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Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

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“The United States is deeply concerned about the ongoing violence in Balochistan, especially targeted killings, disappearances and other human rights abuses,” she said.

... says the country (US) responsible for thousands of extraordinary renditions, detentions without trial, targeted assassinations on the basis of suspicion (Afghan night raids and drone strikes in FATA).

Aren't American apologists in the forefront of dismissing the cases in British and Pakistani courts by the families of drone strike victims as 'propaganda'?

As I said elsewhere - the utter gall and shamelessness of the US in 'expressing concern' over Balochistan, given their own far more criminal and lawless behavior in the so called WoT.

"This is a complex issue. We strongly believe that the best way forward is for all the parties to resolve their differences through peaceful dialogue."

Try following your own advice first you terrorism supporting scumbags!
... says the country (US) responsible for thousands of extraordinary renditions, detentions without trial, targeted assassinations on the basis of suspicion (Afghan night raids and drone strikes in FATA).

Aren't American apologists in the forefront of dismissing the cases in British and Pakistani courts by the families of drone strike victims as 'propaganda'?

As I said elsewhere - the utter gall and shamelessness of the US in 'expressing concern' over Balochistan, given their own far more criminal and lawless behavior in the so called WoT.

"This is a complex issue. We strongly believe that the best way forward is for all the parties to resolve their differences through peaceful dialogue."

Try following your own advice first you terrorism supporting scumbags!

Two wrongs doesn't make it right !
Two wrongs doesn't make it right !

It still makes the US a hypocritical, Human Rights violating, extra-judicial killing, terrorism supporting State - and therefore leaves it with no legal or moral high ground to criticize Pakistan.

Keep your own comments in mind when supporting extra-judicial killings by the US, through drone strikes and military raids.
It still makes the US a hypocritical, Human Rights violating, extra-judicial killing, terrorism supporting State - and therefore leaves it with no legal or moral high ground to criticize Pakistan.

Keep your own comments in mind when supporting extra-judicial killings by the US, through drone strikes and military raids.

I don't know how the US becomes hypocritical when it's own citizen's rights are not trampled and US citizens dont end up in ditches just because their views don't agree with Pentagon.

US has done follies abroad, agreed..but on its home soil its HR record is as good as it gets. Same cannot be said about Pakistan.

Re drone strikes and me being hypocritical:

"killing six militants, including senior Taliban commander Khwaz Ali. Khwaz Ali was said to be one of Baitullah Mehsud’s close and trusted commanders...

...Some reports said dreaded militant commander and master-trainer of suicide bombers Qari Hussain and prominent Afghan Taliban commander Maulvi Sangeen were also killed in the missile attack."

Oh hell yes - I hope the latter two are confirmed dead as well, though the account from a militant source in the article debunks the claim that Qari Hussain was killed.

Nonetheless, a significant strike.


Well well, I am actually becoming cautiously optimistic that our relationship with the US and cooperation in this war against the Taliban might actually become productive and mutually beneficial ...
I don't know how the US becomes hypocritical when it's own citizen's rights are not trampled and US citizens dont end up in ditches just because their views don't agree with Pentagon.

US has done follies abroad, agreed..but on its home soil its HR record is as good as it gets. Same cannot be said about Pakistan.

Re drone strikes and me being hypocritical:
The issues, as the US has made it out to be, is about extra-judicial disappearances and human rights violations - just because an individual is not a citizen of the US does not negate that individual's human rights and right to a fair trial to prove his guilt.

Extra-judicial killings and HR violations remain that regardless of the citizenship status of an individual.
The issues, as the US has made it out to be, is about extra-judicial disappearances and human rights violations - just because an individual is not a citizen of the US does not negate that individual's human rights and right to a fair trial to prove his guilt.

Extra-judicial killings and HR violations remain that regardless of the citizenship status of an individual.

Ofcourse it matters. US constitution hold sway over US sovereign US territory not over FATA. But Pak's constitution holds sway over Balochistan I guess, nominally atleast if not practically.

Also given that these drone killings happen with the absolute understanding with both the GoP and Army, Pakistani citizens like you have nothing to complain about that.
Ofcourse it matters. US constitution hold sway over US sovereign US territory not over FATA. But Pak's constitution holds sway over Balochistan I guess, nominally atleast if not practically.
Human rights and the right to a trial to establish guilt exist for every individual regardless of whether the US constitution applies or not.

If the US is concerned about 'constitutional issues', then its 'expression of concerns' should have been limited to 'Pakistan resolving the issue via its constitution', and should not have included all the nonsense about human rights, which the US is violating far more herself, as pointed out earlier.

