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Pakistan's warrior queen, Maria; the squash player.

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These suggest a lifetime ban on the extremist element on PDF.

by the way bravo maria she is a great player and also a sound beater of men :D

well, no actually, its in a way, good to know what we are dealing with. they just cannot see woman progressing and getting out of their male chauvinism. and then use Islam to justify their mentality...

P.S. she is indeed a role model.. hope she makes up to become number 1 squash player..
Im muslim and I know the teaching of Prophet Muhammad. and I can differentiate his teachings from that of mullahs. so stop being the moral authority here and know that what you present forward is just an opinion carved out in your brain by Mullahism.

Sir I am presenting you what HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW told us it is clear Sir you are using the world Mullahism to run away from teachings of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW in teachings of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW what this girl is doing is not allowed Sir completely you are making excuses to not to follow Islam but they will not work because Islam is clear on these things and these are not allowed in Islam at all
well, no actually, its in a way, good to know what we are dealing with. they just cannot see woman progressing and getting out of their male chauvinism. and then use Islam to justify their mentality...

P.S. she is indeed a role model.. hope she makes up to become number 1 squash player..

Sir you are not promoting progress and this is not progress in eyes of Islam your problem is you are too confused you want to be Muslim but you don't want to follow what ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW has said you are promoting haram things not progress Sir
Sir I am presenting you what HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW told us it is clear Sir you are using the world Mullahism to run away from teachings of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW in teachings of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW what this girl is doing is not allowed Sir completely you are making excuses to not to follow Islam but they will not work because Islam is clear on these things and these are not allowed in Islam at all

Warrior queen.....Salute to you and your parents. May you have a very successful career and keep our flag flying.

Zarvan my friend...a word of advice...people like you are a great burden (both physically and psychologically) that keep us Pakistanis from reaching our potential. You are free to become a Pius and pure and live life in accordance with sunnah and Hadith. No one will stop you.

But please for f**k sake concentrate on yourself and let others live their life as to how they want to. If you are right then you will be enjoying the many celestial virgins in heaven whilst our poor Warrior queen will be burning in hell. Wouldn't that be just outcome for you.

Now stop preaching as if you are some sort of an authority....
Warrior queen.....Salute to you and your parents. May you have a very successful career and keep our flag flying.

Zarvan my friend...a word of advice...people like you are a great burden (both physically and psychologically) that keep us Pakistanis from reaching our potential. You are free to become a Pius and pure and live life in accordance with sunnah and Hadith. No one will stop you.

But please for f**k sake concentrate on yourself and let others live their life as to how they want to. If you are right then you will be enjoying the many celestial virgins in heaven whilst our poor Warrior queen will be burning in hell. Wouldn't that be just outcome for you.

Now stop preaching as if you are some sort of an authority....
Sir I follow Islam and not act like bloody hypocrites who want to do all kind of haram and want to call themselves Muslim those things which are not allowed in Islam are not allowed Sir and Muslims will try to best to stop them because Islam is not only about yourself it is to stop evil and spread good even if we have to use force yes I am an authority and I will keep on preaching because that is order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW for every Muslim Mr Muslim are not allowed to achieve potential in Haram things Sir and not cry if Muslims come and stop you with full force you called for it and you will get it
Sir I follow Islam and not act like bloody hypocrites who want to do all kind of haram and want to call themselves Muslim those things which are not allowed in Islam are not allowed Sir and Muslims will try to best to stop them because Islam is not only about yourself it is to stop evil and spread good even if we have to use force yes I am an authority and I will keep on preaching because that is order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW for every Muslim Mr Muslim are not allowed to achieve potential in Haram things Sir and not cry if Muslims come and stop you with full force you called for it and you will get it

