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Pakistan’s PL-15 Missile Equipped JF-17 Block 3 is a Serious Game Changer - How India Can Respond to

Pl 15 equipped JF 17 is a serious game changer but I derby equipped Tejas Mk1 or Meteor Equipped Rafale is not a game changer. Cheers.

Your game-changer comments do not make sense. India already claims superiority over PAF - so when you claim to procure game-changer something, you must first also admit that you were inferior to your enemy and now your game will change the tide because of inducting something new.

For PAF, the "game-changer" comment makes sense as it is against a bigger airforce.
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Your game-changer comments do not make sense. India already claims superiority over PAF - so when you claim to procure game-changer something, you must first also admit that you were inferior to your enemy and now your game will change the tide because of inducting something new.

For PAF, the "game-changer" comment makes sense as it is against a bigger airforce.

How did you guess that I am talking in Pakistan context only?
How did you guess that I am talking in Pakistan context only?

Fair point, I see Indians struggle to keep up with China - but 36 Rafale with Meteor against the might of China, still do not change the game for you.
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Low band radars as multistatic ones are not precise enought to guide a semi active missile, but enough for a missile seeker to hang the target.
After all a F117 was destroy like that.
As all the US people, you always thought you are over the others... you are another average american.

You should stick to Rafale fantasy and refrain from commenting on topics that are beyond your repertoire. There were no multistatic radar in operation anywhere near the F117 shootdown.

what do mean by hang the target :lol: ? Multistatic arrangement is fixed, requires large compute resources and are susceptible to deception* and is significantly degraded when even one node in the network is compromised. It is useful for protecting fixed strategic targets e.g. military base.

*It is assumed that since the location of the receiver(s) is not known in a multistatic arrangement the system is impossible to jam. While this is true, the system is vulnerable to deception by insertion of false targets through the independent manipulation of the pilot and carrier signal.
A large complex arrangement requires a pilot signal to synchronize the various nodes in the network. Manipulating the pilot and the carrier (information) bearing signal allows the intruder to deceive the system by inserting false targets (ghosts). Don't forget in a multistatic arrangement the transmitter and the missile battery is still vulnerable to a physical attack. The location of the passive receiver is unknowable.

All US LO platforms have an antenna farm embedded on its skin and so while in flight it detects all emitters, combines the data from other allied airborne elements and dynamically builds a 4D picture of the in theatre threat in real-time. The flight can then circumvent detection by flying along the edges of the hostile system or attack (physical or electronic) and degrade the system.

The F117 Nighthawk incident was a combination of operational complacency and a patient and clever enemy who studied F117 operational routine and through observation of US airbases knew precisely when the aircraft would fly overhead for them to take a unguided shot. The US lost one in 38000 sorties, if LO and the F-117 was vulnerable the Serbs would have shot down many US aircraft - they shot down two, one F16 and one F117.
You should stick to Rafale fantasy and refrain from commenting on topics that are beyond your repertoire. There were no multistatic radar in operation anywhere near the F117 shootdown.

what do mean by hang the target :lol: ? Multistatic arrangement is fixed, requires large compute resources and are susceptible to deception* and is significantly degraded when even one node in the network is compromised. It is useful for protecting fixed strategic targets e.g. military base.

*It is assumed that since the location of the receiver(s) is not known in a multistatic arrangement the system is impossible to jam. While this is true, the system is vulnerable to deception by insertion of false targets through the independent manipulation of the pilot and carrier signal.
A large complex arrangement requires a pilot signal to synchronize the various nodes in the network. Manipulating the pilot and the carrier (information) bearing signal allows the intruder to deceive the system by inserting false targets (ghosts). Don't forget in a multistatic arrangement the transmitter and the missile battery is still vulnerable to a physical attack. The location of the passive receiver is unknowable.

All US LO platforms have an antenna farm embedded on its skin and so while in flight it detects all emitters, combines the data from other allied airborne elements and dynamically builds a 4D picture of the in theatre threat in real-time. The flight can then circumvent detection by flying along the edges of the hostile system or attack (physical or electronic) and degrade the system.

