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Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

Which rifle should win the competition?


    Votes: 241 42.9%
  • Beretta ARX-200

    Votes: 62 11.0%
  • CZ-806 Bren2

    Votes: 116 20.6%
  • Kalashnikov AK-103

    Votes: 127 22.6%
  • Zavasta M21

    Votes: 17 3.0%

  • Total voters
We tested SCAR in every possible scenario if Peru and his people have so much issue they can bring what ever issue they have. People like you laugh because you failed to prove me wrong and SCAR won so keep laughing

I am laughing because whatever problems Peru had with the weapon, they dont require a certificate from you to think those problems are gone, they will deal with the manufacturer themselves. Just because you are a big fan of SCAR doesnt make you an authority over its dealings

What is important for Pakistan is to see the history of the weapon and take all these findings objectively. Thinking objectively will be too difficult for you so dont try :)
SCAR Mk-16 Reverb (To Buy or Not To Buy)
TOPICS:AdminBattle RifleDoor KickersSmall Arms


Wow…two full weeks after we broke the news that (officially) US Special Operations Command had canned the Mk-16, the story is still causing ripples across the Internet, in Congress, the services and in industry.

Fervent denials, insults, attaboys and eye-rolls have greeted the story in various corners but for most close observers of the SCAR program, the news was not surprising.

I’m fine with constructive criticism of my stories and was quick to explain where I messed up or was misunderstood.

But as the curiosity of the program changes keep evolving, two days ago the parent company of FNH-USA which has the SCAR contract with SOCOM, issued a release seemingly contradicting our story…(Big props to Thefirearmsblog where I first saw this)

Belgium-based firearms manufacturer FN Herstal hereby refutes the allegations recently found on the web that USSOCOM abandoned the 5.56 version of the SCAR rifle and reconfirms USSOCOM’s decision to acquire the full FN SCAR family of weapons, including the 5.56mm rifle.

But that clearly doesn’t square with what SOCOM told me. Here’s verbatum what SOCOM PAO Maj. Wes Ticer provided for me on June 25:

After completing testing, US Special Operations Command decided to
procure the 7.62 mm Mk 17 rifle, the 40mm Mk 13 grenade launcher and the
Mk 20 Sniper Support rifle variants of the Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle (SCAR) manufactured by FN Herstal. The command will not purchase the 5.56 mm Mk 16. (emphasis added)

Who’s right?

FNH-USA spokeswoman Elaine Golladay suggested we revisit the more detailed July 2 release from the US-based company for a clearer picture of what’s happening…

The issue is whether or not the requirement for a 5.56mm replacement outweighs the numerous other requirements competing for the customers’ limited budget. That is a question that will only be determined by the customer.

So, I went ahead and contacted SOCOM to square the two releases and was told the command hadn’t reversed course…

There are no changes to the information that we previously released to you about USSOCOM plans to acquire the SCAR.

Now look, I understand if we’re splitting hairs here — that what FN Herstal meant to say was that component commands within SOCOM will or may buy the Mk-16 while the overall command, USSOCOM, will not. Or maybe there’s just a translation error. I don’t know.

Suffice it to say that actually nothing has changed — that at least in the customer’s eyes, there’s nothing to “refute” or “reconfirm.”


USSOCOM has abandoned SCAR!!! But gave no clear reason!!
FN recalls SCAR rifles

8/21/16 by Daniel Terrill


The FN SCAR 17S. (Photo: FN America)

FN America issued a mandatory recall for hundreds for FN SCAR rifles, according to Aug. 10

The gun maker says certain FN SCAR 17S rifles contain a bolt that does not meet internal hardness specifications and firing the rifles could result in catastrophic failure.

• Product: FN SCAR 17S

• Model: FN SCAR 17S FDE

• Color: Flat Dark Earth

• Product # 98541 (Commercial; 20-rd); 98641 (Commercial; 10-rd); 98552 (LE; 20-rd)

• Product Serial Numbers: HC52427 through HC52926

Location of Manufacturer: Herstal, Belgium
SCAR Mk-16 Reverb (To Buy or Not To Buy)
TOPICS:AdminBattle RifleDoor KickersSmall Arms


Wow…two full weeks after we broke the news that (officially) US Special Operations Command had canned the Mk-16, the story is still causing ripples across the Internet, in Congress, the services and in industry.

Fervent denials, insults, attaboys and eye-rolls have greeted the story in various corners but for most close observers of the SCAR program, the news was not surprising.

I’m fine with constructive criticism of my stories and was quick to explain where I messed up or was misunderstood.

But as the curiosity of the program changes keep evolving, two days ago the parent company of FNH-USA which has the SCAR contract with SOCOM, issued a release seemingly contradicting our story…(Big props to Thefirearmsblog where I first saw this)

Belgium-based firearms manufacturer FN Herstal hereby refutes the allegations recently found on the web that USSOCOM abandoned the 5.56 version of the SCAR rifle and reconfirms USSOCOM’s decision to acquire the full FN SCAR family of weapons, including the 5.56mm rifle.

But that clearly doesn’t square with what SOCOM told me. Here’s verbatum what SOCOM PAO Maj. Wes Ticer provided for me on June 25:

After completing testing, US Special Operations Command decided to
procure the 7.62 mm Mk 17 rifle, the 40mm Mk 13 grenade launcher and the
Mk 20 Sniper Support rifle variants of the Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle (SCAR) manufactured by FN Herstal. The command will not purchase the 5.56 mm Mk 16. (emphasis added)

Who’s right?

