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Pakistan's 'secret' war in Baluchistan

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We don't have plans to attack Afghanistan, but I can assure you if it comes to confrontation between USA and Pakistan in FATA these terrorist cells in Afghanistan will not be spared. Pre-emptive strikes are not the souvereign right of USA or Nato only, it would be naive to assume so.

And India doesn't have guts to attack Pakistan, she's had her chances in 1987, '98, 2001 but all we got was barks, no bites. Pakistan is much stronger now and has nuclear deterrence.

Its not the question of guts, Its common sense. It would be extremely stupid on India's part to attack Pakistan at any moment. Its the modern world and we need to compete through our economies or better co-operate through our economies. We have nothing to do with BLA or wahtever that is. We have consulates in Afganistan just to make sure Pakistan does-not send mercenaries into Kashmir from Afganistan. :sniper:

"India's involvement in Balochistan" is just Pakistan's self-fulfilling prophecy.
"India's involvement in Balochistan" is just Pakistan's self-fulfilling prophecy.

So is Pakistan's involvement in Kashmir and support of taliban A SELF FULFILLING PROPHECY.
‘RAW given special task to destabilise Pakistan, China’

Naveed Miraj

ISLAMABAD: India has revealed its designs to become a decisive power in the region and it has given forty billion rupees special fund to its intelligence agency (RAW) for creating instability in Pakistan, China, Afghanistan and Bangladesh to achieve the target.

RAW that has been playing its dirty game in the region with special focus on Pakistan and Afghanistan since many years is now actively engaged in the activities aimed at disrupting peace and feeding miscreants to promote subversive activities in Balochistan and FATA through its eleven consulates in the border areas of Afghanistan and the Karzai government helping RAW to achieve its goals.

RAW agents are busy in instigating local people in Balochistan to involve them in sabotage activities through its consulates in border areas of Afghanistan for which Pakistan has provided solid proofs to the US government on many occasions but they paid no heed to it and instead pressed for minimising the role of ISI that is indirectly aimed at supporting India to achieve its target. There are confirmed reports of Indian involvement in the terrorist activities carrying on in Pakistan in shape of suicide attacks and the Wah incident is its solid example that a suicide bomber arrested by police told the investigators that he had been going to Kabul and was told that Wah factory is producing weapons to kill the innocent people of FATA.

India is in fact pursuing a strategy having multiple purposes and its involvement in Balochistan is aimed at blocking the way of China that is heading at fast pace to become a major player in the international politics and it is unacceptable to both India and America to provide space to China to play its role in which Pakistan role is pivotal as China has been active in the development of Balochistan specially the Gwadar port that would play a significant role in future economic activities in the region and would provide a trade corridor for central Asia besides a strategic position to China for promoting its economic activities with the rest of the world.

Afghan government that is on the back of India to promote sabotage activities in Pakistan must realize that it would also face the same treatment from India when it is succeeded in its strategy for bringing instability in Pakistan that would also harm Chinese interests and India is already engaged in supporting those elements in Afghanistan who are working to create chaos and make China and Pakistan hostage to get access to this region.

To block the way of China and create misunderstanding between the two countries the US is also extending full support to India as it is the only country that could help the US to fulfill its plans to keep China away from becoming its competitor and remain isolated therefore it has closed its eyes from the activities of Indians in the region.

Both India and USA are also cooperating with each other to support the separatists in Balochistan with an objective to weaken Pakistan and the situation demand more attention from the new government to take concrete steps for removing grievances of the Baloch people and ensure their due share in the resources besides protecting their rights. There is also need to review the situation and find political ways to resolve the problems of the people of Balochistan to create a sense of equality among them so that they could feel at with other strake holders of the state and play their due role in strengthening the federation and discourage those elements who are playing with peace in the province and providing opportunity to the enemies of Pakistan who intend to weaken it to fulfill their designs.

Similar is the case in the tribal areas where Indians are actively engaged in promoting terrorist activities not only in FATA but in the rest of the country with an objective to create law & order situation and promote sense of fear that would result in further worsening the economy as investors are already shifting their capital to other countries keeping in view the fragile law & order situation in the country and the country has not received a single penny regarding investment during the last six months.

Islamabad News

EDITORIAL (September 19 2008): The fast tempo of developments in the tribal north-west tends to steal the media limelight relegating the trouble in Balochistan to the back burner, although, strategically speaking, the latter is far more consequential to the national unity and integrity.