BTW, did the US call for the terrorist/militant groups to 'respect Human rights and the constitution' and not resort to violence against civilians and the State, and cease from continuing their ethnic cleansing of Punjabi and other non-Baluch ethnic groups in Balochistan?
Human rights and the right to a trial to establish guilt exist for every individual regardless of whether the US constitution applies or not.

If the US is concerned about 'constitutional issues', then its 'expression of concerns' should have been limited to 'Pakistan resolving the issue via its constitution', and should not have included all the nonsense about human rights, which the US is violating far more herself, as pointed out earlier.

As I said, two wrongs don't make a right.

BTW, did the US call for the terrorist/militant groups to 'respect Human rights and the constitution' and not resort to violence against civilians and the State, and cease from continuing their ethnic cleansing of Punjabi and other non-Baluch ethnic groups in Balochistan?

Lol...They are 'terrorist groups' because they don't follow the constitution. So are you putting the Army/FC on the same level as these groups ?

BTW action against non-Baluch citizens is reprehensible...no excuses..but security forces are a fair game as the Baloch do have genuine grievances about how their nation was absorbed into Pakistan. That cannot be wished away.
As I said, two wrongs don't make a right.
And as I said, "It still makes the US a hypocritical, Human Rights violating, extra-judicial killing, terrorism supporting State - and therefore leaves it with no legal or moral high ground to criticize Pakistan.

Keep your own comments in mind when supporting extra-judicial killings by the US, through drone strikes and military raids."
Lol...They are 'terrorist groups' because they don't follow the constitution. So are you putting the Army on the same level as these groups ?
They BLA/BLF/BRA are terrorist groups because they have attacked non-combatants, and specifically targeted civilians from particular ethnic groups - and you avoided my question - where is the US condemnation for the above?
And as I said, "It still makes the US a hypocritical, Human Rights violating, extra-judicial killing, terrorism supporting State - and therefore leaves it with no legal or moral high ground to criticize Pakistan.

Keep your own comments in mind when supporting extra-judicial killings by the US, through drone strikes and military raids."

Drone strikes as I have previously said occur with the absolute knowledge and complicity of the Pakistani state and Establishment. If any one is to be blamed for the drones, its the Pakistani state that has knowingly failed to protect its citizens.

They BLA/BLF/BRA are terrorist groups because they have attacked non-combatants, and specifically targeted civilians from particular ethnic groups - and you avoided my question - where is the US condemnation for the above?

So if killing of non-combatants gets you the tag of terrorist, what about the security forces acting with impunity, kidnapping and killing at will, in Balochistan ?

Again you are going in circles to deflect -- the BLA/BRA and other insurgent orgs are classified as terrorist because they dont respect constitution. So in effect you are placing your Army/FC on a same plane. BTW the US has only asked all parties to solve the issue through political means. All parties includes the Baloch nationalist groups too.

The thing here is the Pakistani security forces have an added responsibility of upholding the constitution even in the face of asymmetric warfare. If they don't..they there is no difference between them and the so-called terrorist groups they are fighting.
have you heard of the Gawadar port, the national highway, the resulting trade and jobs due to exploration? the place needs proper policing and a good leadership that gets its act together instead of complaining.

I came across this data of some balochistan related projects in article where it says,

1. Gwadar related projects 54% budget
2. Kacchi canal 23%
3. Other 14%.

My question is as below,
The balochistan is a huge area less than half of total pakistan's area.
Then, is this not mismanagement of funds, where more than 50% of money is spent on one small city or port just to please a friendly nation, while remaining 99% of area remains starved of budget funds?
So with limited funds, more equitable distribution of funds is expected to develop a province.
What makes Hafiz Saeed or LeT a terrorist since attacking non-combatants and not accepting Indian constitution aren't enough to declare someone terrorist according to Mr KS?
.but security forces are a fair game as the Baloch do have genuine grievances about how their nation was absorbed into Pakistan. That cannot be wished away.

You have till now failed to prove those so called "genuine grievances". Apparently they were absorbed very democratically and and were very much in accordance to Indian standards of non-violence and democracy. :)
What makes Hafiz Saeed or LeT a terrorist since attacking non-combatants and not accepting Indian constitution aren't enough to declare someone terrorist according to Mr KS?

Pakistan does not consider Hafiz Saeed a terrorist and LET AKA JUD is openly operating in Pakistan as per Pakistani media.

Foreigners do not have to accept Indian constitution anyways.
Pakistan does not consider Hafiz Saeed a terrorist and LET AKA JUD is openly operating in Pakistan as per Pakistani media.

Foreigners do not have to accept Indian constitution anyways.

So Kashmiri militants or militants of any other state aren't terrorists? Right???

It doesn't matter what Pakistan considers, I am talking about what state of India consider and why?
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