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Pakistan's own Boko Haram?

No they don't. i don't want my taxes to be used for teaching all that.

Puts forward the utter non-sense argument of " Co - education resulting in prohibition of education for girls " and now stubbornly sticking with " more religion should be taught in schools/colleges " as if they are there for this purpose , even though except for Tafseer - both of Quran and Hadith are taught till University level in quite detail . Interested children can of course always acquire more knowledge of religion by other means - the best of which would be self-learning . An alarming and ever increasing number of Madaras are already teaching that and beyond .
Yeah; seriously.....
Which is why things are what they are and there seems to be LITTLE HOPE for any improvement.
Really, mark my words, 10 years later this kind of thing will keep on happening then and will keep on getting to be a subject of a thread here on PDF.

And I'll still not be bothered about it, while at least some of your country-men will HAVE to be. The sane ones remaining behind to face the "heat" that is. You seem to have made a quick "getaway" already, good for you.........

But that will not change the facts: the sheer complicity of the State and some People that have let matters turn out this way.

Were there people who knew better and could see through it ? Of course , there were , there always have been . What isn't clear is their number and influence and the determination of both things are required to understand how and why it couldn't be stopped . Though , what is done , is done and pondering over the past will not change that fact that radicalization and extremism has penetrated deep within and to a level alarming and the desperate situation , if not taken care of , will soon turn critical . What the solution is , I do not know . I do not even have any ideas left .
Were there people who knew better and could see through it ? Of course , there were , there always have been . What isn't clear is their number and influence and the determination of both things are required to understand how and why it couldn't be stopped . Though , what is done , is done and pondering over the past will not change that fact that radicalization and extremism has penetrated deep within and to a level alarming and the desperate situation , if not taken care of , will soon turn critical . What the solution is , I do not know . I do not even have any ideas left .

Please do not get so demoralised. You and your fellow country-men (the sane ones) are far more dynamic than that. And you are the true inheritors and descendants of the Quaid-e-Azam and his vision. Which was thrown into the dust by a bunch of "usurpers". This is the time to revive that vision.

And as @Irfan Baloch has very wisely stated (if I am not mistaken) earlier here; it will need a "hard reset". That will take an immense amount of determination and courage, but do not let that discourage you. The ability is still contained within your people. All it needs is a few good men to take charge and "lead the charge".
Yeah; seriously.....
Which is why things are what they are and there seems to be LITTLE HOPE for any improvement.
Really, mark my words, 10 years later this kind of thing will keep on happening then and will keep on getting to be a subject of a thread here on PDF.

And I'll still not be bothered about it, while at least some of your country-men will HAVE to be. The sane ones remaining behind to face the "heat" that is. You seem to have made a quick "getaway" already, good for you.........

But that will not change the facts: the sheer complicity of the State and some People that have let matters turn out this way.
The fact is simple you do not know the ground level situation
You do not know that most of these things happen to people from the rural parts
You dont know what the normal man feels
I have pointed out many reasons but you are hell bent on blaming the country and its people instead of the limited monsters that are flourishing due to the reasons I already mentioned....

Tell me how different are you from those who try to drill another with "their" ideas?
The fact is simple you do not know the ground level situation
You do not know that most of these things happen to people from the rural parts
You dont know what the normal man feels
I have pointed out many reasons but you are hell bent on blaming the country and its people instead of the limited monsters that are flourishing due to the reasons I already mentioned....

Tell me how different are you from those who try to drill another with "their" ideas?

First of all you have failed to comprehend: that I am least interested in changing your ideas or "un-brainwashing" you or whatever you are inclined to think about it. So I am not bothered to "drill" anything into anyone. People have to make their own choices, and then reap the benefits or suffer through the consequences of their choices. You are no exception to that rule.

Secondly in your anxiety to gloss over some facts; you have chosen to misrepresent some Historical Facts.

Thirdly, if you look around you where you live (in Singapore, probably) you will understand how both the State and the People carry a responsibility to make effective and positive changes possible. Then contrast that with the situation existent in the country that you hail from. Then the point that I made about the respective roles of State and People there will be self-evident and self-explanatory.
Good Luck in that exercise.
First of all you have failed to comprehend: that I am least interested in changing your ideas or "un-brainwashing" you or whatever you are inclined to think about it. So I am not bothered to "drill" anything into anyone. People have to make their own choices, and then reap the benefits or suffer through the consequences of their choices. You are no exception to that rule.

