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Pakistan's vast Shale Oil & Gas Reserves | Updates & Discussions

Poora Balochistan aik Bullet Train K Peechy CHina K Hawaly.


Fears grow about Reko Diq Gold mines...Baloch senator says deal offered to China; government denies

I shared it yesterday http://www.defence.pk/forums/econom...ch-senator-says-deal-offered.html#post4700855 but it didn't catch much attention. However, a very sad move, Pakistan should explore these reserves on its own to gain maximum profile.
it should have been given though international bidding to highest bidder followed with joint venture with local companies..govt shouldnt get it hands messed or it will become like sandick
what happened in sandick was that it was earning 20 billion but losing 30 billion!
just like pakistan steel mills that has posted 80 billion lossess
had it been privitzed back in 2008 for 26 billion (51% shares only) today we would have saved 200-300 billion in direct lossess and 5 times of that in indirect lossess by running the stells mills these days at min levels
not only this we we also lost those 26 billion rupees

until we decide to go to liberal economy , we should just wish of being a better ecnomy
I heard Mr Aftab Hussain MD & CEO of Pakistan Refinery on TV. He was asked about the supposedly 105 TCF shale gas reserves.

His comments implied that these are only “Guesstimate”. A lot more ground work and actual drilling is required before one assess ‘Recoverable reserves’ with some certainty.

Mr Aftab Hussein is quite right; a number in a US journal does not necessarily means it is the absolute truth.
Shale extraction underway in Nixon Texas.

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How does fracking work?

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I heard Mr Aftab Hussain MD & CEO of Pakistan Refinery on TV. He was asked about the supposedly 105 TCF shale gas reserves.

His comments implied that these are only “Guesstimate”. A lot more ground work and actual drilling is required before one assess ‘Recoverable reserves’ with some certainty.

Mr Aftab Hussein is quite right; a number in a US journal does not necessarily means it is the absolute truth.

Aftab Husain is in refinery business, not exploration. His opinion is not based on any knowledge about shale geology and assessment of oil and gas reserves. Opinions of US EIA experts are much more reliable in this regard.
A news story in Pakistan's Express Tribune claims that US EIA estimates of Pakistan shale oil and gas reserves are "exaggerated".

Hold your barrels: EIA report

I find such claims by journalists and the people they quote totally ridiculous.

Their opinion is not based on any knowledge about shale geology and methods of assessment of oil and gas reserves.

Americans know more about shale oil and gas based on actual experience of the ongoing shale revolution in America.

Opinions of US EIA experts are much more reliable in this regard.
A news story in Pakistan's Express Tribune claims that US EIA estimates of Pakistan shale oil and gas reserves are "exaggerated".

Hold your barrels: EIA report

I find such claims by journalists and the people they quote totally ridiculous.

Their opinion is not based on any knowledge about shale geology and methods of assessment of oil and gas reserves.

Americans know more about shale oil and gas based on actual experience of the ongoing shale revolution in America.

Opinions of US EIA experts are much more reliable in this regard.

Honourable Sir,

It is ironic that while we consider that case against Afia Siddiqui was concocted because it went against our perception of the reality; we consider EIA (another institution of the great Satan, the USA) guesstimate about shale gas as the ‘Ultimate’ truth because it suits us.

Appreciate your enthusiasm, but you must be aware that one needs to analyse geological data and drill a few holes before coming up with realistic estimates. It has never been denied that Pakistan has tight & shale gas potential; only question is how much is actually there?

There is little doubt that EIA know more about these things that anyone else. Nevertheless Herald Tribune article correctly points out that PPL is the only company that has done any work on estimating Shale oil & gas potential in Pakistan thru actual testing. It is simply for the sake of good order that we should wait until further tests for determining extent of the shale & tight gas reserves are carried out before we start jumping with joy.
Honourable Sir,

It is ironic that while we consider that case against Afia Siddiqui was concocted because it went against our perception of the reality; we consider EIA (another institution of the great Satan, the USA) guesstimate about shale gas as the ‘Ultimate’ truth because it suits us.

Appreciate your enthusiasm, but you must be aware that one needs to analyse geological data and drill a few holes before coming up with realistic estimates. It has never been denied that Pakistan has tight & shale gas potential; only question is how much is actually there?

There is little doubt that EIA know more about these things that anyone else. Nevertheless Herald Tribune article correctly points out that PPL is the only company that has done any work on estimating Shale oil & gas potential in Pakistan thru actual testing. It is simply for the sake of good order that we should wait until further tests for determining extent of the shale & tight gas reserves are carried out before we start jumping with joy.

Sir shouldn't there be a distinction between, a lie infested political power trip and a fact based scientific study?

Why cant we carry out our own studies on the shale reserves to verify the EIA estimates?
Opinions, opinions, opinions... That's what we are good at, instead of scientific and quantifiable data we are inclined towards hearsay and opinions.
Sir shouldn't there be a distinction between, a lie infested political power trip and a fact based scientific studies?

Why cant we carry out our own studies on the shale reserves to verify the EIA estimates?

We simply do not have the expertise to do so. Remember the Thar Coal Gasification project launched by Dr. Mand? That is all we have, people working outside their areas of knowledge and expertise. Same thing with shale reserves.
I have always been a supporter of UCG project. It was an innovative venture and was always starved of funding. The project has been partially successful but need a lot more work. Unfortunately genuine research and innovation, which was hall mark of the Muslims until the 13th century, has been left to West ever since. We only follow the path already experimented and proven by the infidel scientists of the West. That is why so few Noble Prize winners, especially in the Sciences are found in the Muslim world.

I am convinced that given more funding & time UCG project will manage to deliver.

Unlike UCG which is a technology that has never been fully established, thanks to the pioneering work by people like G. Mitchell, hydraulic fracking is now a fully established technology.

Standard way of determining petroleum reserves is to drill a few exploratory wells and analyse the core samples for the extent and thickness of the pay-zone. As mentioned in the said article, Pakistan Petroleum ltd (PPL) did the same in one well in the Hala block and the results were encouraging.

However, Shale has low natural permeability, which means that, unless hydraulically fractured, gas flows out at a very low rate and how much of the shale gas can be extracted comes down to guesswork. Therefore a lot more work is needed before one can be sure of the size and recovery percentage of Shale gas reserves in Pakistan.

In my humble opinion; for what it is worth; exploration without fracking would only provide limited geological information about the shale or tight gas resource. Therefore assuming vast riches without test wells and at least partial fracking is not way of the wise.

However I am just one voice, nation is welcome to presume whatever she will.
Exactly, research based projects should not be discouraged. They are always looked at with suspicion by people of established order.
5 huge reserves of oil and gas discovered in Badin during one year


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