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Pakistan's Raiwind gathering fuels extremism: experts


Apr 25, 2012
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Experts say that the 'apparently harmless' Sunni religious congregation of Raiwind provides ideological and cultural impetus to many extremist Islamist groups and organizations, including the Taliban.
Pakistan's largest Sunni gathering, called the Tablighi Ijtima, which in English means the 'assembly to spread faith,' came to an end on Sunday after several days of religious activities. It is held annually at the central Pakistani city of Raiwind - also home to former Pakistani Premier Nawaz Sharif - and attracts millions of Sunni devotees from all over Pakistan and other parts of the world. It is believed to be the biggest gathering of Muslims after the Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Pakistani media has reported a turnout of over four million devotees this year.
The Tablighi Jamaat, which means the 'party of Islam's preachers,' organizes the gathering. It was founded in 1926 by the Indian cleric Muhammad Ilyas al-Kandhlawi with an aim to spread Islam to non-Muslims and also to purge the faith from influences of other religions, most notably the Hindu and Christian influences in British India at the time. The organization is an offshoot of the Deobandi movement of Islam, which took off in the Indian city of Deoband as a response to supposedly deteriorating Islamic values in India. Once a local movement, it has now spread to many countries in the world.


The organization holds similar gatherings in India and Bangladesh as well. The Bangladeshi gathering is said to be as big as the one organized in Pakistan.
"Muslims have lost their way. Our objective is to bring them back to the true path of Islam," Yousuf Usmani, a Tablighi Jamaat activist in the southern Pakistani city Karachi, told DW. "There was a time when Muslims ruled the whole world but now they are being dominated by others. How did that happen? It happened because Muslims are no more the real Muslims."
Cultural cleansing
The Tablighi Jamaat claims to be an apolitical organization but many Pakistani experts say that it gives ideological impetus to most extremist and militant religious organizations in Pakistan, including the Taliban.
Dr. Muhammad Ali Siddiqui, an educationist and literary critic in Karachi, told DW that the Tablighi Jamaat did not take on a political role until Pakistan became a separate state in 1947.
"It can claim whatever it likes, but Tablighi Jamaat is a political organization in my opinion," said Siddiqui. "It is not a spiritual movement or the one which only interprets the matters of fiqh (jurisprudence). It has a well-defined political agenda which provides ideological and cultural fodder to many hardline religious groups."

Experts say that the Tablighi Jamaat in Pakistan emphasizes the concept of a "one-dimensional Islam" which does not leave any room for other forms and interpretations of the religion.
"The Tablighi Jamaat claims that Muslims are backward because they are no longer 'true Muslims.' The idea of a 'better' or a ‘true' Muslim is obviously their own interpretation of the faith," Siddiqui said. He also said that the Tablighi Jamaat was closer to the 'softer' Hanafi Islamic tradition before the partition of India, but had gradually become more similar to the stricter Saudi-Wahhabi Islam.
Political economy of extremism
Farooq Sulehria, a Pakistani journalist and scholar at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London, told DW that there would have been no Taliban without the organizations like the Tablighi Jamaat.
"Organizations like the Tablighi Jamaat create a cultural environment which nurtures and fosters militant Islamists like the Taliban," Sulehria said. "Since the 1980s, the Pakistani state has been investing in creating a jihadist infrastructure. It is not only backing armed groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba but also their ideological patrons like the Tablighi Jamaat."

Experts are of the view that the Tablighi Jamaat has been openly patronized by the Pakistani security agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), and also by government heads, including former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. There are a number of speculations as to why the Pakistani state would not want to relinquish its support for the Tablighi Jamaat and other similar groups.
"There is no way Pakistan can have an influence in the region, particularly in Afghanistan, if there is no threat of Islamist extremism," Sulehria said.
Western countries accuse Pakistan - the ISI in particular - of backing the Taliban, who claim they have safe havens in Pakistan's northwestern tribal areas, which border Afghanistan. They say the Islamist militants launch attacks on Afghan soil from their hideouts in Pakistan, and that the Pakistani government is not doing enough to destroy the terrorists' sanctuaries.
Some Pakistani analysts are of the view that by supporting organizations like the Tablighi Jamaat, Pakistani authorities are allowing hardline Islamist groups to damage the pluralistic Indo-Pakistani culture. They say that this has resulted in an increased number of persecutions of religious minorities, sectarian killings and attacks on shrines and followers of Islamic saints who preached a secular and humanistic version of Islam.

Pakistan's Raiwind gathering fuels extremism: experts | Asia | DW.DE | 19.11.2012
and deutsch sheiten stink is the best......keep in mind the neo nazi groups with close ties to the "german" establishment who murdered the turks with impunity for years on end....and th BND (bundes [and there is a name that tells it all] nachrichtendienst] special links with you know who.....

What expertise the author got?
Does he know much about islam,muslims, Tabligh?
Has he ever lived among muslims for more than 6 months?
Has he ever been to Raiwind ijtimaa?

