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Pakistan's Service Rifle (G-3, Type-56) Replacement Competition 2016.

Which rifle should win the competition?


    Votes: 241 42.9%
  • Beretta ARX-200

    Votes: 62 11.0%
  • CZ-806 Bren2

    Votes: 116 20.6%
  • Kalashnikov AK-103

    Votes: 127 22.6%
  • Zavasta M21

    Votes: 17 3.0%

  • Total voters
No they are not holding ground not even close. X 51 has been won by SCAR the question is about x 39

And what about the scandal and news from Peruvian side and every one knows about their lackluster customer service ?? I am astonished how this makes to the final while having these cases when a country like USA have shelved their SCAR's far ago. They must have made some changes.
And what about the scandal and news from Peruvian side and every one knows about their lackluster customer service ?? I am astonished how this makes to the final while having these cases when a country like USA have shelved their SCAR's far ago. They must have made some changes.
We tested the rifle and it passed all of our tests with flying colors so we give a dam about Peruvian scandal
We tested the rifle and it passed all of our tests with flying colors so we give a dam about Peruvian scandal
Nahhh thats an ignorant comment from you Zarvan. Its about changing the whole battlefield scenario either in favour or against and that makes us gives all the damns for anything ever happen to whatever we are looking for our defense forces.
No they didn´t, customer care is unknown to FN. It is sipmle bussiness, they will not do anything to this rifle it is dead project. I wonder why you are so loving it, even US have shelved it back to stores. Nobody is buying it for years..
you are ex military and have fired the weapon? What are your thoughts on it? Mucho Gracias. :-)

It blasted so did AK-103
Hazrat @Zarvan don't be rudimentary and give proof other than quoting horus!!

We tested the rifle and it passed all of our tests with flying colors so we give a dam about Peruvian scandal
Hazrat @Zarvan again you didn't test the rifle nor did you even hold it BUT your sources are like Qatari letter and nothing more. Still SCAR performed best in Trials :partay::partay:
Nahhh thats an ignorant comment from you Zarvan. Its about changing the whole battlefield scenario either in favour or against and that makes us gives all the damns for anything ever happen to whatever we are looking for our defense forces.
Dude yes and that would change only if we would select a rifle which passes our tests and SCAR H did passed tests so and SCAR H is most likely going to replace G3. The question is now which Rifle will replace Type 56 or in other words x 39 turns out that every rifle in this category failed the test.

you are ex military and have fired the weapon? What are your thoughts on it? Mucho Gracias. :-)

Hazrat @Zarvan don't be rudimentary and give proof other than quoting horus!!

Hazrat @Zarvan again you didn't test the rifle nor did you even hold it BUT your sources are like Qatari letter and nothing more. Still SCAR performed best in Trials :partay::partay:
I don't need to fire the rifle myself to know what happened at the trials and what is happening now. You need good sources which I have so you can keep laughing and posting these joker things but reality is SCAR H won the trial to replace G3 and X 39 is still under question which Rifle would come in that category.

Dude yes and that would change only if we would select a rifle which passes our tests and SCAR H did passed tests so and SCAR H is most likely going to replace G3. The question is now which Rifle will replace Type 56 or in other words x 39 turns out that every rifle in this category failed the test.

I don't need to fire the rifle myself to know what happened at the trials and what is happening now. You need good sources which I have so you can keep laughing and posting these joker things but reality is SCAR H won the trial to replace G3 and X 39 is still under question which Rifle would come in that category.

Hazrat @Zarvan it ain't over till the fat lady sings! But you have the right to cheerlead for SCAR but don't be noora about it give saboot! not bongian like Qatari letter!!!
Extreme temperatures ranging from +50 Celsius to -40 Celsius, as mentioned it exploded during 10k round dump (probably without cleaning), which was probably an extreme test for measuring endurance / life
Are all the candidate weapons and ammo tested the same way?
Hazrat @Zarvan it ain't over till the fat lady sings! But you have the right to cheerlead for SCAR but don't be noora about it give saboot! not bongian like Qatari letter!!!
What fat lady you are talking about ? As for trials Army officers are being now slowly told that SCAR would replace G3 and many have received its manual and also of other products of FN. This wasn't given them for no reason neither of any other Rifle it's given only of SCAR so message he been sent and I know about this because at IDEX 2017 FN Herstal was given green signal by our guys. Your Beretta failed accuracy tests and there was no other rifle.

