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Is the pic of one of our guys ??
Really hate the Nazi helmet for Pakistani armed forces. There's just something not right about it -- And no baseball caps either -- Still want the duck bill, sure but why a ball cap?
Really hate the Nazi helmet for Pakistani armed forces. There's just something not right about it -- And no baseball caps either -- Still want the duck bill, sure but why a ball cap?

I honestly don't mean to be rude, you're a TT after all but quit complaining,its a PASGT/M88 kevlar helmet and its pretty good for infantry,watch some videos on it-its something we should've inducted way earlier.

I dont get it,a couple of posts from a few years back had us lamenting on the 'outdated WW2' gear that infantry are given,now its all improving and some of us are still not satisfied.....
Really hate the Nazi helmet for Pakistani armed forces. There's just something not right about it -- And no baseball caps either -- Still want the duck bill, sure but why a ball cap?

What's wrong with German WW2 style helmets? I think they're pretty bad@$$. And besides, the fact that the design is still in use worldwide goes to show German ingenuity.

its pretty good for infantry,watch some videos on it-its something we should've inducted way earlier..

Well, my opinion is not formed from watching videos - never mind my xperience, it's just a gut thing - though you do have a point about at least not using WWII stuff
Really hate the Nazi helmet for Pakistani armed forces. There's just something not right about it -............

Ha! It's amazing how people can think alike across the years and across cultures.

I had the exact same reaction to the Stahlhelm and its variants a long time ago. That helmet and its silhouette were closely identified with the Nazi regime and pro and anti Nazi propaganda- became famous (infamous) in fact. Post war the German army made a conscious decision to not use it. So your gut reaction is actually based on sound experience.

But then I saw various armies round the world using the same design, including the US army, and I got over it. It's supposed to be a very good design, FWIW, so I guess makes sense.

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