What we have in the tribal region today is militancy within the parameters of national unity; it is neither a struggle to break away from Pakistan nor for greater autonomy. There the militants are engaged in a fight to protect their culture and way of life.

But in Balochistan, a part of the people, howsoever small in numerical strength, have been waging a struggle for separation. There are entities like Balochistan Liberation Army who have been in rebellion against the unity of the state of Pakistan - with active support of some hostile foreign governments.

Of course, most of the so-called insurgents are patriotic Pakistanis who want their rightful place in the federation of Pakistan. They are conscious of the fact that enormous mineral wealth lies under their feet but they remain poor and backward. Somehow, they say, the mega projects to exploit their resources have not benefited them. And, when they protest against their exploitation they are dubbed as rebels and crushed with force.

With the inauguration of democratic era in the wake of February elections they hope things will not remain the same. Their hope is not entirely misplaced. Within a few days its massive electoral victory the PPP co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari made a public apology over the injustices done to the people of Balochistan.

There is a long painful history of wrongs done to them; the latest being the target killing of Nawab Akbar Bugti when he charged the federal government of being discriminatory in fixing much lower well-head price for the Sui gasfield than for others in the country.

Then it was Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani who made the pledge to set up what he called Truth and Reconciliation Commission to alleviate sufferings of the people of Balochistan. His announcement had come in the wake of an embarrassing demonstration in front of 10 Downing Street, London, by the political exiles against "forced and illegal annexation" of Balochistan.

The Prime Minister had also pledged to withdraw from the Concurrent List from the Constitution. Additionally, a number of political activists detained by the previous administration were released and names of some important political leaders dropped from the exit control list (ECL).

Quite a bit seems to have been done or is in the pipeline to remove the pain suffered by the people of Balochistan but a lot is still needed to be done to win the battle of hearts and minds. They have to be mainstreamed by assuring them of the equality of their rights and of their control over what belongs to them - be it their share in the federal government or the mega projects like the Gwadar port project.

A general feeling pervades among the Baloch youth that they have been left out from the national mainstream. There is large-scale joblessness, a situation exacerbated by low quality education in the province. In this background the recent meeting of President Zardari with Nawabzada Gazin Marri in Dubai acquires pertinent importance.

The Nawabzada is said to have been assured by the President that military operation in Balochistan would stop, missing people would be traced and all political prisoners would be set free. Though the President met the Baloch leader in his personal capacity and their discussion was unofficial the significance of their meeting cannot be overlooked in the given circumstances.

The possibility of parleys between the federal government and the angry Baloch leaders seems to be materialising after a long time. It should not be lost in the bureaucratic labyrinths. No effort should be spared to build on the growing mutual trust, even when enemies of Pakistan would try hard to sabotage the reconciliation process.

10 Nov 2008

“We’ve moved from the insurgency phase to the reconciliation phase, but all’s not well. If foreign elements continue to infiltrate Balochistan, they could stir trouble and undermine our efforts to restore peace,” says Lt-Gen Khalid Shamim Wyne, the corps commander, indicating that in spite of the militants’ ceasefire, external forces have a role to play in destabilising the province.

For years, with only intermittent phases of peace in the province, the Pakistani establishment has been on its toes tackling insurgent elements in Balochistan. While the government believes that the trouble has been fomented by foreign elements with the aim of acquiring control over Balochistan’s plentiful natural resources, some independent analysts say that the insurgency is entirely the work of internal elements. Says former senator Sanaullah Baloch: “The unrest in Balochistan is the outcome of home-grown frustration.”

Yet others like Baloch nationalist leader Hasil Bizenjo indicate that it is a mix of both — outside influence and internal issues. While dwelling on the lack of basic facilities that have fuelled Baloch discontent, he adds: “The vested interests of many powers have focussed attention on Balochistan, the energy hub of the area. The establishment should tread carefully.”

With plans for an Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline passing through the province, the development of the Gwadar Port, and its proximity to Iran, it is obvious that Balochistan has attracted the attention of regional and world powers alike.

But political and economic rivalry between the major global powers has also kept interest alive in Balochistan. China’s close economic cooperation with the Pakistan government and its many projects in Balochistan have not gone down well in the US.