FNH-USA spokeswoman Elaine Golladay suggested we revisit the more detailed July 2 release from the US-based company for a clearer picture of what’s happening…

The issue is whether or not the requirement for a 5.56mm replacement outweighs the numerous other requirements competing for the customers’ limited budget. That is a question that will only be determined by the customer.

So, I went ahead and contacted SOCOM to square the two releases and was told the command hadn’t reversed course…

There are no changes to the information that we previously released to you about USSOCOM plans to acquire the SCAR.

Now look, I understand if we’re splitting hairs here — that what FN Herstal meant to say was that component commands within SOCOM will or may buy the Mk-16 while the overall command, USSOCOM, will not. Or maybe there’s just a translation error. I don’t know.

Suffice it to say that actually nothing has changed — that at least in the customer’s eyes, there’s nothing to “refute” or “reconfirm.”


USSOCOM has abandoned SCAR!!! But gave no clear reason!!

They stopped SCAR 16 long time ago it's than SCAR H came in and than they started adopting SCAR but than came budget cuts due to which process if freezed for now. SCAR 16 was better than M 4 but not that better but SCAR H was way ahead.

hk won't sell to Pakistan. I really like the latest variant of the 417.
Pakistan should send a high level delegation to Germany and try to talk to them. We may get lucky
From the start I've been of the opinion this rifle acquisition is a waste of time and money; and is simply not needed. A way for some generals to get some extra cash on the side on the way to retirement.

There have no rifle tech/design breakthroughs that warrant a new service-wide rifle. Besides the well-known manufacturers stayed away. By the time Pakmil decides on a rifle the world will have moved on to newer and better things such as caseless ammo and new cartridges - mainly the 6.0 and 6.5mm. Right now Pakmil can get by with the modified type 56, g3s, and m4s. SF should just get OTS rifles. Invest in R&D, HR, and tooling.

The money can be better spent on comms, elops, and body armor. Those are the force multipliers where the pay-off will be huge.
We are going around in circles. CZ are the favourites and will most likely bag the deal. All the others are struggling, SCAR is gonna loose big time, their offer is the weakest, unless there is a huge change in price, or other circumstances. Nuff said.
We are going around in circles. CZ are the favourites and will most likely bag the deal. All the others are struggling, SCAR is gonna loose big time, their offer is the weakest, unless there is a huge change in price, or other circumstances. Nuff said.
For GOD sake SCAR has almost won the deal even Army officers are being told that SCAR will be there Gun and CZ is mostly like out of the competition. @Horus
They stopped SCAR 16 long time ago it's than SCAR H came in and than they started adopting SCAR but than came budget cuts due to which process if freezed for now. SCAR 16 was better than M 4 but not that better but SCAR H was way ahead.

Pakistan should send a high level delegation to Germany and try to talk to them. We may get lucky
NO SACR is NOT in service with USSOCOM even H that you are talking about has now been replaced with AR based DMR rifle so please think before fanboying SCAR.
NO SACR is NOT in service with USSOCOM even H that you are talking about has now been replaced with AR based DMR rifle so please think before fanboying SCAR.
Yes SCAR is being adopted by USA Special Forces and there command and also by several other special forces around the world. You need to stop being blind to that instead of telling me
From the start I've been of the opinion this rifle acquisition is a waste of time and money; and is simply not needed. A way for some generals to get some extra cash on the side on the way to retirement.

There have no rifle tech/design breakthroughs that warrant a new service-wide rifle. Besides the well-known manufacturers stayed away. By the time Pakmil decides on a rifle the world will have moved on to newer and better things such as caseless ammo and new cartridges - mainly the 6.0 and 6.5mm. Right now Pakmil can get by with the modified type 56, g3s, and m4s. SF should just get OTS rifles. Invest in R&D, HR, and tooling.

The money can be better spent on comms, elops, and body armor. Those are the force multipliers where the pay-off will be huge.
Of the major rifle manufacturers, only HK failed to respond to Pakistan's bid, and that was due to HK pivoting away from non-NATO and non-Western markets as a whole. Otherwise, FN Herstal, Beretta, CZ and Kalashnikov showed up, and I'm not sure of many "well-known" manufacturers besides them. Also, I don't think there's a shift to 6.0 or 6.5 mm; the new rifle designs - e.g. HK433 - are focused on 5.56 NATO, 7.62 NATO and/or 7.62x39 mm.
Yes SCAR is being adopted by USA Special Forces and there command and also by several other special forces around the world. You need to stop being blind to that instead of telling me
Are you for real? USSOCOM has DISPOSED SCAR and returned to AR Platform!! They will most likely go to HK416. SCAR is NOT being issued to their Spec Ops.

Of the major rifle manufacturers, only HK failed to respond to Pakistan's bid, and that was due to HK pivoting away from non-NATO and non-Western markets as a whole. Otherwise, FN Herstal, Beretta, CZ and Kalashnikov showed up, and I'm not sure of many "well-known" manufacturers besides them. Also, I don't think there's a shift to 6.0 or 6.5 mm; the new rifle designs - e.g. HK433 - are focused on 5.56 NATO, 7.62 NATO and/or 7.62x39 mm.

I think there maybe a new soft spot for the 300Blackout as the USSOCOM has used it and favorable results have been obtained!! Will there be a change of calibre well it has been on the menu for a very long time as 556 has proven to be ineffective.
Are you for real? USSOCOM has DISPOSED SCAR and returned to AR Platform!! They will most likely go to HK416. SCAR is NOT being issued to their Spec Ops.

I think there maybe a new soft spot for the 300Blackout as the USSOCOM has used it and favorable results have been obtained!! Will there be a change of calibre well it has been on the menu for a very long time as 556 has proven to be ineffective.
USSCOMM hasn't dropped SCAR and marines are going for HK 416
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