The F117 Nighthawk incident was a combination of operational complacency and a patient and clever enemy who studied F117 operational routine and through observation of US airbases knew precisely when the aircraft would fly overhead for them to take a unguided shot. The US lost one in 38000 sorties, if LO and the F-117 was vulnerable the Serbs would have shot down many US aircraft - they shot down two, one F16 and one F117.
What is a 4D picture in real time?
What is a 4D picture in real time?

It is the modern equivalent of a sand table for tactical planning. All sensors in theatre are networked to obtain a comprehensive picture of the battlefield with the forth dimension being time allowing the system to playback past events or model or simulate or predict the outcome of a tactic.
Wouldnt the range on the pl15 be limited considering how the klj7a aesa radar has a range of 200km(?) and the missile has 300km
The missile doesn’t have a 300KM range, that’s just some BS misquoted from Chinese media. it doesn’t have a 200KM range against a fighter sized target either. Simply unrealistic, even before the radar limitations. At most it’s around 150KM, which is still an insanely long range, Thanks to its dual pulse rocket motor. Much superior to SD-10A, AIM120C5/C7 and likely superior to AIM120D as well (AIM-260 is supposed to be a direct competitor to PL-15 but is not fully ready yet)

Keep in mind you would never really fire a missile at that range anyways because your chances of scoring a kill are abysmally low. BVR engagements usually take place at ranges >80KM. but yes having a longer range is a good thing, as it directly translates to a longer NEZ (no escape zone, where the missile has a high probability of scoring a hit). For these ranges the radar is more than adequate, keep in mind the radars detection range varies widely with the enemy aircraft in question as well as the load it’s carrying, the direction it’s facing etc etc

PS: The only way missiles have that range is if they’re fired in a parabolic trajectory, which is only useful for taking down tankers and AWACS sized aircraft (and only a few missiles have that capability, PL-15 is not known to have it afaik, but PL-21 does, so does Russian R37M, the latter of which can then reach almost 400KM)
It is the modern equivalent of a sand table for tactical planning. All sensors in theatre are networked to obtain a comprehensive picture of the battlefield with the forth dimension being time allowing the system to playback past events or model or simulate or predict the outcome of a tactic.
lets take an example of the F117 that was downed, would it be able to see the variation of emitter signal of the P18 antenna grid and differentiate between the frequency spectrum in real-time and when the amplitude will have a long enough lock to provide a firing solution? Also if such was the situational awareness why wouldn't the F117's be able to detect and evade the Pechora?
lets take an example of the F117 that was downed, would it be able to see the variation of emitter signal of the P18 antenna grid and differentiate between the frequency spectrum in real-time and when the amplitude will have a long enough lock to provide a firing solution? Also if such was the situational awareness why wouldn't the F117's be able to detect and evade the Pechora?

I don't understand your question. Not all F117's were equipped with RLS (Radar Locating Sensors), even if the doomed F117 was equipped with the RLS it wouldn't have mattered against a pop up threat like the S125 in Serbia. The operator switched on the guidance radar only after the missile was launched at close range with no time for the crew to react or respond to the threat.
, a larger AESA radar, the first ever infra red search and track system on a Pakistani fighter, new electronic warfare systems and PL-15 long range air to air missiles.
How would you confirm or prove these claims?
What's Larger Aesa? It would be PAF's first Aesa Radar capable fighter jet when inducted. Any proof of IRST or PL-15 induction in JF-17 Block 3?

And plz differentiate between this long article from any other Indian fanboy posts, because I can't. You are claiming capabilities which we haven't seen or heard of before.

There isn't any export version of PL-15 missile available till now, according to Chinese sources. Thunder's Nose cone would barely fit upcoming Aesa Radar in it, then where would you place IRST then? How the addition of IRST would effect the CoG of the plane?

Any related images or a quote from any well known PAF source would be appreciated! Thanks
I don't understand your question. Not all F117's were equipped with RLS (Radar Locating Sensors), even if the doomed F117 was equipped with the RLS it wouldn't have mattered against a pop up threat like the S125 in Serbia. The operator switched on the guidance radar only after the missile was launched at close range with no time for the crew to react or respond to the threat.
Sorry I misunderstood, I thought your situational awareness comment was in ref to the f117,
As far as guidance radar, I do not recall pechoras of that vintage having any loal capability, also i recall reading the serbian operator getting a lock after multiple attempts and launching two units after a confirmed lock, but I might be wrong.

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