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Pakistan's UAV - Drone developments

TAI outsourced some share of ANKA-A fuselage production to Pakistan. In parallel to that, I think Pakistan will receive some share on production of ANKA-B and ANKA-S variants as well. We should improve such mutual collaborations over strategic systems.


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Air Platforms
IDEX 2017: GIDS moves to enhance Shahpar, develop MALE
Huw Williams, Abu Dhabi - IHS Jane's International Defence Review
23 February 2017.

Pakistan's Global Industry and Defence Solutions (GIDS) is in the process of enhancing the capabilities of its Shahpar unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and working to develop a larger system.

Speaking to Jane's at IDEX 2017 in Abu Dhabi, Asad Kamal, GIDS' director of sales and marketing, said that enhancements to the Shahpar tactical UAV will focus on the introduction of a new powerplant.

The aircraft is currently equipped with a four-cylinder, four-stroke Rotax 912 ULS unit, developing 100 hp; the new, more powerful engine will also be sourced from overseas, Kamal said.


The Shahpar is set to receive a new powerplant. (GIDS)

Pakistan's military currently operates two systems procured from European manufacturers - the Luna and Falco. Kamal said that as indigenous capabilities progress these will be phased out of service and the enhancements to the Shahpar are part of that process.

Shahpar provides a tactical-level intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capability and does not feature an offensive capability - unlike the Pakistan military's other tactical system, the Burraq, which is manufactured by the National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM). The aircraft features a canard and swept-wing configuration with a pusher propeller, a belly-mounted gimballed payload, and a tricycle undercarriage.

The aircraft has a payload capacity of 50 kg, an endurance of more than 7 hours, a ceiling of 17,000 ft, and the ability to operate to a range of 250 km via its standard datalink.

Development of a medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) system, Kamal said, is a logical step for GIDS as the company looks to enhance its and Pakistan's capabilities in the field of UAVs. The effort is in its early stages and the company is awaiting more information from the military as to what its requirements might be.

Elsewhere GIDS is developing an enhanced version of its Zumr-1 electro-optical/infrared ISR payload. The Zumr-2 is set to complete testing at the end of the year and among other improvements will introduce a laser designator; however, with a projected weight of around 32 kg, it will be roughly the same as the earlier model, which weighs 30 kg.
I have heard from a source in SUPARCO that they are ready to tested a locally developed Synthetic Aperture Radar on an airborne platform. For this purpose a team from SUPARCO is currently in PAC Kamra and a test flight is expected around 10th to 18th of June 2015. I doubt it will be reported in the news as it has little propaganda value (unlike lets say a flashy missile test).

