine that for a Muslim this must be rather terrifying, you're used to social interaction in those huge lovely mosques, it's so easy to get trampled or hurt in the anonymity of the crowd.

Yet every majority opinion in this world was once the opinion of a minority, and before that even just one person. You have to start somewhere.
Lamest thread ever.

An Israeli congratulating his goons for not "lashing out" at young girl? You do have pretty low expectations for your own soldiers, don't you?
Palestinians aren't locked into ghettos and then sent to gas chambers for extermination. There is no comparison. Nor can the Israelis be accused of racial apartheid, as Israeli Jews are of many races and Israel itself has Christian, Muslim, and Jewish citizens.

You just want to side with those who advocating killing half of "my people". Sure, you have no problem.

It's you who have to try, my friend. You have to break through two barriers that's been inculcated in you since childhood.

First you have to accept that the Jews of Israel are the good guys and the Arabs and Muslims have been the bad guys. Not because they are Jewish or Muslim but because this is how they and the past four generations have chosen to live and act.

Second you have to gather the courage to speak out publicly about being in favor of Israel. I imagine that for a Muslim this must be rather terrifying, you're used to social interaction in those huge lovely mosques, it's so easy to get trampled or hurt in the anonymity of the crowd.

Yet every majority opinion in this world was once the opinion of a minority, and before that even just one person. You have to start somewhere.

Actually in my mosque my opinion is highly valued and I usually sit in the front right next to the Imam and have learned from this mosque and not one thing I have learned had anything to do with the Jews. Plus my Imam is a Salafi so you would think he would have plenty to say about you guys but not one peep in all those years. Arguing with you (aka Solomon) is pointless and we both have wasted our times on this very forum without either of us budging. You have to get over your insecurities not everything we Muslims do revolve around you guys.
An Israeli congratulating his goons for not "lashing out" at young girl? You do have pretty low expectations for your own soldiers, don't you?
You're envious, aren't you?
Palestinians aren't locked into ghettos and then sent to gas chambers for extermination. There is no comparison. Nor can the Israelis be accused of racial apartheid, as Israeli Jews are of many races and Israel itself has Christian, Muslim, and Jewish citizens.

You just want to side with those who advocating killing half of "my people". Sure, you have no problem.

It's you who have to try, my friend. You have to break through two barriers that's been inculcated in you since childhood.

First you have to accept that the Jews of Israel are the good guys and the Arabs and Muslims have been the bad guys. Not because they are Jewish or Muslim but because this is how they and the past four generations have chosen to live and act.

Second you have to gather the courage to speak out publicly about being in favor of Israel. I imagine that for a Muslim this must be rather terrifying, you're used to social interaction in those huge lovely mosques, it's so easy to get trampled or hurt in the anonymity of the crowd.

Yet every majority opinion in this world was once the opinion of a minority, and before that even just one person. You have to start somewhere.

Will you ever stop making innuendo against certain users because of their religion and nationality? And you have the galls for b!tching about anti-Semitism. The crybabies who cry the most about anti-Semitism are themselves the worst bigots against Goyim.

You're a craven jackass, Solomon. Bet mosques are far safer for pro-Zionist proselytizers than are the synagogues and streets of Israel for pro-justice, pro-Palestinian activists (and when it comes to Palestine, there's no difference between being pro-Palestinian and pro-justice).

This young Israeli girl was cursed and humiliated by fellow Jews because she was defending asylum rights for African refugees. Imagine if she was instead defending Palestinian rights:

You're envious, aren't you?

Already babbling, Solomon? Address me when you care to make sense again.
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You have to get over your insecurities not everything we Muslims do revolve around you guys.
I used to think that but now I'm not so sure. I think the root of accepting bad and wicked things in Muslim societies is how society perceives Jews and processes this into its assessment of right and wrong, justice and injustice. A man who lashes out at a Jew for being a Jew, or for "occupying" Palestine is also a man who will seek a dishonest and violent advantage over his neighbor by accusing him of being a Jew or Jew sympathizer and even convince himself that he is in the right through facetious reasoning. If you, O King, actually took up the cause of publicly arguing the Jews' case the way somebody like me does, wouldn't you be asserting an opposing set of values that would drive such diseased and unjust thinking into ignominious oblivion?
Thread mysteriously closed and just as mysteriously reopened.
You're a Pakistani. You really, really, really don't want non-Pakistanis to answer you, do you? You should be able to bite your tongue quickly all by yourself, yes?

How can you be so sure? Isn't it more logical that this is the situation most of the time, the only exceptional thing is that this time such antics have reached a wider-than-usual audience?

What the hell are you talking about? Are you suggesting that Pakistanis kill children? Last I heard it was your soldier standing trial for going on a shooting spree killing women and children and burning their bodies after piling them up .. So should I safely say that americans kill unarmed women and children?
Child services should take those kids from their parents.
on youtube

Video documents 10-year-old cursing, spitting at soldiers in attempt to provoke violent reaction – that never comes

Yoav Zitun
Published: 11.05.12, 18:34 / Israel News

Sending children to provoke soldiers: A video shot at a protest rally held in the village of Nabi Salih, in the central West Bank on Friday, captured an uncanny moment, showing how Palestinian protesters use children to needle IDF soldiers in hope of provoking a violent response.

Familiar with the tactic, the soldiers did not fall for the obvious trap.

The Palestinians residing in Nabi Salih claim that settlers have illegally taken over nearby lands.

A video of the protest, which has been uploaded to Youtube and have garnered thousands of views, shows a group of children, led by a Palestinian girl of about 10, yelling and cursing the soldiers for a few long minutes in a clear attempt to provoke a response.

The crew, consisting of two IDF officers and a Border Guard officer, let her rant away – but do nothing.

