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Pathetic hatemongering propaganda. Arab countries killed much more Palestinians but these hetemongers dont care at all. Palestinians live better than wast majority of Muslims in the world.

Enough with your lies, enough with distorting the truth 500! Black September was nothing but a civil war, like any other army who force national security respect on nationals, it has happened many times eveywhere throughout history, including USA and Iraq and many others. So what? Saddam killed many Iraqis, so, would you take it as a pretext to kill less or more?
Why don't you envade Syria and start killing Syrians, and Justify it by saying Al-Assad killed far more than us.
Pathetic hatemongering propaganda. Arab countries killed much more Palestinians but these hetemongers dont care at all. Palestinians live better than wast majority of Muslims in the world.

so Israel is doing competition with Arab countries ? Now you will say it's also propaganda by Arabs.


Enough with your lies, enough with distorting the truth 500! Black September was nothing but a civil war,
Alas Black September was not the only case when Arabs killed Palestinians. Lebanese Christians, Lebanese Shiites, Syria also slaughtered scores of Palestinians.

like any other army who force national security respect on the nationals, it has happened many times eveywhere throughout history, including USA and Iraq and many others. So what? Saddam killed many Iraqis, so, would you take it as a pretext to kill less or more?
Why don't you envade Syria and start killing Syrians, and Justify it by saying Al-Assad killed far more than us.
Yes, but poster people attack only Israel.

Back to Bethlehem:

Alas Black September was not the only case when Arabs killed Palestinians. Lebanese Christians, Lebanese Shiites, Syria also slaughtered scores of Palestinians.

Yes, but poster people attack only Israel.

Black September was a civil war and BTW <50% of Jordanian army were Palestinians, Lebanon war was a civil war (Christians vs Sunni Muslims) So it was between Sunni Muslim Lebanese as well as Palestinians against Christians Lebanese .
Black September was a civil war and BTW <50% of Jordanian army were Palestinians, Lebanon war was a civil war (Christians vs Sunni Muslims) So it was between Sunni Muslim Lebanese as well as Palestinians against Christians Lebanese .
If you call slaughter a civil war it makes it somehow better?

Israeli logic: Since other people do it then its fine if we do it.
Its obvious that Arabs are sometimes badly mistreated in their own countries but to use that as a justification for abusing Palestinians under your occupation is a Nazi style of thinking.
No, I never claimed that Israel can make crimes because others did crmes. I have problem with delegitimization of Israel. That Israel does not have a right to exists, that Israel is super evil state, that Israelis dont have a right to celebrate the Independence day etc. No one claims that about other countries who killed much much more.

Beit Jala:

Back to photos, East Jerusalem supurbs:

Abu Dis:



LoL at the Zionist entity members here... They do not realize that the vacation they have had in this forum is over. Arab are here now :) And real Muslims are re-populating the forum. People who really care about Palestine instead of use it for their own propaganda.

HA HA HA :coffee:
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