I couldn't fish for any more details and I obviously can't give or name a source but this is very good news for us :)
Hi @JamD
Thats great indeed! btw,I was wondering if it is this link you were alluding to-
I am sure SAR isnt a strategic system and revealing it wouldnt really result in embargo. I know,people get offended if they're faced with the prospect of backing their claims,but I am sure a simple link from SUPARCO would be really appreciated!
Before you accuse me of ignorance,I would like to inform you that I have already checked out SUPARCO's website and the only relevant and credible links I could dig up on internet are those I have posted above!
Also note- I am NOT asking for the name of source or even the details--just the link from the designers that so and so research project is actually going on.
Hi @JamD
Thats great indeed! btw,I was wondering if it is this link you were alluding to-
I am sure SAR isnt a strategic system and revealing it wouldnt really result in embargo. I know,people get offended if they're faced with the prospect of backing their claims,but I am sure a simple link from SUPARCO would be really appreciated!
Before you accuse me of ignorance,I would like to inform you that I have already checked out SUPARCO's website and the only relevant and credible links I could dig up on internet are those I have posted above!
Also note- I am NOT asking for the name of source or even the details--just the link from the designers that so and so research project is actually going on.
There is none, sorry.
Hi @JamD
Thats great indeed! btw,I was wondering if it is this link you were alluding to-
I am sure SAR isnt a strategic system and revealing it wouldnt really result in embargo. I know,people get offended if they're faced with the prospect of backing their claims,but I am sure a simple link from SUPARCO would be really appreciated!
Before you accuse me of ignorance,I would like to inform you that I have already checked out SUPARCO's website and the only relevant and credible links I could dig up on internet are those I have posted above!
Also note- I am NOT asking for the name of source or even the details--just the link from the designers that so and so research project is actually going on.
Suparco was involved because they have an antenna testing lab and one of them radio silent rooms where transmissions' cam be mapped without interference.
You won't find a link about the tests but you may find something about above mentioned antenna lab.
Suparco was involved because they have an antenna testing lab and one of them radio silent rooms where transmissions' cam be mapped without interference.
You won't find a link about the tests but you may find something about above mentioned antenna lab.
hi shaheen missile!
So your argument stems from the fact that they have an antenna testing lab;hence they have a SAR too! Even if I concede to your remarks,which to be honest I dont have any problem conceding,I find it difficult to understand as to why they wouldnt put it up on their website--after all it is SAR and has no strategic significance. Now I know of some radar related project that was going on in some pakistani university but then again we dont know what happened to that system. I used to follow radars some 3-4 years back,but then I changed my field of specialization.
In the end I would like to highlight that the only links I could dig up on SAR related activities in pakistan are those that I have mentioned above.In case,I missed something do feel free to correct me!
hi shaheen missile!
So your argument stems from the fact that they have an antenna testing lab;hence they have a SAR too! Even if I concede to your remarks,which to be honest I dont have any problem conceding,I find it difficult to understand as to why they wouldnt put it up on their website--after all it is SAR and has no strategic significance. Now I know of some radar related project that was going on in some Pakistani university but then again we dont know what happened to that system. I used to follow radars some 3-4 years back,but then I changed my field of specialization.
In the end I would like to highlight that the only links I could dig up on SAR related activities in pakistan are those that I have mentioned above.In case,I missed something do feel free to correct me!
No you wont find any specific details on the internet. It has to do with the stupid secrecy Regime NESCOM maintains. University students are contracted to work on defence projects and they are strictly prohibited from talking about their work with NESCOM. I once found the private contractor who wrote the C language firmware for JF-17 thunder years ago and still wont talk about it as according to him he was bound by oath not to give out "national secrets". Likewise all Pakistani Ballistic missile launches can be seen and recorded from a certain Public beach,but you don't see any high definition recordings of those launches posted on internet as people don't do it as a matter of national character. Pakistani public doesn't like to give out what they consider as national secrets.
I once found the private contractor who wrote the C language firmware for JF-17 thunder years ago and still wont talk about it as according to him he was bound by oath not to give out "national secrets".
H! Shaheen Missile!
If I am not mistaken the control laws of JF-17 were designed by CATIC. In modern fighter jets they use something known as Model Reference Adaptive Controller or MRAC. Now the adaptation law is what makes the real system behave like the "reference system" stored in the on-board computer. You can of course code it(the control law) in any language of your choice,however ADA and C are preferred because of low latencies. Kindly note Control Law(MRAC) is not coding,it is pure mathematics--which is based on some system structure-Now the reason why I use the term "system structure" instead of "system model" is because I assume there are lot of uncertainties in parameters of differential equation that describe the system(a fighter jet in our case). Of course you still need those various parameters so that you can 'model' your reference system in onboard computer.And to model it,you'd need a wealth of data--data that comes from painstaking wind-tunnel experiments in various AoAs and mach regimes!
I am curious to know what exactly were they coding,but I know fully well the shady ways in which organizations are structured in pakistan,it is very difficult to comment. Anyways have a nice day!
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Likewise all Pakistani Ballistic missile launches can be seen and recorded from a certain Public beach,but you don't see any high definition recordings of those launches posted on internet as people don't do it as a matter of national character.
I agree! Fair enough,I have never seen any high def video of any of pakistani missile launches,I guess that is more to do with the philosophy of pakistani nuclear program- AMBIGUITY! It is starkly different from Indian launches that are performed at wheeler island(off the coast of orissa),wherein a reasonably good video is uploaded by DRDO after every launch. Not only that,if you attend DRDO/ISRO research seminars you can even find their test firings of rockets on a load cell and various graphs showing various performance parameters.
@amardeep mishra

Please first read the statement highlighted in blue (3 times will help)
now read the red highlighted statement from your response (once is enough)
now tell me, would I be wrong if I thought you were a retard?

Suparco was involved because they have an antenna testing lab and one of them radio silent rooms where transmissions' cam be mapped without interference.
You won't find a link about the tests but you may find something about above mentioned antenna lab

hi shaheen missile!
So your argument stems from the fact that they have an antenna testing lab;hence they have a SAR too! Even if I concede to your remarks,which to be honest I dont have any problem conceding,I find it difficult to understand as to why they wouldnt put it up on their website--after all it is SAR and has no strategic significance. Now I know of some radar related project that was going on in some pakistani university but then again we dont know what happened to that system. I used to follow radars some 3-4 years back,but then I changed my field of specialization.
In the end I would like to highlight that the only links I could dig up on SAR related activities in pakistan are those that I have mentioned above.In case,I missed something do feel free to correct me!

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