These days anybody can call themselves 'expert' based on how many brain farts they can come up with...
Your hatred towards current Muslims ways makes you sound irrational, Anger is not the best element to use when having a constructive argument.

cause might be good, But I have one huge disagreement with such gatherings i.e. hygiene values and attitude to so no to Advance subjects currently under study by modern world, When you can't respect subjects That's something that still define Allah then how Can I respect you core lines that you want me to consider. Muslims MUST MUST MUST master the advance subjects that's also referred as 'dunvai alum' or something not important in such gatherings.

its not hatred and its not anger - its knows insider knowledge.
I have spent time in every possible islamist organisation found in KSA and PK.

my maternal family were one of the founding members of Jamat e Islami with close interpersonal relations with Deoband, Moulana Moododi and Qazi Hussien!
I am calm as a breeze, your comments make me smile :)

This ijtima is a ticking time bomb to go from "Tableeji Ijtima" to "Talibani Ijtima".

Your ticking time bomb has been happening in Pakistan since 1960's without a single unpleasent word uttered by the organisers/scholors who make speaches...
Or without a single unpleasent event happening in the 50 year history of the 'ijtima'.
The same event takes place at nizamuddin india,near Delhi since 1920s,and nobody in india had a problem with them over the last 90 years.
Same about Bangladesh,has been an annual event since 1960s without any problem..
If you want to make absurd claimsat least back your claims with examples,or logic...
On what basis you are saying the event 'time bomb'?
I am calm as a breeze, your comments make me smile :)

This ijtima is a ticking time bomb to go from "Tableeji Ijtima" to "Talibani Ijtima".

Ive had the dis-pleasure of going to Raiwind during the annual gathering..
I was expecting a sense of brotherhood.. misguided even.
What I found was sectarianism defined as textbook.
The Deobandi's had their own Jamaat for Asr, The Barielvis did their own.. another did it seperataly..
What absolute crap..

On top of which some otherwise respected religious leaders displayed level of "Jihalat" unheard of ..
topping even the evangelists in their promise of "Praise the lord.. I have taken you all into heaven with me by my so and so prayer".

It was a picture of everything that is wrong with Pakistani Muslims..
Thanks to the vile teachings and influences that stemmed from Uyayana.
It was a picture of everything that is wrong with Pakistani Muslims..
Thanks to the vile teachings and influences that stemmed from Uyayana.

That's rather sad...coming from a 'senior mod' and all :disagree:
That's rather sad...coming from a 'senior mod' and all :disagree:

Depends on who you support.. I am entitled to my views based on my experiences.
And My experiences and research have me believing in those views.
Your disappointment is uncalled for... since you believe your views are the correct ones and hence all "senior" members should echo them.
A condescending attitude is an Incorrect approach to discussions..
Depends on who you support.. I am entitled to my views based on my experiences.
And My experiences and research have me believing in those views.
Your disappointment is uncalled for... since you believe your views are the correct ones and hence all "senior" members should echo them.
A condescending attitude is an Incorrect approach to discussions..

Aha..supposing things. I'm just a little surprised at the harsh language used at a group of people that don't have much to do with the thread's theme.
By a Mod as well, that is.
Ive had the dis-pleasure of going to Raiwind during the annual gathering..
I was expecting a sense of brotherhood.. misguided even.
What I found was sectarianism defined as textbook.
The Deobandi's had their own Jamaat for Asr, The Barielvis did their own.. another did it seperataly..
What absolute crap..

On top of which some otherwise respected religious leaders displayed level of "Jihalat" unheard of ..
topping even the evangelists in their promise of "Praise the lord.. I have taken you all into heaven with me by my so and so prayer".

It was a picture of everything that is wrong with Pakistani Muslims..
Thanks to the vile teachings and influences that stemmed from Uyayana.

Here is a gem for you.

Here is a gem for you.


In contrast to the above, one can walk into a church or synagogue here and ask for a quiet corner to say prayers as a Muslim without any problems, as long as one respects the hosts. Compare this behavior with the one shown in the photo above. Sad, truly sad.
In contrast to the above, one can walk into a church or synagogue here and ask for a quiet corner to say prayers as a Muslim without any problems, as long as one respects the hosts. Compare this behavior with the one shown in the photo above. Sad, truly sad.

Sir, Majority Places in Pakistan [Muslims did it in Jeruselum for Centuries, sharing buildings instead of demolitions - and the Prophet PBUH -invited his Christian guests to pray in the Mosque], you could do this until Zia turned it all around. Even, today there are places in Pakistan where people live in harmony but patience is thin.
Sir, Majority Places in Pakistan [Muslims did it in Jeruselum for Centuries, sharing buildings instead of demolitions - and the Prophet PBUH -invited his Christian guests to pray in the Mosque], you could do this until Zia turned it all around. Even, today there are places in Pakistan where people live in harmony but patience is thin.

The trend towards religious intolerance was started by ZA Bhutto when he inflamed the Ahmedi issue for temporary political gains, but you are correct that it went from bad to worse during the Zia era. Subsequent governments used various aspects of these divisions for short term gains for themselves and long term losses for the nation.
Aha..supposing things. I'm just a little surprised at the harsh language used at a group of people that don't have much to do with the thread's theme.
By a Mod as well, that is.

Oh but they do, to a very very large extent.
Hence the Harsh language.. however, I am not accountable to you or anyone for it..hence your surprise is surprising.
My views are separate from my Modship...and generally .. NONE of your concern.
It was a picture of everything that is wrong with Pakistani Muslims..
Thanks to the vile teachings and influences that stemmed from Uyayana.

Let me have a view as well then. "Uyayani" Muslims are a minority in Pakistan; how are they suddenly representing the majority all of a sudden?

This group has the largest following in Pakistan:

Judge for yourself; is it really them "Uyayani's" that is 'everything wrong with Muslims in Pakistan' - or these guys?
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