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Pakistan's PM Imran Khan admit discrimination was the cause of Bangladesh

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Happy for ecnomic progress of Bangladesh may you reach it to level of 10% per year we are not against Bangladesh progress. Pakistan is not enemy of Bangladesh but way you demonize us is unbelievable.

I know that Pakistan is not enemy of BD.

The problem is the 1947-1971 period and majority of BD'shis need a formal acknowledgement of mistreatment during 1947-1971 to finally bury this for good.

Both Pakistan and BD can massively benefit by having good relations.
You ever think that the hate may be from India, which is butchering and blinding Kashmiris only for wanting their right to choose their destiny or promoting terrorism against Pakistan through afghan proxy warfare.

Stop being a puppet of Modi. He is a wicked and evil man with not much love for BD either.
There were no local armed uprising in Kashmir before Khalistan movement was taken care of. It was created by PK after failing in Punjab. Just look back the history. You may be too young to see those days.
Pakistan by itself could have never built the army to challenge India during 1947-1971.
Think what you like.
If India annexed Bangladesh and Pakistan during the 40's, there would've been a civil war, and it wouldn't have ended well for the Hindus.
Pakistan by itself could have never built the army to challenge India during 1947-1971.
Think what you like.
Actually PK inherited 60% of British Indian army.
East Pakistan had very little contribution to it.
Actually PK inherited 60% of British Indian army.
East Pakistan had very little contribution to it.
It was actually closer to 30%, but still a lot larger compared to the populations of India and Pakistan.

A third of the army were Muslims, especially Punjabis.
You think that BD needs permission from India on who it has relations with? India can think anything it wants
as BD is an independent sovereign country
Of course, we have freedom to engage with any one. But your tone in previous posts were giving impression of Bangladesh should gang up with Pakistan against India. My objection was in that part. Bangladesh should maintain a balance keeping relation with two antagonistic country and should remain a little careful when one such country is your next door neighbor and another is 2000 km away. Any diplomat will say, there was nothing wrong in my statement. But unfortunately you misunderstood my previous post.

I could have reason with your views here, if India were an openly hostile country for Bangladesh. In that case, we could give a damn about what India think. Even India moderated it's stance on supporting Myanmar on taking into consideration of Bangladesh's sensitivity. This is how international relation works. you give importance to the sensitivity of countries you think are important. Even US follow this rule. It is not a question of sovereignty.
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It was actually closer to 30%, but still a lot larger compared to the populations of India and Pakistan.

A third of the army were Muslims, especially Punjabis.
that was somthing I read somewhere. But it was enough to challenge Indian army and that is why they could hang on to Azad Kashmir.
I know that Pakistan is not enemy of BD.

The problem is the 1947-1971 period and majority of BD'shis need a formal acknowledgement of mistreatment during 1947-1971 to finally bury this for good.

Both Pakistan and BD can massively benefit by having good relations.

Not really. bangladesh is more than 3000 kms away from us and has NOTHING we need or want. Our iron-strong relationship with the Chinese global superpower and Turkey nullify the need for Pakistan to have a relationship with a nation such as bangladesh.
I know that Pakistan is not enemy of BD.

The problem is the 1947-1971 period and majority of BD'shis need a formal acknowledgement of mistreatment during 1947-1971 to finally bury this for good.

Both Pakistan and BD can massively benefit by having good relations.

Not really. bangladesh is more than 3000 kms away from us and has NOTHING we need or want. Our iron-strong relationship with the Chinese global superpower and Turkey nullify the need for Pakistan to have a relationship with a nation such as bangladesh.
Actually PK could not have the relationship with those super power in equal footing. You have a trade imbalance of what? 16 billion with China right?
Not really. bangladesh is more than 3000 kms away from us and has NOTHING we need or want. Our iron-strong relationship with the Chinese global superpower and Turkey nullify the need for Pakistan to have a relationship with a nation such as bangladesh.

Please listen more and talk less.
Finally pm of Pakistan admit the mistreatment of Bengali which cause break up of Pakistan in 1971 .


The deprivation was the main cause of Bangladesh's creation, said Imran

Online Desk
December 23, 2011, 13:49
Updated: December 23, 2014, 14:31

In the early hours of this month, violent incidents took place in the Bulandshah district of Uttar Pradesh. Two people including the police were killed in this. Nasiruddin Shah came under the controversy by commenting on the death case.