Secondly in your anxiety to gloss over some facts; you have chosen to misrepresent some Historical Facts.

Thirdly, if you look around you where you live (in Singapore, probably) you will understand how both the State and the People carry a responsibility to make effective and positive changes possible. Then contrast that with the situation existent in the country that you hail from. Then the point that I made about the respective roles of State and People there will be self-evident and self-explanatory.
Good Luck in that exercise.
Listen here....One thing I hate is people pretending they know it all and giving advises around!
I have never gone to an Indian thread and given you advice about India...

Next, you are comparing Pakistan with Singapore...That alone shows how much you know about ground reality! Plus this just shows how much you know and can apply...Every country, nation is different with different problems! I have shed light to the ones in Pakistan over in this thread and all over PDF...1 thing I do realize is Indians trying to make us think like them and act like they want us to act...we have different situations and people act based on situations...

I had agreed to many parts of what you said but you failed to add all my posts together to get the full story and ended up calling me whats the word ...kindly do remind me?

As for getting away, sane, heat all these show you are not interested in "discussing" but throwing trash!

When I discuss I never throw trash maybe I am better than you despite being from a background you call hostile!

Oh yea! 1 more thing...Ignoring the ground levels is the biggest mistake Indians make...

When you know not the ground levels how can you suggest solutions or even discuss on the issue?

Everytime I list the ground levels, the Indians on PDF go, ok but what about this (the very same point the discussion started with) its as thought they came with 1 point and even after 2-3 pages of discussion they are still stuck on that point and bent on making the other agree!

--Just my observation since 2012
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Puts forward the utter non-sense argument of " Co - education resulting in prohibition of education for girls " and now stubbornly sticking with " more religion should be taught in schools/colleges " as if they are there for this purpose , even though except for Tafseer - both of Quran and Hadith are taught till University level in quite detail . Interested children can of course always acquire more knowledge of religion by other means - the best of which would be self-learning . An alarming and ever increasing number of Madaras are already teaching that and beyond .
To me, if segregation costs money, even that shouldn't be funded. If coed is cheaper, let it be. I don't even wanna argue about the social aspect, honestly we need to teach our future men how respect their women and coed might help that. I know that in boys only schools it's no big deal to look at girls as meat rather than human beings.

Please do not get so demoralised. You and your fellow country-men (the sane ones) are far more dynamic than that. And you are the true inheritors and descendants of the Quaid-e-Azam and his vision. Which was thrown into the dust by a bunch of "usurpers". This is the time to revive that vision.

And as @Irfan Baloch has very wisely stated (if I am not mistaken) earlier here; it will need a "hard reset". That will take an immense amount of determination and courage, but do not let that discourage you. The ability is still contained within your people. All it needs is a few good men to take charge and "lead the charge".
Sometimes it feels like things can only get better, you see good people all around you. But then you realise that some loon in some distant village just had his 20th baby.
To me, if segregation costs money, even that shouldn't be funded. If coed is cheaper, let it be. I don't even wanna argue about the social aspect, honestly we need to teach our future men how respect their women and coed might help that. I know that in boys only schools it's no big deal to look at girls as meat rather than human beings.

Well the co'ed is cheaper works best . I have seen the effects of the " segregation " resulting in socially awkward and immature men later on , who cant even interact with the womankind or the ones you refer to , both sides of the extreme , you see .
Well the co'ed is cheaper works best . I have seen the effects of the " segregation " resulting in socially awkward and immature men later on , who cant even interact with the womankind or the ones you refer to , both sides of the extreme , you see .
I've been in both, back in the 6th grade a lot of kids started getting homo tendencies. Turned out straight a few years later.
But personally I can't say which is better, have some amazing memories in both cases :P
And how will that happen?

Sardars powers curtailed and their lands confiscated and distributed amongst the locals

Every dime that province produces spend back into its economy

Ultimatum to UAE and House of Saud pull your money or ?

Go after the extremist with shoot to kill policy

Spend billion on infrastructure and education.
Co Education is impacting negatively to education system in Pakistan Many Parents are now thinking of not sending girls to school we need to establish more separate education institutions for boys and girls from schools to PHD level Universities and also put Islamic education in it tafseer Hadees and other things other wise this hatred towards education will grow


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