From last twenty posts of yours I am noticing you are mixing two things. For your sake I am repeating once again that there were two tenders one to replace G3 and one to replace Type 56. Berreta and SCAR were in final round for replacing G3 not Type 56 and BREN and AK-103 were competing to replace Type 56. SCAR most likely in the winner in X 51 or let say G3 category but no decision has been taken in x 39 or let say Type 56 category. And yes in x 39 category now SCAR is also trying to jump in but they will succeed or not that I don't know.

Are all the candidate weapons and ammo tested the same way?
Yes every weapon and ammo is tested exactly the same way and has to go through exactly same tests. Pakistan and India are fighting each other in extreme temperatures from -50C to 50 C and hardly any other country is doing this so we have to take weapons to extreme tests and that is why majority fail.
Yes every weapon and ammo is tested exactly the same way and has to go through exactly same tests. Pakistan and India are fighting each other in extreme temperatures from -50C to 50 C and hardly any other country is doing this so we have to take weapons to extreme tests and that is why majority fail.
This is indeed very strong statement and I can feel its gravity as well as consequences for the rifle selected.

Meanwhile in France: French special forces (GIGN) has selected new rifle to replace HK 416..guess what?
Which one?
What fat lady you are talking about ? As for trials Army officers are being now slowly told that SCAR would replace G3 and many have received its manual and also of other products of FN. This wasn't given them for no reason neither of any other Rifle it's given only of SCAR so message he been sent and I know about this because at IDEX 2017 FN Herstal was given green signal by our guys. Your Beretta failed accuracy tests and there was no other rifle.

From last twenty posts of yours I am noticing you are mixing two things. For your sake I am repeating once again that there were two tenders one to replace G3 and one to replace Type 56. Berreta and SCAR were in final round for replacing G3 not Type 56 and BREN and AK-103 were competing to replace Type 56. SCAR most likely in the winner in X 51 or let say G3 category but no decision has been taken in x 39 or let say Type 56 category. And yes in x 39 category now SCAR is also trying to jump in but they will succeed or not that I don't know.

Yes every weapon and ammo is tested exactly the same way and has to go through exactly same tests. Pakistan and India are fighting each other in extreme temperatures from -50C to 50 C and hardly any other country is doing this so we have to take weapons to extreme tests and that is why majority fail.

I am asking for a credible source not something like I know people on social media! You are making some very tall claims and then hide behind horus and laugh in your secret laughing group. Give credible evidence that CZ failed the trials not take words of horus alone! I hope that is crystal clear? If CZ failed then why was LoU/MoU signed? So please don't repeat the same X51 this that and so on. Or X39 fail fail fail SCAR! Be credible in your claims if a journalist writes a story without any credible sources he will be writing satire and tabloid!

This is indeed very strong statement and I can feel its gravity as well as consequences for the rifle selected.

Which one?
Failed X39 rifle!!
I am asking for a credible source not something like I know people on social media! You are making some very tall claims and then hide behind horus and laugh in your secret laughing group. Give credible evidence that CZ failed the trials not take words of horus alone! I hope that is crystal clear? If CZ failed then why was LoU/MoU signed? So please don't repeat the same X51 this that and so on. Or X39 fail fail fail SCAR! Be credible in your claims if a journalist writes a story without any credible sources he will be writing satire and tabloid!

Failed X39 rifle!!
I am not dumb enough to tell you exact who is my source nobody is that dumb. Even a journalist when writes only say source says he never says which source or who is he or she. And yes BREN failed the trials mainly endurance test.
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