Firstly stop your ilk from killing. Killing one person is akin to killing humanity. Secondly stop being f**king selective. People like the warrior queen and minorities are soft targets for you nutters to bully and push your agendas. Everyone is different and won't necessarily have your views. And ..... Their are many interpretations of what is right and Islamic.
Sir you are not promoting progress and this is not progress in eyes of Islam your problem is you are too confused you want to be Muslim but you don't want to follow what ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW has said you are promoting haram things not progress Sir

I know what Islam promotes and what Mullahs promote as Islam...

better keep your morals in your own class, and do not try to portray them as what Islam has taught... Islam is indeed not an excuse,nor hurdle in way of achieving through the blessed talent in humans.
Sir I am presenting you what HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW told us it is clear Sir you are using the world Mullahism to run away from teachings of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW in teachings of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW what this girl is doing is not allowed Sir completely you are making excuses to not to follow Islam but they will not work because Islam is clear on these things and these are not allowed in Islam at all

Prophet Muhammad would have endorsed this talented girl... but mullah wont as they consider everything progressive haram. even loud speaker was haram but later uuuuuuufffffffffff.... :D

anyway she is doing great and its my duty as muslim to bring you on the right path, path of Islam (peace) rather than path of Mullahism (hatred)
But please for f**k sake concentrate on yourself and let others live their life as to how they want to. If you are right then you will be enjoying the many celestial virgins in heaven whilst our poor Warrior queen will be burning in hell. Wouldn't that be just outcome for you.

Now stop preaching as if you are some sort of an authority....
Genius, Islam is not a PERSONAL subject. If this was the case then Islam would have never spread in the first place.

Firstly stop your ilk from killing. Killing one person is akin to killing humanity. Secondly stop being f**king selective. People like the warrior queen and minorities are soft targets for you nutters to bully and push your agendas. Everyone is different and won't necessarily have your views. And .....
You make it sound like as @Zarvan is selective about wrongdoings? Do you think that he endorses killings?

Their are many interpretations of what is right and Islamic.
Care to elaborate?

Prophet Muhammad would have endorsed this talented girl...
Please STOP with this kind of nonsense. You are not in the position to predict decision-making of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
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Islam has problem MR in Squash your shorts are up to knee not till ankles first of all Mr learn Islam before come and talk

Sir, as owners of tribal Islam, you must be knowing better what is real Islam - so please tell us the problem Islam has with squash, or is it that Islam just that real Islam has a problem with women?
Genius, Islam is not a PERSONAL subject. If this was the case then Islam would have never spread in the first place.

You make it sound like as @Zarvan is selective about wrongdoings? Do you think that he endorses killings?

Care to elaborate?

Please STOP with this kind of nonsense. You are not in the position to predict decision-making of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The problem you guys have is you are so judgemental. Leave that to the Almighty. You little beings are insignificant in the scheme of things and in front of the creater. You are shaped by your surroundings and forget about the truth of our great religion that is peace and compassion. This is reflective of your kinds mindset that you chose to jump up and down when a young woman plays a game of squash yet seek to simply ignore great tyranny and injustice that is befalling upon our land. You travel to better Islamic places like Malaysia for example where Muslims also reside but who are much more tolerant and peaceful going about their daily business without a sick mentality. Live and let live. Besides Islam spread because of the message of peace compassion and brotherhood and not through the violence as the west would have you believe. Particularly true for the sub continent. The Sufis saints of India achieved significantly more than than those who thrust their belief on others.
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We have few Zarvans in India too who had questions about Sania Mirza playing tennis....
Sir you are not promoting progress and this is not progress in eyes of Islam your problem is you are too confused you want to be Muslim but you don't want to follow what ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW has said you are promoting haram things not progress Sir

Brother you are right, She is not a practicing Muslimah but You can not force Islam. Most of us are not practicing Muslims... I have observed this is not a very good place to discuss Islam and I think Religion is a ban topic, so why do not you just focus on some other topics. There is a famous hadith of Prophet (PBUH) If you see something bad, try to stop with your hands if not possible then from your tongue and if not possible then feel bad about it in your heart but this will be the least of your emaan...

Feel bad and move on :)
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