“The US believes that China’s involvement in Balochistan will give it greater access to the Gulf and Iran,” says defence analyst, Lt-Gen (retd) Talat Masood. Which is why there is a body of opinion that the US is using Baloch territory in Pakistan to fuel trouble in the Iranian Sistan-Balochistan province by supporting the Jundullah, a militant group fighting for Baloch rights in Iran.

“The US is playing a double game,” says a Baloch analyst, requesting anonymity. “On the one hand it provides the Pakistan army with weaponry to target the people of Balochistan to protect its oil investments. On the other it supports the Jundullah to tackle Iran.”

Although confronted with Iranian fears regarding the development of the Gwadar Port and the competition this would present to Tehran’s facilities, Pakistani officials refute theories that Iran may have a hand in the unrest in Balochistan.“There might be movement of insurgents across the border but it is definitely not government [Iran]-instigated,” says Lt-Gen Wyne. But he is not willing to rule out Indian and Afghan involvement in Baloch militancy.

“There is extensive involvement on the part of India and Afghanistan,” says Maj-Gen Saleem Nawaz, inspector-general, Frontier Corps, Balochistan, although he says that at this point there is “no insurgency” in Balochistan.

He accuses Indian and Afghan elements of propagating the theory of insurgency in Balochistan, adding, “perhaps India and Afghanistan plan to turn it into one”. He confirms the presence of militant training camps in Kandahar and Nimruz in Afghanistan.

His military colleague Lt-Gen Wyne asserts that a transfer of weapons takes place through the extremely porous border area with Afghanistan.

“Since there are more Pakhtuns in this area than Baloch, the former smuggle weapons to Quetta or other parts of Balochistan. These are then transferred to the Baloch [militants].”

Lt-Gen Wyne further questions the presence of Indian consulates in Kandahar.

“Consulates are meant to facilitate trade and travel. The consulates in Kandahar are doing neither. What is their purpose?”

Talat Masood, agrees that India could have a hand in brewing trouble in Balochistan.

“The Indians could be trying to reciprocate Pakistan’s actions in Kashmir.” However, the real problem, he says, lies within.

His views are at variance with those of Lt-Gen Wyne. “All this is highly exaggerated. Consulates have been there (Kandahar) for years. What can they do? You do not need consulates to stir trouble in a vulnerable region.” He nevertheless admits that the focus of rivalry between India and Pakistan has shifted from Kashmir to Afghanistan.

Citing the views of a pro-independence Baloch leader on the run, Hasil Bizenjo says that any help to fight the enemy — in this case the Pakistani establishment — is welcome to the separatists. “States do not break, they are broken down,” he says.

“The problem is the colonial thinking of the government — that the people will try to break the country if they are given their rights.

“This is wrong. If a Baloch gets his rights within the framework of Pakistan he will never demand independence.”
Talal assails proponents of ‘independent Balochistan’

By Amanullah Kasi
December 02, 2008

QUETTA, Dec 1: Jamhoori Watan Party chief Nawabzada Talal Akbar Bugti on Monday criticised the elements who were raising slogans demanding an independent Balochistan and termed them saboteurs. He urged the government to cooperate with his party to eliminate such elements

Addressing a press conference, he accused the followers of the so-called resistance movement of attacking and killing innocent people to create chaos.

“We are followers of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti and the JWP is struggling for provincial autonomy for Balochistan and other provinces. We will confront the so-called champions of Azad Balochistan and protect the lives and property of all people living in this province,” Mr Talal Bugti said.

Condemning the killing of innocent people in the province, he said his party was struggling within the parameters of the Constitution to protect the coast and resources of Balochistan.

WIDOW’S APPEAL: The widow of Khan Mohammad Kalpar has appealed to President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani to take steps for the release of her four sons who have been behind bars for several years.
Talal warns Bramdagh to give up resistance

QUETTA: Jamhoori Watan Party (JWP) President Nawabzada Talal Akbar Bugti on Monday asked his nephew and Baloch guerrilla leader Nawabzada Bramdagh Bugti to give up what he called ‘terrorist activities’. Talal, a son of former Balochistan governor and chief minister Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, said in a news conference that Bramdagh was not serving the Baloch cause but promoting terrorism in the guise of a struggle for the rights of the Baloch people. “Targeting government installations, railway tracks, gas pipelines and killing innocent people from other provinces is no nationalism,” he said. “If Bramdagh does not surrender his operations, we will join hands with the government to crush him,” Talal said, adding that no one would be allowed to use the name of the Bugti family to kill innocent citizens.