Nasiruddin Shah said in an interview that a cow's death is more important than death of a police officer in India.

In an event organized in Lahore on the occasion of 100 days of Punjab government, Imran said his government is taking steps to ensure the right to religious minorities in Pakistan. The country's founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah also had such dreams.

Imran said his government will ensure that minorities feel secure, security, and they get equal rights in new Pakistan.

The Prime Minister said, "How will we deal with minorities, we will show Modi government."

According to Imran, the people of India say that the minorities here are not being used as equal citizens.

The Prime Minister said, if the weak people do not get proper treatment then they will become a coup.

In this regard, Imran has set example of East Pakistan. He said that people of East Bengal (East Pakistan) were not given their rights. This was the main reason behind the creation of Bangladesh.
বঞ্চনাই ছিল বাংলাদেশ সৃষ্টির প্রধান কারণ, বললেন ইমরান

অনলাইন ডেস্ক
২৩ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৮, ১৩:৪৯
আপডেট: ২৩ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৮, ১৪:৩১

চলতি মাসের শুরুর দিকে ভারতের উত্তর প্রদেশের বুলান্দশার জেলায় কথিত গোহত্যা নিয়ে সহিংস ঘটনা ঘটে। এতে পুলিশসহ দুজন নিহত হন। এই মৃত্যুর ঘটনা নিয়ে মন্তব্য করে বিতর্কের মুখে পড়েন নাসিরুদ্দিন শাহ।

নাসিরুদ্দিন শাহ এক সাক্ষাৎকারে বলেন, ভারতে একজন পুলিশ কর্মকর্তার মৃত্যুর চেয়ে একটি গরুর মৃত্যু বেশি গুরুত্ব পায়।

পাঞ্জাব সরকারের ১০০ দিনের অর্জন উপলক্ষে লাহোরে আয়োজিত এক অনুষ্ঠানে ইমরান বলেন, পাকিস্তানে ধর্মীয় সংখ্যালঘুদের ন্যায্য অধিকার নিশ্চিত করতে তাঁর সরকার পদক্ষেপ নিচ্ছে। দেশটির প্রতিষ্ঠাতা মোহাম্মদ আলী জিন্নাহরও এমন স্বপ্ন ছিল।

ইমরান বলেন, সংখ্যালঘুরা যাতে নিরাপত্তা, সুরক্ষা অনুভব করে, নতুন পাকিস্তানে তারা যাতে সমান অধিকার পায়, তার সরকার তা নিশ্চিত করবে।

পাকিস্তানের প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, ‘কীভাবে সংখ্যালঘুদের সঙ্গে ব্যবহার করতে হয়, তা আমরা মোদি সরকারকে দেখিয়ে দেব।’

ইমরানের ভাষ্য, এখন ভারতের লোকজনই বলছে, সেখানকার সংখ্যালঘুরা সমান নাগরিক হিসেবে ব্যবহার পাচ্ছে না।

পাকিস্তানের প্রধানমন্ত্রী বলেন, দুর্বলেরা যদি যথাযথ আচরণ না পায়, তাহলে তা অভ্যুত্থানে রূপ নেবে।

এ প্রসঙ্গে ইমরান পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের উদাহরণ টানেন। তিনি বলেন, পূর্ব বাংলার (পূর্ব পাকিস্তান) জনগণকে তাদের অধিকার দেওয়া হয়নি। বাংলাদেশ সৃষ্টির পেছনে এটাই ছিল প্রধান কারণ।

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সম্পাদক ও প্রকাশক: মতিউর রহমান
প্রগতি ইনস্যুরেন্স ভবন,২০-২১ কারওয়ান বাজার , ঢাকা ১২১৫
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Imran is honest.

1. "Gen Musharraf's expression of "regret", the first by a Pakistani military ruler, came during an official visit to Bangladesh."

Regret is not the same as an apology

2. It needs to come by being passed in Pakistan Parliament, so it is the nation apologising and not an individual.
Imran khan saying this means nothing unless @Imran Khan, @BHarwana and @Nilgiri agree to it. They make the policies. Imran Khan is just a show pm.
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