At some point, the video clearly shows a young Palestinian girl pushing a little boy at one of the soldiers – who remains still. Another part of the video shows the children pushing the soldiers.

Lieutenant-Colonel Shay Ben-Yishay, commander of the Kfir Brigade's Duchifat Battalion was present at the time.

Several Palestinian and foreign photographers were present as well, shooting the incident.

At some point, a smoke grenade was fired at the protesters, but did not harm those shown in the video. On the contrary – the provocation attempts against the soldiers continued.

The troops did detain one foreign photographer after he refused to identify himself.

"Where did you take him? You're a traitor! I know you speak Arabic. Our soldiers are stronger than you! I'll smash your head," the 10-year-old girl is heard in the video screaming at the soldier in Arabic.

After spitting at him, she continued shouting: "I spit in your face. Go watch your mother instead of fighting little children. You're a traitor. You kill people to get money from dogs."

Abir Kubati, spokesperson of the popular protest coordination committee, said: "I don't understand what the army wants – they send soldiers into a Palestinian village and then dare to depict themselves as victims because the residents don't welcome them.

"This specific video shows a girl whose brother was detained by the soldiers, very violently, only minutes before and that's why she was upset.

"The brother, by the way, is 16, a minor, and he was released by the Military Court because his rights were violated and he was beaten by the soldiers," she said.

'Soldiers know to avoid such traps'

A senior IDF source told Ynet that intelligence indicates that pro-Palestinian activists pay Palestinian children from Nabi Salih and the nearby villages to confront the soldiers.

The weekly protests in the areas used to involve hundreds of people, but over time the numbers have dwindled to just a few dozens. According to the officers, the majority of protesters are foreign pro-Palestinian activists.

"The soldiers are briefed on the fact that these protests are stage for the sake of provocation, so that they could be filmed acting violently and so that those videos could be distributed worldwide in an effort to harm the IDF's image," the officer explained.

"We make every effort not to fall for such traps, to exercise restraint and to use only crowd-control measures to disperse such protests."

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit issued the following statement: "IDF troops are instructed to exercise restraint while adamantly ensuring protest do not infringe on public order.

"Soldiers are instructed to disperse protests that are illegal or violent."

Good Job IDF, look at 2:36 how an older kid is pushim a younger one at the soldier
No other army in the world would have treated them better, makes me very proud.

on youtube

Sorry guys I cant write links in my messeges for some reason.

U r criminal, u think posting messages like this will make u people look human, everyone in this world knows your true colours. Crawl back the hole u have come out of .
You're a craven jackass, Solomon. Bet mosques are far safer for pro-Zionist proselytizers than are the synagogues and streets of Israel for pro-justice, pro-Palestinian activists (and when it comes to Palestine, there's no difference between being pro-Palestinian and pro-justice).

This young Israeli girl was cursed and humiliated by fellow Jews because she was defending asylum rights for African refugees. Imagine if she was instead defending Palestinian rights:
1) There are propalestinian demonstrations with Palestinian flags in heart of Israel. No one gives a damn.
2) Israel is a small overpopulated country. If you really care about African refugees, you can take some to your house, instead of bitching on forum.
3) Try to talk about Israel's rights at Arab demonstration. See you if u survive.
Israelis brought this problem upon themselves they took over a land inhabited by Palestinian Arabs, declared independence, kicked out residents, and now for 60 years they still face hostility.

They brought it upon themselves, had they just gone to northern Canada they could have everlasting peace, only the occasional moose would have given them trouble, or maybe wolves and bears, but that's not nearly as bad as the mess they have created in Palestine.

And now its, who fired this rocket first, who threw the stone, Israel in Gaza, bottle rocket, phosphorous, human rights violation, synagogue, masjid, check points, blah blah blah see this mess they have created.
Israelis brought this problem upon themselves they took over a land inhabited by Palestinian Arabs, declared independence, kicked out residents, and now for 60 years they still face hostility.
60 years ago there were 1.3 million Arabs in Palestine, today - 5.4 million.

They brought it upon themselves, had they just gone to northern Canada they could have everlasting peace, only the occasional moose would have given them trouble, or maybe wolves and bears, but that's not nearly as bad as the mess they have created in Palestine.
First of all Canada is occupied Indian land.
Secondly Canada is a state and we need our own state.
60 years ago there were 1.3 million Arabs in Palestine, today - 5.4 million.

First of all Canada is occupied Indian land.
Secondly Canada is a state and we need our own state.

They would have given you a part of northern territory, you would have gotten more land, a more suitable European type climate one which many Ashkenazi Jews were already familiar with, it's better than settling down in Palestine and creating this mess. You would have had your very own winter wonderland there. Think about it, you would have had trade with US and Canada directly, nice peaceful location. As for Canada being occupied Indian land for the same reason why Israel is occupied Palestinian land, thanks for your comparison.
Child services should take those kids from their parents.

Their parents are under Israeli custody. Just release them if you think they need better supervision.

60 years ago there were 1.3 million Arabs in Palestine, today - 5.4 million.

What does that proof? There are more Jews today than in the 40s. Is that proof that the Holocaust didn't happen, or that it wasn't such a big deal?

That there are more Palestinians in Palestine today than 60 years ago, is due to their fertility rates, which are known to be high. But that says nothing as to the injustices they suffered from the ethnic cleansing the Zionists perpetrated from the 40s onwards. The vast majority of Palestinian Arabs are still in Diaspora. Did you know you are one of the worst hasbara arguments I've seen on all internet forums I have visited?

First of all Canada is occupied Indian land.
Secondly Canada is a state and we need our own state.

That's precious. If you agree that Canada is occupied, so what is Israel, whose crimes against natives are even more recent than those of Canada?
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