Talal and Bramdagh developed serious differences after the death of Nawab Akbar Bugti, as the former articulated his support for provincial autonomy and parliamentary politics while the latter took to the mountains to wage an armed resistance against the government. The JWP leader said Agha Shahid Bugti, a former senator and the secretary general of the JWP, had been fired from the party therefore Shahid’s meeting with the prime minister or other top government officials should not be seen as the party’s official contacts. staff report
Two Pakistani refugees used their west London homes as a base to call for terrorist attacks in their homeland, a court has been told.
Faiz Baluch, 26, of Wembley, and Hyrbyair Marri, 40, of Ealing, were key supporters of the Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA), a jury has heard.

Woolwich Crown Court was told the banned organisation is behind a series of bomb attacks on Pakistani government targets.

Prosecutor Max Hill said the men used websites and telephone links to call on others to murder in the name of the separatist group.

They also gathered military information and a "hit list" of potential targets, including officials and judges who opposed their cause.

Mr Hill said: "A wide variety of material, ranging from paper documents to material stored on computers, demonstrates their close association with and support for a terrorist organisation which was active in Pakistan in and before 2007, and which is called the Baluchistan Liberation Army, the BLA for short.

"Through a variety of means, stretching from telephone links to website-based computer links, these defendants were actively engaged in encouraging and planning terrorist activity in their homeland.

"They did so from the safety of Ealing and Wembley, where they both settled having come to this country in 2002 or 2003.

"Although living thousands of miles from their country of birth, the defendants used every modern means of communication to further a cause which they may claim to have been purely political, but as you will see embraced terrorism and violence of the worst sort."

Student Baluch, of Mount Pleasant, and journalist Marri, of Heronsforde, deny terrorist offences.

Refugees accused of backing terror group - Worthing Today
UK has already banned BLA and listed it as terrorist organization. UK should take strict action against these two men for planing attacks in Pakistan along with BLA.
BLA is propagating Violence in Balochistan and they are using their safe homes in Afghanistan, USA and UK to carry out their operations, BLA is the main source of violence in Balochistan and thats why operation is being carried out in Balochistan by the Pakistani Army and locals are facing many difficulties due to this operation.

Not only UK must act but also USA and Afghanistan must act as well because its a banned organization and has to be crack downed by every civilized country.
BLA are the worst criminals in Pakistan. My cousin who visited Balochistan said these criminals kill anyone, even children, if they found out the person is not Baloch.
They should realize that Pakistan is for everyone, Baloch are living all across Pakistan, including Islamabad Lahore and Karachi we must learn to live together if we want a successful nation.
good news for pakistan shuld be handover to pak or ISI will go there for qes them
Looks like Iran is having a similar problem in their Balochistan province:

Iranian Envoy Criticizes Double Standards on Terrorism

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's representative to the UN Mohammad Khazaee lashed out at double standards in the campaign against terrorism, saying such an approach would produce adverse effects.

"The international community should take collective measures in its war against the ominous phenomenon of terrorism. The United Nations plays a leading role in the move," Khazaee said at a Tuesday session of the Security Council.

The US and its Western allies accuse Iran of sponsoring terrorists and insurgents.

According to press tv, the Iranian envoy dismissed the allegations, saying, "Iran is a victim of terrorism. It has taken practical and effective measures in its fight against terrorist and extremist groups including al-Qaeda and Jundullah."

The terrorist group Jundullah, which operates in Iran's Sistan-Baluchestan Province and Pakistan's Balochistan, is fighting Iran's security forces.

The group is responsible for several kidnapping, and assassination plots, including abduction of tourists and killing of security forces.

In a last case, Jundullah terrorists abducted 16 Iranian police officers at a checkpoint in the southeastern city of Saravan in Iran's Sistan-Baluchestan Province in June.

The hostages were reportedly taken to Pakistan where they faced execution in early December.

The terrorist group released one of the hostages later but killed the other 15.

Khazaee further welcomed UN support for Iran's anti-terrorism campaign.

Fars News Agency :: Iranian Envoy Criticizes Double Standards on Terrorism

The Pakistani and Iranian government should work together in getting rid of these terrorists.
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